20% Size Difference At 20 Week U/S

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by XpectingTwins222, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. XpectingTwins222

    XpectingTwins222 Well-Known Member

    I just had my 20 week U/S and baby A is 11 oz while baby B is 14 oz. This is a 20% size difference, but is it serious this early? I understand when you're talking 20% that sounsds like a lot but when you say 3 oz. that doesn't seem like much. Baby A also has less fluid around than baby B does (and a smaller bladder). My next U/S is a week away now so next Friday I will know more. I'm drinking ensure and eating extra protein also now so hopefully that will help.
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Are the modi or didi. It would depend on werther its just iugr or ttts or just them being frat
  3. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    pp is right on. If they are not mono di then I would not be overly concerned. If they are then that can be serious this early. Did your doc mention ttts?
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Twenty percent in mono-di twins IS the time when the red flag goes up. If they are di di then it's probably not AS big of a deal.

    Either way, you should be seeing a Perinatologist at this pt. Try to make an appt. If the doc didn't mention "here's what we're doing next.." (Maybe he did?) Then you need to find a different doctor who knows how to take action.

  5. XpectingTwins222

    XpectingTwins222 Well-Known Member

    I'm only seeing a peri anyways so that isn't a concern. Unfortunately they are mono-di. All she really said was that sometimes one baby can start stealing from another and we had to watch out for that. She said laser surgery may be needed later on but didn't go into detail about that. Other than that she said to lay down a lot more so baby A can get better blood flow and to start eating protein bars and drinking ensure. I have heard stories where the gap has increased from there on out and I am hoping that the gap grows smaller. Does anyone know if this is probable or does the difference generally get worse? It seems like Fridays still so far away. I should have asked the Dr. more questions than I did.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls both had velmentous cord insertion which cases slow growth and Jessy had a 2 vessel cord which caused her to have IUGR. Laser surgery would be for TTTS. This is a possiblity since they are monodi. I was on full bed rest on my left side with ensure one or twice a day. In my case the size gap got worse but I have know of people who with bed rest it did get better. I was going to the high risk doc twice a week for u/s to makre sure everything was okay....oh and we didn't even know it was twins till 24 weeks so no monitoring before then
  7. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    With rest and boost my boys condition improved. I never needed the laser procedure ( I was evaluated at CHOP.) We stayed in stage 1 from 20 weeks to 34 weeks. Good luck to you and I will say a prayer.
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