"Are they walking?"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    DS and DD turned one on Sunday. They had a great first birthday party! They are both thriving and I love them to pieces.

    We are already getting the "are they walking?" question ALL THE TIME. Is this the official question to ask parents of one year olds? It was the same thing with crawling. DS crawled late and people were always asking me about it and it got on my nerves. I have a feeling DS might walk late, too. It's as if people think there's something wrong with your child if they are not walking at their first birthday. Did you/do you get this question a lot?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    yup - got it all the time. i'd just smile knowingly & say "not yet - thank goodness!" :laughing: try not to let it bother you. i think people are mostly just trying to make conversation. it's a bit inane, but i find myself doing it to other mothers. :blush:
  3. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    I had the same answer as Rachel 'Nope and not encouraging it either'. K took her first step on her birthday and J starting walking at 13 months. It is a pretty standard question though, I think they are just trying to make conversation and show an interest in your kiddos!
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    My boys walked at fifteen months and HOLY HECK did his (DH) family think that was WAYYYYYYYYY too late. They acted like I should keep them in the house until they could walk or something. It was bad. I just told them.. "How many adults never learned to walk?"


    Like water off a ducks back. :)
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Actually, I got the opposite (oddly enough). My DD was walking before 12 months and my DS did not walk until 14 months. We were doing things to encourage him to walk and someone made the comment, "Why would you do that? Then you'll have two kids walking!" :huh: Um, well since I cannot carry DS in a purse...he kind has to learn how to walk.
  6. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't get too frustrated. It's a conversation starter. I ask it all the time and people asked me all the time. All you have to do is give a simple yes or no answer if you're tired of it being asked. Hope you are enjoying your one year olds!
  7. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    We got it a lot too & it was frustrating. DS didn't start walking really well until 14 months, but DD waited until 16 months.
  8. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Thought it was just us that got that question lol Everyone asks all the time, there is a very noticeable difference in my girls so i was putting it down to that. By the sounds of it it's just one of those questions you always ask a lady with a baby? Ruby is still not bearing weight on her legs yet and is trying to figure out crawling so i'm assuming she will be a late walker also but Amber is cruising, i'm sure she will be walking pretty soon. Isn't upto 18mths within the "normal" range? My babies are like chalk and cheese and are the biggest proof that all children are different and will only do things when they are ready to. I try not to let some of the nosy and inconsiderate peoples comments and questions effect me anymore, it's not worth the extra worry.
    I'm glad to here that Lrogan and Charlotte are coming on a treat!
  9. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    that's what i've heard. :good:
  10. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    It is such a broad range isn't it i can see why people fret.
  11. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    I agree with everyone...I got that question (with some disappointing looks from folks), especially since my girls didn't walk until 17 months! I just let it go...now, I constantly get asked "Are they talking"? People need to talk about something!
  12. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Yep! I try to ask people, "So what is your LO up to?" rather than "Are they ____ yet?" because I know that if they're slower developers, it's a bummer to have to say "No" all the time rather than being able to talk about what they are doing.
    Will has been crawling on all fours and cruising since 10 months and standing unassisted since 11 months. I think he'll be walking within the next month or two.
    Alex on the other hand just started pulling up over Christmas and just started crawling on all fours on New Year's Eve, so it will be a while!
    FWIW, my pedi said that babies who start walking later usually end up with a lot less bumps and bruises, because they usually take their time and develop their strength and balance better before they start trying.
  13. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    Just a comment on walking. My boys had chronic ear infections. They had tubes put in at 13 months and only one was walking, 5 steps if that. Hours after their tube surgery (on a Wed), he started walking 30-40 steps and by the weekend, the boy who wasn't walking was doing 30-40 steps. I think the fluid build-up just compromised their equilibrium and they couldn't walk.

    And I love having walkers! I don't have to get the double stroller out to take them into daycare. I practiced all summer long to get them to walk holding my hands and now this winter, they do awesome! No stopping and sitting on the sidewalk. One stands nicely on the sidewalk while I unbuckle the other one. They know they MUST hold my hand when we walk - it was a lot of practice but it's so worth it not having to push that stroller over snowy curbs.
  14. Obie9

    Obie9 Well-Known Member

    Our daughter only started crawling recently, and I felt that I had to "warn" other people that she couldn't crawl before they would bring it up.
  15. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    Surprisingly i have not really had that question posed to me..probably b/c i always keep family/friends updated with their progress...My one son cruised the furniture around 10 mos, was walking on his own by 11 mos. the 2nd son cruised the furniture by 11 mos and still is not walking on his own yet...every baby is different, when they are ready they will let you know...I do encourage him to walk but i do NOT push him into it...
  16. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    (I couldn't find the slapping floor post, but this way great!)

    THanks for posting this, I get it alot aswell. Ryan is started walking a little after 12mths and Christopher has yet too. He's just not interested, I figure he will when he's ready (when I get worried, which I do, this is what I keep telling myself) and my pedi isn't worried.
  17. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    I get asked if my two are walking all the time! It's a common question I think because walking is the big milestone for 12 month olds. Mine are 13 months and not walking. My oldest DS didn't walk until 13 months 1 week old. He was too busy trying to talk. Our ped told us not to worry about it that babies start walking between the age of 9-18 months. Hopefully, we will have two walkers before 18 months LOL!! but I am most certain Kelsey won't walk until the later because she didn't start crawling and pulling up until the day after their first birthday, my lil lazy girl :laughing:
  18. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I had one walking at 13 months and the other close to 18 months. It never stops, next the questions will be are they reading, counting, driving, accepted to Harvard! That was my joke when people would say "MY baby was walking at 10 months", I would say "great! I guess you'd better start saving for Harvard!" hee hee
  19. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member


    I laughed at your post because Yes that is what evryone asks and also my DD still isnt "officially" walking. Its actually quit funny, she walks on her knees! The other thing she does is use this push toy as her walker. She is almost 15mo and this is how she gets around. She has been taking 5-6 steps on her own so Im not worried, but it sure is funny! My DS on the other hand was walking at 11mo.

    I took her to visit a friend at work today and the whole office came around their desks to see her walk around on her knees! All I hear is "I've never seen a kid do that before!"
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