When do I stop the middle of the night sippy cup?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by narezo0805, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. narezo0805

    narezo0805 Active Member

    Should I take away the nighttime sippy cup?
    How long is too long to let them cry?

    They are 13 months old and are waking up at LEAST two times a night for a cup of milk. Sometimes they wake up four times thoughout the night for their cup. I have a noise machine to help, but they still wake up. They wake up for the day at 6:30 a.m. and take a two hour nap at 11:30/12:00. I usually put them to sleep about 7 o'clock or 7:30 for the night.

    What can I do to get them to sleep all night long?
  2. trudyhm@att.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I leave a sippy of water in my DD's cribs all of the time. I have no idea if that might help yours, but maybe them having their own cup to drink from at-will might soothe them and save you from having to get up.
  3. narezo0805

    narezo0805 Active Member

    I just realized I posted Wen instead of When in my topic title....(sleep deprived)LOL
  4. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ellie is now almost 4, but I had the same problem with her. She woke up nightly for a sippy of milk until about 18 months. It wasn't a big deal, I didn't have to get up for work or anything. We were only up for 10-20 minutes and she always went back to bed without any trouble, but I decided that at 18 months it had to stop. I pretty much had to use CIO. She was just in the habit of waking up and was fine in 2 nights and it wasn't all that bad. She was older than your girls though, so you're probably not ready to do that.

    I think at 13 months they still might need something; I like the PP's idea of cups of water.
  5. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Like PP mentioned, I put a sippy of water in their cribs at bedtime [and now for naps too]. I always put it in the same spot too so they know exactly where it is if/when they need it. Some mornings the sippies are completely empty and other mornings they are completely full. I think of it like sleeping next to a glass of water at night. Maybe they wake and they're thirsty; take a sip and then it's back to bed w/o getting out of bed.

    Side note: Mine were delayed STTN'ers. We finally got them to STTN around 13 months [had to do some CIO, but after about 1.5 wks things were better]. We had about 2 months of solid STTN and then the 1-yr molars began to come in. They woke a couple times during the night [usually each] cause of pain. But we are through that and are finally back to STTN [​IMG]
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We stopped at 7 months... I'd replace it with water for a start.
  7. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    We do this, too. I started about a month ago when DS had a fever...I wanted them both to stay hydrated so I started putting the sippies of water in the crib. They love it and I hear them every once in a while wake up, fuble for the cup, sip sip, and then back to sleep. It's cute, but I wonder if I'll kick myself for creating the habit once it's time to night potty train!
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We do cups of WATER too at night, and plan to stop when we start potty training full-time.
  9. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We also leave sippies of water in the cribs at night. They love it and it's usually gone in the morning. Full diapers, check! STTN, check! :) :)
  10. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I never left a sippy cup in their crib. I was afraid they'd always expect there to be a drink in their crib. I also heard it wasn't good to do that. My boys sleep through the night most of the time. they haven't asked for anything to drink at night since they were about 3-1/2 - 4 months old.
  11. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i would leave the sippies for them to use as they want. as for cry it out--i wouldn't do it, but that's just me;). there are great ideas in the book good night, sleep tight by kim west. 13 months is not all that old to still wake and need something.

  12. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    I've never left sippy cups or even bottles in their cribs at night. I did not want to get into the habit. I did try it once though a while back and all they did was throw the cup on the floor. My boys have been really great about STTN, once in a while they will wake up in the wee hours and I will get them give them some milk, wait for a bit, then put them back down and out they go....but it's a rarity now....Sorry not any help.
  13. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    As long as they are getting their proper dairy intake during the day, there should be no reason for them to need milk at night. I would very much recommend CIO. Our girls have been sleeping through the night since they were 2 months old adjusted age. Do you have them on a schedule yet? We are strong followers of Babywise and all of my friends that follow it also have babies that have been STTN since they were 2-3 months old.

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