4 month check up today

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by haleystar, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    well the boys are growing despite all of the feeding issues that we are dealing with (which is getting worse everyday).

    13lbs 14.5oz, 30th percentile for weight
    26 3/8", 88th percentile for height
    16 5/8", 50th percentile for head

    13lbs 9 1/2oz, 25th percentile for weight
    26 1/2", 93rd percentile for height
    16 5/8", 50th percentile for head

    these are measured up against full term babies by the way.

    they basically told me that since the boys are gaining weight that the feeding issue, while a complete and total pain in the *** and extremely frustrating, is a non issue. they said that hopefully it is just a phase and will end soon. no signs of thrush or ear infections. however he did say they are probably teething.
  2. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Good for them Kristine! I know the feeding issues suck but at least they are growing healthy boys! We have our 3 month checkups this Thursday and I have one with feeding issues too I suspect we will be in the same situation although she does seem small but she should be naturally smaller than her brother I guess. My boy spits up like crazy but is always happy and is growing like a weed so that should be a non issue too. Yay for perfect checkups! :)
  3. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    That sounds great. Sorry to hear about the feeding problems, hope that straightens itself out soon.
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad they are growing! The feeding issues must be frustrating. I remember feeling a little bit like that with my poor nappers. The pedi basically said, "it doesn't matter if they are napping poorly as long as they are gaining weight and doing well." Our pedis don't have to deal with them all day!
  5. ptyflack1

    ptyflack1 Well-Known Member

    Well I'm glad no medical reasons.
    Teething it is. I think you can do Motrin @4 months, it lasts longer than Tylenol. The teething tabs helped my boys. Did you try those yet?
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good appt! I think my big boy Evan was only in the 25th percentile at about 4 months. Stock up on the tylenol!
  7. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    yeah we just bought the hylands teething tablets yesterday. it says to give 2-3 tablets under the tongue 4 times a day. i've tried it right before 2 feeds so far, once yesterday and again today. both with no luck. i'm going to give it the full dose, 4x a day, starting tomorrow to see if that helps any. they really are sucking on everything but the nipple. i'm starting to see hickeys on their arms...lol
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Glad they are growing and doing so well, despite their annoying eating habits! :) Both of ours just started teething last week as well, though one is worse than the other, and thankfully they still take their bottles without issue. So far we've done well with teething tablets, tylenol, orajel, frozen gel teething rings, and frozen wash clothes. I hope your boys get past the teething/eating issues soon!
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