Want to get out more

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Specky, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Ok, I really want to take my boys out more were they can interact with others. We brought them to the doctors office the other day and they had a blast!! (ironic huh!)

    So I was thinking about taking them to the library on saturday...but i have no idea what the set up is. They are into EVERYTHING and they are fighting really bad! I'm not sure I want to take them in public bymyself...which is really my only option this weekend...

    how do you guys do it? I guess I'm fairly shy and don't like a whole lot of attention (which I recognize I'll need to get over!)

    I wish there were some indoor play gyms around where it would be expected to 'get into everything'!

    ETA: I just called my local library...they have a kids room, but they thought if my kids were going to tear the books it might not be a good idea to bring them. This is what I was so afraid of. Of course they are going to get into the books! I don't want to chase them around saying "no,, don't touch, no, we don't tear...blah blah blah...

  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Same deal here. We go out, but it's usually for errands or groceries, as there is absolutely no place around here where you can let the kids run around... And now I'm trying to save money so I haven't taken them out in 10 days.
  3. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I would just try it once and see how it goes. My kids love books, but they didn't even pay attention to them at the library. The kids room in our library is filled with puzzles, toys, and a train table. They had lots of fun playing with "new" toys and they surprised me by not running off.

    I still believe that the more you do it, the better and easier it gets. It helps them learn to listen in different situations. But I'm sad to say I haven't been following my own advice lately, as taking them out in this weather is just a pain. And I'm always afraid of them getting sick so I cringe at the idea of them playing with public books and toys and then putting their hands in their mouths (which they still do all the time). I was better about it when it wasn't flu season. I know, I know, they need to get sick and be exposed to germs...I'm working on it!
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We don't go out a lot but I do every chance I get! I was really nervous at first but I figured out that I just had to keep one thing in mind... If it's too much for them we can leave. Be there 2 minutes or an hour, as long as they want. It was hard to not have expectations but you just can't when you have twin toddlers.
    We still haven't done the library because mine are so bad with books but I'm hoping to get over that soon! We do go to the park, mall, and on playdates. It does get better! GL!
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Jeez, you'd think they'd have a "kids" room with only board books at a level where toddlers could reach them. It's pretty hard to tear the pages on those! I worked in libraries for 10 years so I know how they love to shelve by cataloging system, but I think for a children's area it would make more sense to have board books on the lower shelves and "real" books on higher shelves. I guess it's a good thing I dropped out of library school.... :rolleyes:

    True Confessions time: I have never taken both boys out by myself. :blush: Okay, I took them to DH's work once, but he met me at the door. I work full time outside of the home, so most of the time I'm with them, DH is there as well.

    So don't feel bad about being afraid of taking them out by yourself; I'm petrified!!! :lol: Maybe that should be my New Year's resolution: to go out at least once by myself with the boys.

    Good luck to you; I hope you make it out and have a great time!
  6. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I have a gym near by. It's called My Gym. There's structured classes there for them to tumbled, interact, parents participation, as well as playtime for just themselves and the parents sit around and watch. I am usually quite shy. The people I'm with are not too extroverted either. It helps when other parents are shy to feel confident enough to speak up. Heck, I even made a dirty comment to one mom today during class. That's somethign I would dare do in public to someone I never met. It was funny though and I was proud of myself for just making a funny randomly like that. It made her laugh. I felt good! These classes are as much for the parents as they are for the kids. You are forced to interact, but you do not need to talk to anyone if you really don't want to. The forced part is when you participate in their activities. I will not sing in class. I lip sync. So does everyone else! The teachers are left to do all the talkign and singing. It's their job anyhow. There are a few moms that will sing the songs they have heard over and over again. The kids really like it and that's the reason the parents go. It's not as hands on as some gyms. The staff does the tumbling. You are not required to do that with your child, but you do want to help encourage your child to enjoy the activity.

    I love it. I go cause it makes my boys happy and they get to meet other kids their age. Otherwise, I don't really know anyone in my neighborhood. I am the shy one on the block. Believe me, people are asking about us!! I just am not ready to go out and meet people. I just moved here so I figure I should settle down before really getting out there to meet peopel. So I really like these gyms classes. It gets me out of the house!

