Opinion pls - gift card for teachers

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Sandsam, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    My 5 yr olds are in the same K class. I want to give gift cards to the teacher and the aide. I am wondering: if I would typically give $25, do I give $50 to the teacher? Double because I have double the kids? And then $20 to the aide, when I normally would give $10. Suddenly, $60 is a chunk and then I add my other girl's teacher and Yikes!!!!! What do you do?
  2. TD

    TD Well-Known Member

    If they were in seperate classes, what would you do?

    Are you giving it as a gift from the family, or a gift from each child? That makes a difference too.

    When my kids were at a private school together, we gave the gift cards as a family gift. I only gave $15 per teacher, but was giving to 10 teachers. This year they are at seperate schools, so my costs will be higher, since there are teachers at the new school too.
  3. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I would probably double the amount or get 2 gift cards in the amt. you normally would give...one from each of them. If they were in seperate classes, I'd give them each and amount, so I'd do the same if they were in the dame class. They are 2 seperate students giving their teacher a gift. JMO on how I'd handle it.
  4. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    I've dealt with this one a lot over the years because my girls were in the same class for all but one year of elementary school. Honestly, for me, it depended on the teacher. I did think about the fact that if they were in separate classes, I'd be getting two gift cards, but sometimes you just get to take advantage of your situation and that's life. There are certainly enough times when having twins makes things more challenging, so I don't feel bad sometimes taking the easy way when I can. As I said, it would also depend on the teacher. If it was one I really liked and felt was a great teacher for my kids, I might give as much as I would if it were two teachers. If I really wasn't happy with them as a teacher, I might just give the one amount. And I sometimes would give somewhere in between. If I might normally give $25, I'd give $40. I don't think a teacher would look at a gift from you and think, "Hey, I should have gotten twice this since I have two of her children in my class." Any amount is a thoughtful thing to do. Wait until they're in middle school and have six different teachers! That really changed things for me. Plus, you just don't know them as well, normally.
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  5. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    I think it still falls to what you can afford. It does all add up quickly and I think that the teacher will appreciate the gift whatever amount it ends up being. I have not decided yet what we are going to do. I also have a aftercare person that watches them three days a week that I need to figure out what to do. But I agree that the teacher shouldn't look at the gift and go"gee I should have gotten more".
  6. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    I never even thought about getting the teachers a gift. :pardon: Is it common or expected? We'll have a hard time buying for our kids this year let alone teachers.
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would double. In my twins' preschool class, we're all chipping in for a bigger gift for the teachers' birthdays, and I'll put in double the amount. For Christmas, we're attaching gift cards to a wreath, and I'll do two of them. (There is also a set of triplets in their class!)

    But, you also have to consider what you can afford -- no point in overextending yourself just to buy gifts. Just do a smaller gift card, or whatever you'd like, really -- I don't think gifts should be compulsory.

    This year, Nadia wants to give Christmas gifts to both her kindergarten teachers, her art teacher, her computer teacher, her Spanish teacher, her Bible teacher, the school's librarian, her ballet teacher, her keyboard teacher and the assistant, and her Daisy troop leader.

    Um, yeah. We're going with gift cards only for her kindergarten teachers, and homemade chocolate chip cookies for everyone else.
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I double it when I have two kids in the class, whether it's school or dance or whatever. That being said, $25 is very generous, around here I usually do $10 or $15 gift cards for teachers.
  9. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you need to double the amount because, as someone already stated, gifts are not required and shouldn't tax you further than you can afford. I do, however, think it is important for each of my twins to give the teacher a gift. They each need a separate card they've created so they can each have the joy of giving. If you can afford gift cards to go along with the cards, then just divide the total you can afford between each twin. JMO!
  10. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree- it is generous!

    I would double whatever you were planning on doing, because they are 2 kids that happen to be in the same class.

    Many students give gifts around the holidays- but it is never expected., although common. Gift cards, candy, cookies, and 'teachery' things are the most common. A nice picture or note is JUST as much appreciated!

    We are doing a small gift for the PreK teachers---everyone else will be getting a note of appreciation and a handdrawn picture from the girls. Budget is tight, but I want them to enjoy giving something to the people they care about in their lives.
  11. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    This is exactly what I was going to say. We typically do a baked goody and a card for teachers but to me the actual gift isn't nearly as important as each child giving their own gift. You could do two $10 cards and still come out spending less! lol
  12. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    It happened at the beginning of the year for us - but luckily, my girls's birthday is one of the first of the year - so most of the parents (that didn't know) found out then that they were twins. Since then, both have been invited, either directly on the invitation - or by personal invite when I call to RSVP. I was shocked last week to get an invite for Cate, that also included Claire. I've never talked to this little girl's mom, so I was really surprised that she knew & included Claire.

    I always invite twin siblings, just because I know feelings can be hurt -and most of the kids play together/know each other on the playground. I also know it makes it easier on the parents, rather than trying to find something special to do with the other sibling.
  13. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    ...on behalf of the librarian, I say thanks! I don't get many gifts and I guess because of that I really appreciate what I do get. One of my favorites over the years has been ornaments. One family gave me a snowflake each year - crocheted or tatted, but somehow handmade. I have about 8 of them from the time the kids were at my school. Another little girl signed her name on the tag that was attached to the ornament cord, so I left it. I love seeing it and thinking of little Allison (now in 10th grade!) every year.
  14. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    Gift cards are a great way to show appreciation for teachers. It gives them the flexibility to choose what they really need or enjoy. Something like a general gift card from giftcardmall could be perfect since it offers a variety of options. Teachers work hard, and it’s nice to give them something they can use on their own terms. It’s a simple but thoughtful way to say thank you for all they do.
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