Anybody gone into a twin pregnancy knowing they would have a c-section?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lisagayle, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Hey all..sorry, I know I ask about a million questions on here! But there's just so much to learn and know and it always seems forever until I see my doc again! (Even though I have a scheduled u/s next week!) :rolleyes:

    I wound up having to have an emergency c-section with my DS in March of 2007 at 34 weeks due to pre-e. When we first found out I was pregnant we asked my OB about doing a VBAC, she said she would do it but explained all the risk factors (and expenses!) and also let me know that her partner did not do them so if something happened and I went into labor and she happened to be out of town it would still wind up in a c-section. We had an ultrasound immediately after that appointment to check on the babies because I had been having spotting for a week. And lo and behold there were two! After the ultrasound, they had us go back to our room to wait on the doctor so she could be informed and we were told "forget about the VBAC".

    My question to you ladies is long can I expect to carry my babies? I'm worried about winding up in another "emergency" situation because I go into labor or something. Have any of you ever had this situation?

    Also - what are my chances of developing pre-e again?
  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Lisa, my first pregnancy ended in an emergency c-section at 36 weeks due to toxemia and hypertension. Andrew was also breech, so I think I probably would have had a c-section anyway.

    Our second son was born via VBAC because of the six year time lapse between pregnancies. My OB felt that I had healed well in that time frame and was a perfect candidate for one. I carried Blake to 40 weeks without any problems and was induced because I wasn't making any progress and we were worried he would be too big for me to have a successful VBAC (he was estimated to be around 8lbs, he was really 9lbs 7oz :lol:). I assumed I'd be able to do that again when I got pregnant a few months later. But, Twin A was breech and Twin B was transverse and so I ended up having another c-section. I carried them to 38 weeks, no major issues (other than the illness I've mentioned to you previously) and it was fairly uneventful.

    I think it really just depends. My OB kept a very close eye on me through both my second and third pregnancies and was always checking and double-checking my blood pressure and fluid levels just in case. But, sometimes I think our bodies are just gonna do what they're gonna do. Just take good care of yourself and never feel like you can't call the OB's office and ask questions. If you feel like things aren't right, let them know. That's what they're there for. :)

    Someone else will probably have a better answer, but I did want you to know that it's completely possible to have two great subsequent pregnancies after having those issues. Good luck!
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    With my first son, he was born vaginally. With these guys, I was told from the first appointment that both babies have to be head down in order for me to have another vaginal birth. From my 20 week U/S on, neither boys have EVER been head down, now at almost 35 weeks twin A is transverse and twin B is sitting on his brother. I have known since 20 weeks that there was no way these boys would cooperate and go head down. Good luck
  4. Zevy

    Zevy Active Member

    I had a C-section with my son because he was a frank breech.

    You can have a VBAC with twins. As said, what most recommend is that baby A has to be heads-down. It matters less for baby B because baby B can flip once baby A is out.

    If you want a VBAC, find an OB who is willing to do it for you.
  5. jmk71171

    jmk71171 Active Member


    My story is very similar to yours. My DS was born in 2008 at 35 week 4 days due to pre-e. They induced me but I never dilated more than 2 cm, so after many hours, they opted for a c-section. I also had cholestasis of pregnancy, so it was anticipated that I would go early anyway.

    I'm now just under 32 weeks pregnant. My peri said that the chances of developing pre-e were about 30%. So far I have had no signs at all - no swelling (which I had big time at this time in my singleton pregnancy) and only one appointment with slightly elevated blood pressure. So far so good. Also, no signs of cholestasis which is odd because that was almost guareenteed to return.

    As for VBAC, I think my ob and peri are risk adverse and basically have said that I have no option other than a c-section because of the risk of uterine rupture. Quite frankly, I don't feel that strongly to have a VBAC so I didn't even push the issue. I want to do what is best for the babies and me so I trust them.

    Thus far, there are no signs of preterm labor and at my last cervix measurement, my cervix was still long (over 4cm) and closed. They will not do anymore cervix measurements at this point. I'm hoping to make it to 35 weeks and my ob said that regardless they would do the csection by December 30.

    Good Luck
  6. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I knew going into my twin pg that I would have a c section simply because my OB doesn't do VBAC's. My OB told me that she would recommend a c section regardless of her vbac policy because there were 2 and they shared a placenta. Good luck!
  7. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    SO you just found out twins? How fun!

    My 1st was a c-sec. He would never drop and even after 24hrs of labor I never got over 5cm. It was a blessing it ended in c-sec or he might have died due to a knot in his cord and wrapped around his neck so many times.

    My 2nd I asked for a Vbac. My OB said he would let me try, but had hesitations. Vbacs made him nervous and he thought them to be dangerous. All his info was enough for my husband and mom to put their foots down to me trying for a Vbac. I did go into labor on my own 3 days before my scheduled c-sec, so he got to pick his own Bday. :)

    This time I am having twins. There was never a discussion and I am an automatic c/sec. They are aiming for me to make it to 38wks for a scheduled c/sec. Even if I go before then again it will be a c-sec like my 2nd.

