need advice on slings/carriers w/preemies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by calimom, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. calimom

    calimom Member

    We are looking for some sort of sling or body carrier for the twins. They are still in the nicu and are just over 4lbs right now. SO, we are searching for some type of carrier for them that will be good to use with really small babies but not be useless after only a few weeks. I need for it to be simple to put on, and intend on using this around the house, for shopping, etc. We are active and I prefer the body carriers to strollers, at least for first few months.
    I am not sure what would be best- 2 singles or a double carrier. And, what types of things should I look for or what brands are best?

    I carried my 2 yr old in an upright front carrier but it will be awhile until I can do that with the twins b/c of the lack of head control and with having 2 of them to hold so I think the slings would be the best solution. However, if there is something better please let me know what it is.
  2. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    My mom made me two tube slings that were great when they didn't have head control. I really only ever used one at a time, though, until they were big enough to criss cross the slings and put a baby on each hip. In the beginning I just put one in at a time, although I've heard of people using moby wraps to double sling...I was just too nervous when they were so tiny! If you sew or know anyone who does, the pattern that my mom used was very simple. PM me if you want the link.
  3. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    The moby wrap does work nice for smaller twins. you can make it as snug as you want and carry in different positions. It is not to easy to put on until you get the hang of it because it is like a 7ft piece of fabric that you have to wrap around you.
  4. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I think a Moby wrap would be your best bet. I wish I would have had one when our twins came home!! Instead we didn't use carriers for a month or so, and then tried to put them in a Bjorn when they were like 7 or 8 lbs, which they generally hated. We had to tuck burp clothes behind their small head to keep it from wobbling around in the bjorn (even with the back headrest thingy folded up). I have since discovered moby wraps and LOVE them! Our babies love them too, and even DH has learned how to use one. He got tired of seeing contented babies always falling asleep on me in the Moby, while the babies would fight and fuss every time he put them in a Bjorn. It took me watching a YouTube vid a few times to learn how to put on the moby wrap, and put a baby in it, but after that it became much easier. Now I don't even have to think about how to put the wrap on. I have, however, had to demonstrate more than a few times to DH how to use it ;)

    Another TS member, E&Msmom, has shared a link on previous threads with pictures of her wearing her twins in a moby wrap. I hope she doesn't mind me giving that link here, but I was, and still am, mighty impressed! :)
  5. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    I love the Moby, too (made my own). It was INSTANT baby sleep when they were newborns! And you can tuck them in nice n cozy with their heads supported. I only wore one at a time, but it seemed like only one would really fuss at any given time anyway.

  6. adebolin

    adebolin Member

    Moby! All the way! The boys live in it! I carry both at the same time. They're about 8.5-9lbs each now and still have plenty of room to grow and both fit. I brought them home around 5lbs each and they loved it then too. Even during their fussiest times I put them in it and they settle immediately.
  7. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I have to recommend the Moby wrap as well - it works great when they are small and it is pretty easy and fast to put on once you've done it once. My girls love it and calm down instantly if they are fussing once they're put in it.
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I dont mind at all :wub: I LOVE our moby.
    My twins were 5#4oz & 4#13oz and I started using it straight away! Its how we made it through alot of our days!
    The weight limit on it is 35 pounds so I was able to wear them together for a long time afterwards. Even now its great for one baby!

    You can make your own, but if you decide to buy one it also comes with a book that shows you lots of ways to wrap/wear it including some ways with twins. As mine got older I invented new ways to wear it :) Its a great sling to put a baby on your back when they are toddlers too :) One of the best shower gifts I ever recieved!
  9. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I wished I had a Moby wrap! We had the Snugli carrier and when they were really tiny, I'd put a blanket in there to support their heads a little better.
  10. calimom

    calimom Member

    Thanks so much for the advice. I checked out the demo video on the moby website and I am just going to purchase the fabric to make it on my own. Then, I will probably purchase 1 or 2 regular slings for the family and baby sitter to use b/c I do not feel comfortable with them trying to figure out how to wrap everything.
  11. serialmommy

    serialmommy Well-Known Member

    personally i prefer a is easy to put on, with some practice, and you can carry both babies in the same one until they are a bit bigger (i mean like 10 pounds or more bigger)...a stretchy wrap (like a moby) is perfect for a newborn or will just wrap right around them and snuggle them in and hold them close...with the way it supports their body you don't need to worry so much about head support and that kind of thing..
  12. serialmommy

    serialmommy Well-Known Member

    i've done this exact thing, wear them both at the same time..i'm now looking for a woven wrap and selling my moby d (it was never long enough for me to comfortably use with one) and one or two of the regular moby's i have and a diy silk/wool i have...i will still have a stretchy hopp and a moby..i'm also borrowing a didy from a friend and i'm LOVING that...oh, go to and they have a forum where you can get advice and all kinds of's where i bought my wraps at as well, for a discounted price...
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