Question about your 3 to 4 month olds....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    What time do you put them to sleep for the night?

    How many times do your sweat pea's wake during the night? What times? Do you feed then or Rock or paci?

    What time do they wake for the day?

  2. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    At that age, my DD was sleeping through the night and my DS was not. We put them down between 7 and 7:30 (now it's 6:30 once we realized how tired they were by 7)and DS was up once a night usually between 3 and 4:30. So we'd feed him, change him, rock him and he'd go back to sleep for a couple more hours. They were both taking 5 ounces, 7 times a day and once he started eating 6 ounces at each feeding, he started sleeping through the night. They were then both up around 7.
  3. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    My twins are 3.5 months old. They are down for the night between 8 and 9 p.m. (I'd like for it to be earlier, but we also have a toddler and pre-schooler to put down first).

    Mine sleep through from bedtime to 7 a.m. or so.
  4. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Mine go to sleep about 8:00 and sleep until about 7:00 am with two wakings to eat, usually around 12:00 and then again around 4:00. The stretches between the night wakings have been gradually getting longer over time. When they wake up I feed them and they typically go right back to sleep without any extra effort. We have a sleep sounds recording that we play for them, so during their night wakings I restart that, which seems to help them drift back off to sleep. Every now and then we have a rough night where they wake more often, but this is tapering off as they get older.
  5. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    My boys are going to bed around 7 and sleep until 6.30 with one or two feedings. It depends on the night.
    One takes 6oz the other takes 5.5oz 6-7 times a day.
    When they wake to eat at midnight they go right back to sleep. At the 4 am feeding they one needs a little encouragement to fall back asleep.
  6. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    What time do you put them to sleep for the night? We start bedtime routine at 7pm we do bath, massage and bottle, burp and down for bed. They are usually in their cribs around 8pm.

    How many times do your sweat pea's wake during the night? What times?
    Matthew wakes up once, its anywhere between 2.30 and 3.30am. Brandon on the other hand, wakes up twice around 11 and midnight and 2.30 and 3.30am.
    Do you feed then or Rock or paci? We feed them.
    What time do they wake for the day? Between 6.30 and 7.15 :)
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine would go down around 11 or so for the night. At 3 months they started going 5-6 hrs at night, so getting up around 4-5am for a bottle, then back to bed until 8am for another bottle, and sometimes even back to bed after that until 10-11am. By 4 months they were going closer to 10 hrs at night, getting up around 8-9 for a bottle and then back to bed until 10-11am.

    What I do is try to give them their paci when they wake up. If they immediately spit it out and fuss/cry then I go ahead and feed them. If they go back to sleep, fantastic. It's how I would stretch out the night feedings, by pushing them just a little bit each time. Even if they only sleep 15-30 mins each night, over a week it's pushed the feeding back a couple hours or so!

    How are the babies doing with sleeping?? Did sleep training help yet? I hope they are finally getting on a schedule together!! :hug:
  8. opalbarb

    opalbarb Well-Known Member

    Mine just turned 4 months last week. We don't put them down until around 11 PM. The last 2 nights we've tried to put them down at 8, it hasn't really worked though. But we'll keep trying! So, to bed at 11. They usually then sleep through until 7:30 or 8 AM. Sometimes my son will wake around 5 AM, if he does my husband usually gives him about 4 oz of formula and then he'll go back to sleep. But I'd say 3 nights out of 4, they sleep through!

    Mine have never really taken to the paci, they will only take it if they are hungry and if so, it really only just stalls them for a minute until we have to feed them.
  9. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    We are very similar to the poster above, babies go down after a feed anywhere between 10:30 or 11. They usually sleep til anywhere between 5 and 7 for a feed and then back down til I usually wake them around 9:30 but sometimes if I let them they'll sleep even later. They usually go right back to sleep without any issue, sometimes with pacis and sometimes not. I find sometimes they don't want a paci right after they finish feeding. I am hoping to establish an earlier bedtime for mine soon, more around 9 to 9:30 ish so we can have a few minutes to ourselves at night. ;)
  10. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    What time do you put them to sleep for the night?

    thre last feed is at 9pm and they always sleep through the night.

    How many times do your sweat pea's wake during the night? What times? Do you feed then or Rock or paci?

    they don;t, i've got the monitor right next to my ear, thet have descovered thumbs abd perfer then over pacis any day of the week, if they fuss in the middle of the night while sleeping they soothe thenselves right back to sleep with that thunb if theres,

    What time do they wake for the day?

    generally arround 6am but today i got up WAY to early (sorry for all the typos), i'm getting ready to feed them and go back to bed.
  11. RG215

    RG215 Well-Known Member

    Mine are a little older now, but at that time we were still putting them down at 7:30 at the's now closer to 7 (at 5.5 months).

    DD would sleep straight through until anywhere from 7:30 to 9:00 the next morning, with a dreamfeed at 5 (but only because my DH is up for work). My DS wakes up more often but he just wakes up to wake up, he never eats. For a while we were giving him his paci but now we're trying to see if he will self soothe letting him for fuss for 10 minutes. Each night is different but he is getting better and usually only wakes up once (around 1). However, in the morning he is up closer to 7 or 7:30.

    When I do have to soothe him, I try to not pick him up. Instead I rub his head with one had and put my other hand on his back, this seems to work.

    Good luck!
  12. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Mine go to sleep betwen 630 and 7pm. We feed them, then put them in their crib to go to sleep. I dream feed at 10pm and some nights they wake at 3am and for the past 3 nights, they have slept through until 630 am.
  13. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    What time do you put them to sleep for the night?
    There were in bed for the night between 6:30 and 7pm
    How many times do your sweat pea's wake during the night? What times? Do you feed then or Rock or paci?
    They may have woken up once at night, but they were STTN at 9 weeks. They were always in their cribs, in their room from day one. I do not use a paci nor do I rock them. If they are tired, they go into their cribs completely awake. I have done that from day one too.
    What time do they wake for the day?
  14. jwoolf

    jwoolf Member

    My 3 month twins are on a really similar schedule, but they go down more around 7pm. We're going to start trying to push the 12am this weekend so they are down to one feeding per night.
  15. faustjena

    faustjena Well-Known Member

    What time do you put them to sleep for the night? 7:00 always

    How many times do your sweat pea's wake during the night? They sleep through the night until around 8 am

    They eat 5 times a day 7 or 8 oz per feeding. last bottle at 6:30

    I'm crazy with my routine and it pays off! Good luck :)
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