One cranky demanding baby!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by raysNkids, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. raysNkids

    raysNkids Active Member

    Ok, first off, I am not a new parent by any means. The twins are my fourth and fifth children so I "should" know how to handle this, but I am really at a loss on what to do about my cranky baby, Tyler. He wants/needs/demands constant attention while he is awake! While I am nursing his brother Aiden, Tyler will be fussing and crying the ENTIRE time if he is awake! Tyler will not entertain himself at all. I don't have this problem with Aiden (Thank God!). He can keep himself entertained for what seems like hours (not literally, of course) by simply looking at his hands, playing with toys, his blanket, whatever.

    I am at my wit's end on what to do about Tyler! He causes so much stress in the house because of his constant fussiness. Noone can "deal" with him but me. He is very high maintenance!! The only time I get a break is when he takes a nap. I really don't know what to do or how to break him of this. I feel like he is too young to cry it out but then again, I am home alone during the day and HAVE to take care of his brother as well. I have tried everything I can think of(lay him on the floor with toys, take him outside, white noise, Moby wrap carry him everywhere with me, television, sing to him, talk to him)....but he is only happy for 2 minutes at a time. It's like he just can't sit still. He has to be constantly moving and seeing new things while he is awake.....or else!! I feel like a sad circus clown most days jumping around trying to keep him happy just so I don't have to hear him cry...he is soooo LOUD! And he throws some horrible fits for a little baby. He is worse than a 2 year old!! :headbang:

    If anyone has dealt with something like this, please let me know how you handled the stress of it all. He has been like this since about 2 weeks old but he is getting worse as he gets older.
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not dealt with that myself but I just wanted to say hang in there. :hug: I hope it gets better.
  3. raysNkids

    raysNkids Active Member

    Thanks for the hug! I'm sure it will get better. I keep telling myself everyday that they won't be babies forever and I can do this.
  4. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    If you are nursing him, there may be something in your milk that bothers him. He could be allergic to something you digest, or just sensitive enough to make him unhappy.
    Otherwise, I do not have any other idea. Hang in there, I'm sure it'll get better!
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not really sure either. It could just be that he's going to be a more demanding child, some of them are. My oldest daughter was never truly a happy baby until she could move around on her own. Personally, I think she was bored. :pardon: If he seems healthy & doesn't seem to be having any issues with digestion, I would say just hang in there. I hope he gets easier for you over time! :hug:
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's just his personality right now. Neither of mine were that happy until they could sit up and play on their own, especially DS.
  7. raysNkids

    raysNkids Active Member

    I wish it was something that simple. I don't think he would stop crying/fussing the minute I pick him up though if it was an allergic reaction to something in my milk. I think he just gets bored easily.
  8. raysNkids

    raysNkids Active Member

    I was thinking he might be bored too. I just don't know how to keep him entertained all day long (without losing my sanity! LOL).
  9. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    :hug: i have one like that too, in fact she's crying right now as i am nursing her brother and she has already been fed and is in her bouncer, sigh. it always makes me feel like a bad parent but when the other one has to be fed what do ya do. Then I feel bad for the "happier" twin that he gets less attention. I know how you feel but I'm sorry i have no advice just comisseration. Have you tried baby einstein? we are going to soon. hang in there momma! :hug: oh yeah and if you find something that works let us know please!
  10. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    I am in the same boat....they scream if put down. No to bouncers, swings or anything like that. They just want to be held 24/7..ahh I hope it gets better, AND SOON before i lose my mind!
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