Night time potty training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AimeeThomp, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How do you do this? I have one who is just starting to use the potty but my other one is using it 99% of the time during the day. She stays dry for naps most of the time too. So how do you encourage them to use the potty at night? I don't think they wake up in the night. Is waking in the night to potty something that comes as they get older? Or do you just put panties on them and see what happens? I don't want to set them up for failure but I want to encourage them to use the potty at night.

    I noticed that this morning neither of their diapers was very yet. I don't know if they didn't have enough to drink yesterday or if they are holding it or what. They both used the potty as soon as they woke up.
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    For us, as soon as one day trained, he night trained. The other one day trained at 3 but still wear a pull up at night. As far as night goes, I think you just wait until they are ready on their own.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    But how do you know if they are ready? They tell you they don't want to wear a diaper at night?
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I waited until they were dry in the morning for a few days in a row and then just took them out of diapers and put on underwear. For Derek and Leah, once they were day trained, they rarely had or have accidents at night. Tyler still wears a pull-up at night.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :rofl: Love the giraffe in the avi. :lol:

    My kids have all been so different re: night training.

    With Hannah, I just put her in undies, and she stayed dry.
    Justin, same thing, but he had accidents every once in awhile for quite some time.
    Josh, finally at 4, he was still waking up wet, and I knew he could do it, so I just stopped putting pull-ups on him, and he was trained.
    The twins are still not night trained, although Emma has been waking up dry, and asking to go to the potty first thing, so I think she is on her way.

    I think that yours sound like they are close if they are waking up dry and asking to use the potty first thing. Really, all you can do is give it a shot, and see how it goes.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Once day training was down I started on night. Both girls were always waking up dry, so I just stuck undies on them and went from there. Allison immediately stayed dry all the time, Sarah..not so much. So, I went to pullups with Sarah. It actually took Sarah quite some time to stay dry at night..several months past Allison, but ever so often I would attempt undies with Sarah and see how she did. I also kept a potty in their room so if they needed to get up in the middle of the night and pee they could, and they did use it some, of course they would often call for me, but it was a good transition for them. We had accidents from time to time, but I also think that sometimes accidents helps them to understand what the urge feels like at night as well.
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I waited until they woke up dry for 2 weeks straight. One of my DD's trained at 2 1/2, but she wore pull ups at night for another 9 months after that. The other trained at 3y4m, but when she trained, she trained day and night and never had another wet diaper at night.

    Neither one get up in the night to go potty. They go right before bed, and we make them go first thing in the morning. They'd hold it a couple hours longer in the morning if we let them. I can't honestly remember the last time they had a nighttime accident. It's been at least 4 months.
  8. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Oh...For the one that is trained at night....I guess he was pretty much from the beginning but I did not know that. I put a pull up on him and I finally noticed that morning after morning, he was dry and I realized I was wasting a ton of pull ups on him and then went to underpants from that point on.

    Maybe do a pull up at night instead of a diaper.
  9. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    This may be a very dumb question, but why a pullup rather than a diaper? I haven't really looked at pullups much so maybe I'm missing something... is there an advantage? Thanks!
  10. hezza12

    hezza12 Well-Known Member

    We did pull-ups over underpants once they were day-trained. That way they could tell when they were wet, but I didn't have to change their sheets a thousand times. After three nights of being dry, we went undies-only. It took about a week, for one son, and slightly longer for the second. My one son regressed after a couple of months (woke up wet a few nights in a row) so we brought out the pull-ups again for about a week, for him.
    I think if they'd been soaking through every night for longer than a week we would have done pull-ups only (since then it would seem their bladders weren't ready to make it through the night), but luckily it didn't come to that!
  11. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Emma was night trained within 2 weeks of being day trained. She woke up dry day after day so I put her in undies and she has never had an accident since. She doesn't get up to go pee, she just waits until the morning to go. She's a stinkin' camel!!

    We have a long way to go with Lauren. She will wet the bed if she naps for more than 2.5 hours so I know there's no way she is ready to go overnight and I'm not getting up every 2 hours to take her to the bathroom. :nea:

    I asked the pedi about Lauren when we went for their 3 year checkup. He said night training really isn't something you can train. If their bladders are ready they are ready. Otherwise, wait until they are waking up dry.

    I don't think there's an advantage per se, but I went with pullups for training because it's more like underwear than a diaper since you pull them on and off. I told them they were paper underwear to catch their drips (thanks Heather ;) ) and they shouldn't be peeing in them like a diaper. It made them realize they should be going on the potty even if they had a pullup on.
  12. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I'm dealing with this now with my Conner. Aiden went a good week where he was dry every morning, but now he's wet every morning. Conner has been dry the past week. Both boys pee RIGHT before bed & then immediately in the morning (they don't want to wear their diapers another second anyway, so they pee right away for that reason & because they have to). Their morning diapers are significantly less wet than when they were little (Aiden would blow out of an overnight diaper!), so I know we've made progress.

    I switched to Pull Ups with Conner because he'll sometimes wake in the early morning & call out that he has to go potty. It's much easier for me to take him with the Pull Ups & put him back to bed than when I had to get his diaper on/off. As soon as our diapers are gone, I'll go to Pull Ups for both boys. The perk with either is that if they're dry in the morning, we let them use the same dry diaper/Pull Up the next night (or nights).

    Our Ped said you cannot TRAIN a child at night. It comes with maturity of the bladder. He did say after a few days of staying dry, we could try underwear & see how they do. Accidents MAY help them realize when they need to get up & pee at night (or hold it), but it may also set them back. You never know. So, since I can reuse the Pull Ups, I'm continuing with those for a while. Plus, I DREAD the thought of changing beds in the middle of the night......

    Oh, I forgot to add, Aiden's been day trained without accidents for about 2.5 mos & Conner about 1.5-2 mos (he had a LOT of accidents at first). So, for us, day & night did not go hand in hand.
  13. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well I've been paying attention and they have not ever woken up in the morning completely dry, so I don't think they are ready right now. Now I know what to look for though.
  14. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy actually night trained Before she day trained! Jazz we are still working on
  15. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I've also heard that you can't really "train" the nighttime/naptime potty training. Addie has been PT for about a month now, but we have her in a pullup at nap and diaper at night. If she falls asleep during naptime, she always has a wet pullup. She also consistently wets her diaper overnight. When I notice consistent dry pullups/diapers, I will try undies. But before then, I don't want to be changing sheets several times a night.

    I've read that you can sometimes push night training along by waking the child to go potty before you go to bed and again several hours before they usually wake up. To me, that does not sound pleasant. My kids are grumpy if I wake them up in the middle of the night! I'd rather keep them in diapers for awhile longer than do that.

    I do like using a pullup for naps because I can see when she's gone pee, even if it's just a little bit. We use the pullups that have the "fading" design when it gets wet.
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