normal weight gain and daily calories for twin pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by healer27, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. healer27

    healer27 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone I'm 14 weeks along with momo twins, just found on on 12/23 i'm having twins. I've already gained 7lbs and my stomache at the end of the day is the size i was 5-6 months along in my first pregnancy.. Is this normal or is this too much weight gain already??? also, how many calories should you be eating for a twin pregnancy?
  2. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Depends on who you ask about calorie intake with twins...but I think a good guideline is 300 extra calories per baby. I think normal twin weight gain is 35-50 pounds, so 7 lbs in 14 weeks doesn't sound too bad to me! Get used to feeling ENORMOUS! I couldn't believe how big I got and how fast! Two babies take up A LOT more room, especially if you've already been 'stretched' by a subsequent pregnancy!
  3. healer27

    healer27 Well-Known Member

    HI yes, I do already feel enormous and I'm only 14 weeks!!!

  4. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    Try not to focus on "how many" calories, but what you are eating. Make sure you are eating healthy and getting exercise, while you still can. I think the guideline is around 40ish pounds total, but varies from person to person. I've only gained 18 lbs and my doctor is fine with that because the babies have consistently measured ahead, and have maintained a steady growth. (Ironically I gained probably 30+ lbs with my dd, and now I can't seem to gain at all) So all in all, listen to your doctor and focus on healthy eating rather than the actual calories. Good luck with everything!!!
  5. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    I followed Barbara Luke's plan from her book "When you are expecting twins, triplets, and more" - it was recommended by my MFM practice. She has you gain a lot of weight in your first 20 weeks - for me it was only 20 pounds by 20 weeks, but for some skinny minis, it's even more. I am almost 36 weeks and have gained about 38 lbs. I didn't focus on calories, but I must say that I have essentially eaten whatever I want in this pregnancy. Luckily my cravings are for weird things like fruit parfaits rather than brownies... ;)
  6. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I am 18 weeks and have just now hit my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost about 13 lbs in my first trimester due to hyperemesis and even though I still haven't really gained any extra weight, I look about 6 or 7 months pregnant. People are shocked to hear that I'm only 4 1/2 months.

    I'd what you like within reason. Try to eat a lot of the different food groups and make sure that you get a nice variety. And good luck, Momma!
  7. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Like another women mentioned, I didn't gain ANY weight in my first trimester due to hyperemesis. I was FINALLY up 10 lbs by 22 weeks. Now I actually have an appetite and am letting myself put on the extra pounds since I know it's good for the babies and I'll be getting to0 big to eat normal-sized meals soon enough anyway! Despite my struggle to gain weight, the babies have looked great. I try to push dairy and protein as much as I can (even though I usually crave SWEETS instead, lol!).
  8. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    My MFM doc said that btw 35 and 50 lbs is acceptable if you were normal weight to begin with. I'm 35w and have gained 43 pounds. In the last 4 to 6 weeks, I've hardly gained at all and have not gained in the last 2 weeks. I gained lots btw 15 and 27 weeks, I was started to get worried thinking that i would gain 100 pounds if I continued on that pace, but my appetite hugely subsided by 27 weeks and now I eat far less cause I'm not that hungery anymore. Try to get lots of protien cause it helps with the babies growth....
    Good luck and congrats on your twins...
  9. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    I'm 32 weeks & have only gained 16 lbs. I had significantly change my diet before getting pregnant to an organic lifestyle. The babies are growing well & always measure what they should (Baby B measures a week ahead!), so my OB is not concerned about my lack of weight gain. It seems that the babies are gaining the weight I'm losing & it's balancing each other out. I'm wondering if I'll gain more weight now that I'm in the 3rd trimester.
  10. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I ate according to the principles in this book & found it to be VERY helpful. I had some cervix shortening, but never a contraction until my water broke at 37w 5d. I highly recommend this book. I gained 70 lbs with the pregnancy. Lost 50 in the hospital (SWELLING- it was August & September, after all)- 10 more in the first month and am back in my regular clothes currently- have been for a couple of months, in fact. (Although some shirts may never fit again- I'm breastfeeding & HUGE). So don't worry that you will gain TOO much- after all that weight, my little baby was slightly small for gestational age. If I hadn't eaten all that ice cream/fettuccine alfredo/all the beef I could stand!, I shudder to think what he would have been born at.
  11. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    Definitely don't worry about counting calories. I just ate what I want. I have read that its best to gain 25 pounds by 25 weeks, but I only had gained 1 pound by 22 weeks because I had horrible morning sickness and my babies were measuring ahead. Just never let yourself go hungry and eat well. Congrats on your pregnancy!
  12. melissa8

    melissa8 Member

    I was a little underweight (112 lb at my first prenatal visit) and gained 60 pounds by eating 2500 calories a day. Babies were born yesterday at 37.5 by scheduled c-section, and weighed just under 6 pounds each.
  13. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    I don't think that there is a "correct" amount of weight to gain and when to gain it. If you are concerned, talk to your doctor. I am sure she/he can help you figure out if you are gaining an unhealthy amount too quickly. Be prepared, however, to hear that the weight gain is just what your body needs. If it makes you feel better I'm 21 weeks and have gained 30+ pounds so far. Some weeks I have gained 2 pounds! While the weight gain initially terrified me, my doctor (who is a long-time family friend and who would be completely honest) says I am doing great and she has no concerns about my big increase. I figure I will burn it all off when the twins really get moving and one goes right, while the other goes left. Good luck to you!
  14. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    At my last weigh in, I had only gained about 5kg. Two weeks before that, I had only gained about 2kg!
    Having said that though, babies are a great size and I look about 9 months already so what I haven't gained personally must be going to them.

    I felt sick on and off for the 1st 15 weeks and still don't eat as much as before pregnancy. Amazingly I seem to want to eat healthier. When I eat junk, I don't eat as much either. I was about15kg overweight prepregnancy anyway, so I'm not concerned about my weight gains.
    Interestingly with my previous 2 single pregnancies, I gained around 30kg bothtimes!
    It remains to be seen how much I gain overall this time!
  15. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    My doctors advice was: eat whatever you want, when you are hungry, eat extra food with iron in it, try not to eat too much salt, drink as many fluids as you can, if you can eat healthy do it but don't stress over it.

    This is what I do. I have gained just under 20 pounds in 29 weeks but was overweight to begin with. The babies are healthy and doing great.
  16. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i think by the time i was 14 weeks pregnant i had already gained like just kept piling on and on and eventually tappered off. a lot of woman around here only gained around 35-40lbs, i put on 50! but...i had pre-eclampsia towards my 7th month and started retaining a TON of water and started swelling up real bad so i put on even more weight.

    every pregnancy is different. if your doctors aren't concerned about your gain, or lack thereof, and your babies are growing than don't worry about it!

    enjoy those cravings...this is your one free! you'll loose the weight once the babies come out, no worries!

    i was 143lbs, 5'9" tall and was 200lbs (give or take) when i delivered. 4 months after delivery i was don't worry about it :D
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