I know self induction doesn't really work

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Joyful, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    So, I'm not even 39 weeks yet. On my apt. monday I was at 4cm and my Dr. stripped my membrane for me. With my last singleton I went into labor 2 hrs after having my membrane stripped but I was 39 + 6 and at 4cm. This time I don't believe it worked and I'm annoyed. My Grandmother just passed away on Friday and the funeral is next Friday in CA which means that my parents will be driving out on wednesday to be there. I would like to have this baby before they leave so that my mom can watch my kids (I don't trust people with my babies much) and the Dr. is willing to talk about breaking my water next week at 39+ but, being a VBAC, that presents a whole other set of problems because I can't/shouldn't have pitocin. So I came on here to gripe. I know I am so blessed to carry my babies to term, but I am really emotionally exhausted and tired of waiting. Any creative self inducing methods? We've tried sex, spicy food, pineapple, I am always active and don't sit during the day. Eh. I had a breakdown trying to get the kids into their snowsuits the other day because I can no longer manuever with this giant belly in the way.
  2. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Don't get discouraged! 4cm is awesome!! I'd be willing to bet that you will go into labor over the next 3 or 4 days. At 4cm already that baby is just going to pop right out! Honestly, the only thing I've heard about self-induction is that most of the methods tend to simply make you more miserable. We've tried the sex thing in previous pregnancies, and it does tend to give me lots of very painful contractions...but only enough to make me miserable for half a day and then nothing... And the induction methods like castor oil will clean your whole system out, probably dehydrate you and baby, and give you lots of contractions, but there is no evidence they will help you go into labor.

    You are in such a good place already for vbac at 4cm that I really wouldnt' mess with it. Let it happen on its own. Do you have anyone else at all in the area who could help out with your kids?? I don't know how your parents are, but I know my mother would bag a funeral in a heartbeat in favor of being there for a birth. But she's a very pragmatic person...knowing that grandma isn't around to 'miss' her at a funeral... That might sound harsh, but that's my mom. She doesn't believe in stewing over loss, but would save her tears for later if necessary. Anyway, I hope you can find someone who can watch your kids as a back up plan so that you can just relax and let this vbac happen in an ideal way.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I was given pitocin after I was in active labor to get me going. :hug: Sorry about your grandma. :hug:
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I've never had cause to try it my self, but I've heard that nipple stimulation is the best self induction method. EXTENDED nipple stimulation.

    Also a good long walk.
  5. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Nipple stimulation worked for me and for my best friend. Feel dree to PM me for personal details! It works!
  6. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies :) I appreciate the advice. I get contractions all day that pick up in the evening and then disappear after I fall asleep. Oh well. The end of this pregnancy has been so much harder then my others. With my last pregnancy the twins were only 19 months and it was easy to pack them into the wagon or stroller and go for a walk, but this time around I am house bound due to snow and I don't have a big enough stroller. Emotionally I have just wanted to lie in bed and cry all week but have to suppress it in order to clean my house and entertain my kids with something other then television. I just never knew you could truly walk around this progressed without being near labor. :headbang:
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Yep you totally can. when i was pregnant with my twins I was 5cm and 100% effaced when I walkked into the hospital for my induction. Anything is possible! The body can do amazing things. Try to hang in there!
  8. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: Oh man...I HATE when you are so very ready, and that baby isn't. I think you have tried almost everything I have heard of...except for the mineral oil, tomato juice, beer combo. That's supposed to do it, too. Oh, and drinking tea with real raspberry leaves is also. My friend tried that and less than 24 hours later she had her baby.

    :hug: I tried it all and nothing worked. Even being induced didn't work 1x for me :laughing: I was sent back home with a baby still in my tummy...and went back for a 2nd induction at week 42...only to have the nurse lay on me while the doctor broke my water to push that little guy down. I wish I had some tried and true ways to make it happen for you.

    Good luck...and I hope it happens soon for you :Clap:
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