When will they sit still on the couch?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I can handle most things, except for the constant climbing on the couch. They are driving me crazy with it. They will not sit still. They think it's a game. Their new thing is trying to climb on the end tables. I'm going to have a nervous breakdown pretty soon. They don't listen to me at all. I say no and they laugh. I count to 3 and they think I'm playing a game. I take them off and they keep going right back up. I've tried time out, but they don't get the concept yet. I'm so afraid they are going to really hurt themselves. They've already fallen off a few times and had some serious bruises on their foreheads. Any advice? Please tell me this phase doesn't last much longer. I don't think my heart can take it:)
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Sorry... Mine still climb on the couch, but they haven't fallen in ages. Try to teach them how to get down, and remove the end tables...
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    The boys don't sit on the sofa unless it is tooth brushing time. They run on it. They pull of the cushions. It is a jungle gym to them.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are hit or miss with the couch. Sometimes they will sit really good on it and other times they go crazy on it. I cannot wait for the day when the couch is no longer a playground!
  5. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    EEK! I never thought of that!! I can see why you're so concerned! What if you took the couch cushions out so it's lower to the ground and like a pp said, remove the end tables??
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I allow my boys to play on the couch in the basement. I do not have coffee or end tables. They will climb on the couches in the living room but I am much more strict with what I will allow them to do. They try to climb on the end tables but I tell them no and they will stop. My biggest fear is them falling and hitting their heads on the coffee table.

    At first I would not allow them on the couches in the living room but it was a never ending battle.

    All you can do is make it as safe as possible.

    I was with my sister and her 3 year old grand daughter a few weeks ago and when my boys climbed on the couch and started running across, she joined in and my sister told her to stop and she did!! Can't wait for that day.
  7. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I totally get where you're coming from, but I've also decided not to fight this battle...for now. They are still going to do it, so I taught mine how to get down safely so I worry less....though I still worry...
  8. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    Maybe you could make them a little comfy spot with a big blanket on the floor? My girls don't sit still unless eating something or if they've just woken up
  9. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    They know how to get down safely, but it's when they are playing and being goofy that I worry they will fall off. I'm going to try not to stress about it and just ignore them. Easier said than done.
  10. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I don´t allow standing on the sofa anymore though they still occasionally do it. Running is a no-no too but they dont even try. DS used to do it a lot before he fell off and I think the carpet burn he got as a result was a lasting reminder (I managed to break his fall but...).

    I´ve never made it a big issue when they are on the sofa and have taught them both how to get off themselves which they are good at. DD is still a danger as she doesn´t realise the sofa has edges she can fall off so I always sit near her when she´s on it. I have to say that my LOs are pretty good on the sofa and will sit on it and even play there. In your shoes, I´d remove the tables, if pos, and get the ´mean mum´ side of you out there. My LOs get & know ´the look´ and they understand (I inherited this from my mum!!). GL & I hope they stop soon!
  11. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    We have the same issue too! No solutions here, just wanted to say that I can relate!!
  12. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    We dont have end tables so I dont have that fight, but honestly when I stopped caring about them & the couch, they stopped thinking it was fun.
    Occasionally they stand on the couch but not often. they have fallen once or twice but kids are so durable and the couch isnt a high fall from the floor so it didnt take them long to figure out how to be cautious.

    hang in there mama!
  13. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    I am really glad to see this post. I was just thinking this today. My little guy climbs on the couch and has not learned how to be safe yet. My dd is better at sitting, but will go crazy sometimes. Every time I wanted to go do something he would climb up and I would have to go over so he didn't fall off. It is getting old. I am getting nothing done!!! :headbang: :babyflips: I figure this too shall pass and one day they will be safe and just sit there.

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