Hitting each other

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We're not technically in the SY yet, couple more weeks (sniff sniff) but I figure more Mamas here have dealt with this issue. The boys are constantly slapping each other in the heads, face, wherever to be honest. We tell them No, we don't hit. But of course next time bro gets in the way or we get upset or he's just sitting there---we slap him! Its driving me bonkers moreso bc I can't really discipline them bc I dont think they really understand what they are doing. Not to mention how do you discipline a 1 year old? How long does this last? I understand they will fight as they get older but the constant hitting for no reason is getting to me!! What do I do?!?!?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At first we would say "No hit!" "That hurts S or L!" Be consistent with it...when mine got a little older (16 months or so) hitting was one of our Time out offenses and we would do time outs for a minute. I won't say it stops completely but the behavior gets better as they get older!
  3. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    I think at that age all you can do is redirect them. For my girls when they hit I just say "No, we don't hit" and move the offender away to some other toy and that stops it. I don't think they are hitting because they are angry or want to hurt their brother, they are just hitting because it's fun and makes a noise. I think you are doing exactly what you should do and hopefully the boys catch on quick!! See you in the SY soon!!!!
  4. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 18 months old and hit me and each other (this behaviour started when they started nursery 2 months ago). I say "dont hit..." it hurts. Kisses yes, hitting no. To be honest they do it our of frustration so I know why they are doing it. Just be consistent with saying no and saying why. GL!
  5. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Ours turn one on Thursday and the past few weeks they've been rough on each other. Hitting and then one will pull the other down and lay down on them so they can't get up. Seriously!?? With hitting I say No Hitting - we have to be NICE and give hugs and kisses. Since you're pregnant as well I'm sure it's on your mind about getting this hitting stuff figured out now before there is a new baby to hit. We have a dog and I've always enforced the word NICE and associated it with hugs, kisses, and nice pats or petting. I just carry that over to them and they get it for the most part. I just do it over and over and re-direct as much as possible. I think it will definitely be at least a few more months before they "get" time out although that worked really well for my oldest son when he was older.
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree with PPs - lots and lots and lots of repetition! also, keep it simple: "don't hit" or "be gentle" - the simpler it is, the easier it is for them to understand. i started using 1 minute time outs when they turned one. usually when it's obvious that they are hitting or biting because they're angry or to hurt, i just pick them up, say time-out & put them in their crib for one minute. i find it's useful as a distraction - once they're back playing, they don't really remember what they wanted to hit or bite about in the first place. GL!
  7. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    We are dealing with the same thing here. My girls are 14 months old, but 12 months adjusted age. We are taking a great class at our church called Growing Kids God's Way. It focuses on discipline issues and teaching your children the moral reason as to why you want them to do certain things. Anyway, the teacher of the class is a mother of 7, ages ranging from 2-16. She recommended to us that we say, "Hannah (or Kate), show Mommy gentle." Then, we take their hand and rub it on our face. This way they know what to do instead of hitting. So far it has worked with the dog and me. They still hit each other, but we have to give them time since they are so little. Hope that helps! I feel your frustration.
  8. tater

    tater Active Member

  9. tater

    tater Active Member

    I agree with pp that you need to keep it short by saying no hitting, or even better say use your gentle hands. I find it is better to tell them what to do instead of what not to do. Keep your cool and try not to react too much, bc they will try and do what they can to get a reaction from you.

    Remember that this too shall pass and be consistent. Good luck, we are all there with ya!

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