What did the tooth fairy bring?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MarchI, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I know I don't have older twins but my 5 year old is starting to have loose teeth. I need inexpensive ideas because I don't want to set a precedent since in 5 years, there will be two of them.
  2. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I go overboard with the tooth fairy - some parts are expensive & some are virtually free. Of course, the free things are what the girls loved the most! I give three gold coins - I found a dozen Sacagewea dollars from 2004(their birth year) that were in really mint, shiny gold condition. (I just found a bunch of the new US dollar coins that are brand new to use in the future). I gave Bella - the twin who lost the tooth - three gold coins....one to spend, one to save, one to give to charity. I rolled the coins edges in glue, then in pink glitter to gussy them up. I used a small brush & painted tiny footprints coming into the girls' bedroom window on the windowsill - I dusted the glue with fine lavender glitter - voila! fairy foot prints! I dusted the glitter/fairy dust on the headboard of their beds, & placed a sprinkling under their pillows. I placed new toothbrushes & toothpaste under both of their pillows. I took pretty paper from my scrapbooking stuff & created a letter for both girls. I decorated the letters with glitter, rolled them like scrolls & placed them under the pillows. I bought them each a toy - the MLP Starsong that sings & talks (luckily they were on sale that day!), sprinkled the box with glitter & placed it under their beds.

    The best part....I found a video on YouTube of "The Fairies" - a TV show from Australia featuring "Twinkle The Toothfairy" singing & dancing. It was an absolutely ADORABLE video. After the girls were asleep, I took a bunch of photos of "Twinkle" from my laptop screen - it took a lot of experimenting with light, a lots of shots & some luck to be able to capture a picture that looked like the tooth fairy was turning & flying away. I printed out the picture & told the girls an elaborate tale of hearing the tooth fairy's tinkling laughter, sneaking into their room & getting a photo as she flew out their window. I spent at least 2 hours working on that photo....but the girls' reaction was priceless & they truly believe "Mommy saw the Tooth Fairy!"

    Their favorite things: the photo of the Tooth Fairy, the glitter footprints, the letters from the Tooth Fairy & the glitter under their pillow. They liked the toy & the coins.....but they were definitely less exciting than the proof the Tooth Fairy had been there.

    Good luck!
  3. mommyto3girls

    mommyto3girls Well-Known Member

    My girls each received 5 gold dollars for the first tooth that they lost. After that they each get 1 gold dollar.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The tooth fairy here brings $2 for the first tooth lost and then $1 for each tooth lost after that. :good:
  5. Haley'sHope

    Haley'sHope Well-Known Member

    the tooth fairy brings $10 for each tooth lost. i felt like this was a bit much, but my husband is a dentist so them losing teeth was a huge deal for him, so i went along. the day that they each lost their first teeth we made a big deal and took pictures of the one that lost the tooth alone, with each of us, and of the new smile & that child got to pick what we would have for dinner that night.
  6. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    Only one of mine has lost a tooth, and he got $6 since it was his first. It will probably be $2 for other teeth, but I guess only time will tell what we decide then.
  7. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    The Toothfairy bring money here. Isabel got $5 for her 1st tooth and $2 each for the next two. She's getting ready to lose another one, so thanks for the reminder that I better have some cash on hand.
  8. Dani Boyle

    Dani Boyle Well-Known Member

    Maddie is the only one that has lost any teeth yet, but it is $1.00 for each tooth. Connor will get the same when he starts losing his.
  9. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I always get a giggle when I think of my oldest dd's letter to the Tooth Fairy regarding her second lost tooth. The tooth fairy was way, way, way generous when she lost her first tooth because she was saving to buy a ball python snake & she needed $70 dollars to make her goal. I started almost immediately preparing her for the fact that the subsequent teeth only get a few dollars. This did not seem fair to my DD. When I went to place the money under her pillow & retrieve her second lost tooth, I found an envelope instead of the Tooth Fairy pillow I was expecting. Jessica had taken a pink envelope, placed her tooth inside & wrote on the outside:

    Dear Tooth Fairy,
    Please leave me at least 20 bucks!
    If you do not leave me at least 20 bucks,
    I will be MAD.
    So mad I'll shout out loud!

    23 years later...I still have that envelope.
  10. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I wanted to post the link to the "Twinkle The Tooth Fairy" video on YouTube. My girls loved it & they were very excited to see how pretty the Tooth Fairy is!

  11. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Oh that is priceless! LOL
  12. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    $1/tooth. Nothing extra the first time.
  13. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    $1 a tooth. Nothing fancy from our tooth fairy.

    And the tooth fairly will be visiting tonight. Annie pulled out a tooth this afternoon! :yahoo:
  14. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Jon lost one today as well. Here the tooth fairy leaves $5 for each tooth, usually in $1 coins. DH wanted to give one for the first, $2 for the second, etc, not thinking that there were 20 total teeth! So, $5 a tooth is his compromise.
  15. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    $1 per tooth but as they got older my dd got $1.50 for the bigger teeth (molars)

    yeah Annie!!!
  16. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We do $1 per tooth and for the molars it was $2. I'm not creative so that's about it for us.
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