My boys got a $100 gift card to TRU for their birthday. If it were up to me-I would want one of everything in there! LOL! If you had $100, what would you buy your twins??? The boys just turned two. Now-I am not going out tomorrow and getting anything-Christmas is around the corner. I will probably wait to see what they get as well. I just like to look for different ideas/toys, etc. And before you respond, you should know what we already have(this might look bad! LOL!). -Radio Flyer wagon -tool bench(tag sale) -sand/water table -Kangaroo Climber -big swingset -Step2 Neat-n-Tidy Cottage -50's Diner(Christmas gift) -train table(hand-me-down) -basketball hoop -laptops(Christmas gift from my parents) -cozy coupe(tag sale) -two police motorcycle power wheels(from twins down the street) -double sided easel I *think* that's it for big ticket type items. They have been playing with the wooden blocks lately, and my sil may get them some more from their local toy store for Christmas. We have probably close to 400-500 books(I was a preschool teacher), so those aren't needed at all! LOL! So-what would you get your twins?
What about practical things? Potty chairs/diapers/clothes? We had a $100 at TRU last year and I ended up using it for their big christmas gift, the 50s diner, but you after have that taken care of. What about holding onto it and getting them trikes or big wheels in the spring?
I'd spend it on clothes and pottys and stuff like that. What about puzzles? But I do like the idea of holding on to it until spring and getting them bikes/trikes.
We don't have many big ticket toys or really that many toys at all, so I would definitely buy toys. A set of Megablocks or Duplo blocks, stringing beads, train set, baby doll acessories, etc. If you kids have tons of toys, you can use it for practical stuff or save it for later. There's always DVDs too.
If you decide to save it, read it and make sure it doesn't expire. Some of them do :crazy:. I would probably buy something off of this list: bikes plasma cars - my girls LOVE theirs and you can ride too! trampoline or inflatable jumpy thing spring horse DVD player for car kid sized table and chairs :yahoo: for gift cards!!!! have fun shopping!
Good ideas ladies! Clothes I won't do-they got a ton for their FIRST birthday that they still don't fit into! LOL! The trikes idea is a really good one. I may hold onto it for that. We have puzzles-but I may get a few more, I like them! I was thinking maybe some manipulatives too. We have the trampoline as well, along with the table/chairs sets. You may all think I OWN Toys r Us! LOL!
I told you it was gonna be bad! ardon: And you are more than welcome ANYTIME! You can help the family become healthier eaters! Have one from my brother. It is currently in the basement as I was tired of putting the pieces back together again. Over and over and over. Decisions! Decisions! We have potty chairs. Anthony is OBSESSED with going on it! No sense in training him before he has surgery though. Maybe it's the preschool teacher in me that likes these toys. I know-it sounds like I have TRU in my home. I do. Kinda. LOL! And there are days I don't think we have enough! AND-I have a hard time getting rid of toys. BUT-I will say....For the most part, the toys we DO have, will be used for a longgggggg time, vs 6mth-1 year. At least that's what I tell my husband!
My boys looove to build with Duplo blocks and that's what we're asking for for Christmas - there are all kinds of cool sets with people, animals, etc. Otherwise, you've gotten lots of great suggestions.
I'm definitely thinking Duplo's. They are on the list, but if they don't get them-I may invest in them. They have gotten the fire station, police station, and farm ones for their birthday LAST year. I just took them out within the last two months! LOL! Also, maybe two shopping carts. Not sure on that though!
:FIFblush: Gosh-this is awful! They have that too! That was a gift from my SIL for their birthday. I'm trying not to laugh! This is crazy! Maybe it's putting things into perspective for me: MY KIDS NEED NOTHING!!!!!! Annabella on the other! pink! pink!
Do they have any crafty type stuff? Crayons or washable markers, finger paints. Stringing beads, puzzles Aquadoodle, magnadoodle Play Doh and tools
I like saving gift cards for rainy days! or maybe you could use it to buy small rewards for them here and there for good behavior or whatever...
Craft stuff is a really good idea! As well as rainy day stuff Dannielle. My kids will NEVER need a crayon or marker as long as they are in school-what I have should get them through to junior high(I was a preschool teacher, so I bought A LOT of them when they went on sale). But I like the idea of say foam, glitter, etc... And stringing beads-I'm thinking those would be good too. Magnadoodle is on their list!
Play Doh sets? Dolls? Food/Accessories for the Play kitchen? How about Mega Blocks (same as Duplo's but cheaper) or Little People stuff? dang...don't know what else??
How about this? Tunnels to climb through, always a hit, right? Do you have a playroom? Where do you keep all this stuff! I thought we had everything, but we are in an apartment so it always feels like toys are overpowering us: (Megaland Pop-Up Playset) I remember that was a hit, probably would still be.. other things they liked (and still like!) were Slime, Moon Sand, play dough Also Melissa and Doug puzzles like this one with the piece to pick up the puzzle pieces: The other thing I was thinking of but don't see it online is the scholastic DVD collection.. that we still get use out of. Also Music, like a baby grand piano. Anyway, have fun shopping! I am trying my best to only shop vicariously through others unless i get a gift certificate, then I have no choice.
The toys have taken over our house too. I think the trikes for the spring is a great idea or just other summer toys since they won't have a b-day or Christmas then. That's our plan for gift cards anyway. Their birthday is next week followed by Christmas so they are bound to get several. The boys are currently loving the Playhut tunnel system we have. There are also some pop up type playhouses that I was eyeing. There's a roller coaster from Step 2 that the boys are getting next week for their birthday. They've played on that at a kids play place and loved it. What about DVDs or books for the tag jr. I don't know I think I'd hang onto it for warmer weather, it sounds like you have the inside toys covered!