Got an answer to my belly button woes

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by evemomma, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    So I posted a question on here a week or so ago about how much my belly button was hurting, along with the a huge diameter around it. Then this week I noticed I had numb patches on my stomach too...weird but honestly was just happy with numbness vs. pain!

    So I saw my peri earlier this week, and he said the pain is not my belly button popping it's called 'diastasis recti' (sp?) and is when your ab muscles rip apart down the middle. The numbness is the resulting nerve damage! It usually heals after pregnancy, but as others have mentioned, sometimes leads to hernias which need repaired.

    I NEVER had anything like this with my singleton. Does every twin mom experience this? I actually felt a little more legitamized telling my dh that all my discomfort actually had a cause vs. me just being a whiner, so that was good. Scared of what's going to happen to the abs once these babies are out though!
  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have it. I'd actually just prefer the umbilical hernia! It sounds like a lot of people's on here did go away. Mine did not and I have a 2 finger-width, permanent gap (unless I have surgery to repair it). It causes my intestines to bulge out and gives me a little pooch. If it wasn't for that I think my body would have gone back to normal after having the twins. I would just make sure you get the correct advice on how to take care of it post partum. A lot of OB's tell you just do situps, but that isn't always correct. If the separation is too big, situps can do more damage. Doing more core work and focusing on the innermost muscles will help strengthen the muscles, and give the appearance that it is healed, even if the separation doesn't completely go back together (at least that's what I was told by my physical therapist.) Some people use a belly band which might help? I never did so I'm not sure if it works. But looking back, I wish I had known. I would have tried anything to not have ended up with the permanent separation.

    At least you know what it is now. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that will heal on it's own.
  3. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    You can get Diastasis Recti even in a singleton pregnancy. It's certainly sore (so you're not imagining things!!!) and will require you to do some extra abs workouts once it heals and the doc gives you the go ahead. If you can see a physical therapist with experience in this once it's safe to exercise. They can really help you get a home exercise program to help you.

    Take it easy, make sure you log roll when sitting up rather than straight up (stresses your abs more).

    Happy holidays to you!!

  4. MsTasha

    MsTasha Well-Known Member

    Dr. Oz talked about this on the View a few weeks ago and he said a postpartum belly band does help get the muscles to close back up. I tried looking for a transcript with no luck, but you may be able to find more info somewhere on his site. I hope you feel better soon and it goes away quickly after they are born!
  5. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    I managed to get a hernia with my last singleton pregnancy which was a pain in the neck (and the stomach) but it has gotten even worse with this pregnancy. I am at 28 weeks and it has now doubled in size. I hate to think what it will be like by the end. Im still waiting for my referral to go and get a hernia support band. It's so big that people now ask me if it's one of the twins pushing out a leg!!! Ohh the joys of pregnancy! :nea:
  6. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    I had a horrible umbilical hernia during my pregnancy. I actually have had the darn thing repaired twice only to have it come back right after. The only was for me to get rid of it is to have my muscles sewed back together (which they consider consmetic) to get it to go away. After the horrible healing time last surgery I decided that I will just wait until I can afford to have the plastic surgery before I go under the knife again.
  7. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I had 2 fingers after my first, and now I have more than 3 (5-6 cm, so a little over 2"). I'll have surgery on 1/7 to repair the vertical abdominal hernia as it's called, and it will include a tummy tuck as well (removing access skin and fat), because after repairing there will be more excess skin left. I've waited almost 3 years to find out, and my situation was getting worse. I have daily lower back pain (most likely due to weak abdominal muscles). I've been told by physiotherapists and the surgeon that this kind of gap won't repair itself, and hence the surgery, which luckily is fully covered here in HK. I had 2 friends who had it done (also with twin pregnancies, one had singleton then twins 15 months apart and ended up with 7 cm = 2 1/2 inches; the other one 2 twin pregnancies within 14 months and had a hernia the size of a fist). Both have recovered well and have no more back pain! So that's what I am hoping for too!
  8. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for everyone's replies! I am horrified to find out that this surgery is considered 'cosemetic' in the US....what a rip-off! I'm hoping that by knowing about it ALREADY, I'll be able to help mine heal up through the use of physical therapy and a binding band after the twins' birth.
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I heard in most countries it's cosmetic. I really wasn't expecting to get 100% covered in a private hospital. I've heard it's quite different elsewhere.
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