    I don't really go to church, but my mother mentioned a lot of churches have free day care for moms. You would just be required to bring your own toys. Then everyone plays with each other's toys. I'd be concerned with how well other people clean their kid's toys, but it is an option if you are looking for something inexpensive to go to. You would just have to find out if you have to be a member of the church you may have in mind to attend their free day care. I forgot what my church calls it (we belong to a church because we got the boys baptized in their father's religion). They happen to have a free playtime every Wednesday for parents to bring their kids and let them play.
  7. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Do you have any McDonald's with the indoor playgrounds near you? Ours has a small area just for toddlers. Our mall also has a play area that is perfect for them. I've done story hour at the library. They have it in a big room and they get to play for a while after with a bunch of toys. Maybe your library does that?
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    is it cold where you are? I'm in FL and we have wonderful fenced in parks. not everywhere... but there are a few nearby. its so nice that its a park and no books to worry about them messing up! but a fully fenced in or gated area is a must with two! I will say that you just need to do it to get everyone used to it. maybe your two will be more intimidated by a new situation and ask appropriate... instead of the wild children we have at home... ! good luck.
  9. 1sttwins

    1sttwins Active Member

    not sure what's around you, but like pp said re: McDonalds or some food place that has a play area, or perhaps a mall? Some have kids play "pens" where there are cushy climb on type of things. I tend to stear clear of all those kinds of things if there are a lot of older kids or when there's a higher chance of getting sick (or if they have colds themselves)
  10. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I have the same mindset--if it gets out of control, I can always leave! I go out everyday with mine, usually once in the morning and once in the afternoon, to run errands (Target), a class (we do music and MyGym, a gym class, or a friend's house for a playdate). I've also tried enclosed parks. My belief is that you just have to DO it and I truly believe that you'll be surprised at what you can handle! Maybe your kids won't tear up the books but will sit, or walk around, and listen to the storyteller, flip through the books in excitement, show you pictures that catch their interest?! The greater fear is thinking it's going to be too difficult! The worst thing that can happen if you go the library and your kiddos aren't having fun is that you pack them right back up in the stroller and leave. I've had to do that a few times but more times things work out better than I expected!

    Do you have any indoor playrooms near you? We have a few and I go to them once a week or every other week when I need to get out. It's a huge, carpeted room with lots of ride-on toys, apparatuses to climb, etc..Here's a link to one near me with pics:

    It's not inexpensive but I buy a pass and go every other week or so and to me it's totally worth it! All the toys are sanitized so you don't have to fret about that. I joined a local moms group through meetup.com and we take turns hosting everyone at each other's homes. It's really fun and gives us an outting to look forward to every week! Gym class is another huge hit with my kids--they love it!
  11. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys for the info! UPDATE:

    So I had dh go to the library with me for a 'trial run'...(I'm planning to go myself this weekend but wanted to check out the facility).

    My kids would have destroyed the area if dh wasn't with me...it's just not set up for real little ones. The room wasn't closed off so the boys were escaping to the 'art' area. there were GLASS xmas decorations at their level (one broke) thankfully it wasn't one of my kids.

    There is no way I could have kept them safe on my own. I'm guessing they are still just too young. Maybe when they can walk it will get easier?? At least they can walk around walmart and the malls etc..
    We go out often, shopping, out to eat etc.., so we get them out, but they want to 'explore'. I wanted them to be able to play.

    There were marbles and magnet pieces on the floor...(of course they gravitate to what they can't have lol!)

    At one point I asked dh to just hang out to see if I could do this alone...ryan had TWO shelves of books scattered on the floor in a matter of 2.5 seconds as I grabbed Christopher from a pair of scissors. OY!

    Clearly the librarian's do not have the same thought process as some of your librarians...they were curious why we brought them. "We only typically see toddlers when their parents come with their older siblings <insert judgement look here>.

    I tell you if I won the lottery, the first thing I'm opening is one those gyms that sound soooo fantastic!
    All the McDonald playards got removed around here due to liability.

    I just hate running around having to say: "no touch, sharp", etc...or getting into things that they shouldn't.

    I really don't think my kids are abnormal. They aren't 'bad'. They are just curious...aren't all 1year olds like that?

    The local MOM chapter is an hour away...I'm going to join in January...hopefully that will help.

    Again thanks for the support!

    (sorry if this post is fragmented, i'm out the door and on my way to work)
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