    I never had Pre-E, but had a friend who did. She was induced with her 1st at 36wks. Her 2nd child it was actually better until she was over 37-38wks. Then right aftyer she had the baby her BP jumped to stroke levels and it was very scary. I think something like almost 200/130 +/- it was so high. We were so scared if she owuld make it through or not. Her 1st preg was worse during the preg and then leveled after the baby was born, but this time was differ for her.

    :youcandoit: GOOD LUCK!!! Hope all goes smoothly for you!
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As soon as I found out it was twins, I was relieved because that meant that I could have a c-section! Something about labor just scares the bejeebus out of me. Maybe it's the control freak in me. I ended up having to have an emergency c-section due to pre-eclampsia, and was told that if I got pregnant again, there would be a very good chance of having pre-e again, even if it was a singleton the second time.

    I'm pretty sure that if your body is in the same shape it was with the prior pregnancies, there'll be a pretty good chance of having pre-e again, especially if you're on blood pressure medicine from the start of the pregnancy.
  9. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    I hope you don't develop pre-e again! I had an emergency c-sec with my singleton pregnancy due to my son's heart decels. It was a horrible experience, especially after 24 hours of labor! If I were having a singleton, I think I would be more prone to consider a VBAC...but with twins, I am most certain we will do another c-sec (I'm fairly early, so I've not discussed this with my peri yet). I hate the recovery time involved with a c-sec, but I do not want to put myself through another emergency one after a long labor again. I'm hoping I can schedule one and then actually MAKE it to my scheduled c-sec (I had PTL with my son though, so who knows?). GL with your decision!
  10. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    My first son was an emergency c-section at 35 weeks due to toxemia. When I saw my team of peri's for the first time at 15 wks, they immediately told me no VBAC, hospital policy. So I've known all along this will be a c-section. That being said, it's gone very well and if it continues, they will let me go to about 37-38 weeks before scheduling the c-section. I think it just depends on the pregnancy...

    Congrats and best wishes!
  11. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    And I was told the opposite by both an OB and a team of three peris - that a previous case of Pre-eclampsia has nothing to do with increasing your risk the second time. I have had so much different info, it's crazy. However, being pregnant with twins alone, will increase your risk for it again...
  12. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I knew I would have a C-section due to a rare bleeding disorder I have---they could control bleeding better & give me the proper 'pre treatment'. I was NOT prepared for an emergency C--- but it is what it is and it all worked out fine.
  13. kerina313

    kerina313 Well-Known Member

    All along I've told people that I've wanted a c-section. DD#1 had a heart issue, so they told me the best thing for her was to be delivered "naturally". I was induced and ended up with a c-section due to her heart rate dropping. Turned out to be a good thing because she was stuck in my pelvis.

    My second had Trisomy 18 - and I was lucky to find an OB willing to do c-section for us. Most doctors knowing that the outcome is not good for those babies, won't do them.

    So this time, definitely another c-section. I wouldn't want to risk either of these precious babies by trying at this time.
  14. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    I talked to my peri about this at my appnt yesterday. He said if I wanted a VBAC there were specific criteria I would need to meet before being able to do it (close to term, baby A head down, not sure what the other ones are). I told him I would prefer a planned c-section...he agreed that that was the best course of action for me. He said often times even vaginal deliveries with Twin A end up needing a c-section for Twin B since they don't turn properly. He said those recoveries are VERY hard since you deal with episiotomy pain AND a c-sec incision. I had such a bad experience with my emergency c-sec, that coupled with a higher risk for uterine rupture due to twins....I'm excited to have a planned section this time!
  15. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    We haven't talked about it yet with the dr. but i'm pretty sure we'll end up with another c/s. I was going to have a vbac if this pregnancy had ended up being a singleton, but because there's twins I'm not going to push for it. Or at least I don't think I am at this point. DS was a vaginal birth and the girls were c/s and overall I had an easier recovery with the c/s (although of course if I had a choice I would choose the non-surgical route!) THe girls were an emergency c/s and since they were so early and Meg was breech, we decided it was better for them to just do the c/s.
  16. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We knew from the start Jessy would be too fragile for a natural birth plus they were both transverse
  17. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    hindsight is 20/20 and if I knew then what I would go through trying to be induced at 36w due to pre-e I just would have done the damn section...I never dialated and the pitocin spiked my BP - so I had to have mag for 24 hours and that stuff is EVIL! I laid in the hospital all night trying to get cervidil to work, couldn't sleep because they had to come monitor me manually every hour and then had to have a section anyway....
  18. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    I went into my twin pregnancy already having had 5 c/s so it was a given I would have another with the twins. My c/s was scheduled for 37w1d and I made it to my scheduled date.
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