how/where do you lo's watch tv?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    Not that I want my lo's to be glued to the tv, but they just do not like it. They might pay
    attention to a singing commercial, but when I put on a dvd and put them on the high chair
    to watch it (along with a paci or something) they will watch it for about 5 min and
    then start crying :-( so ofcourse I take them out. If I let them loose then really
    don't watch anything. I just think soemtimes they need to sit a little (ds is moving constantly)
    specially if I have to cook :)...but no luck...
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't like TV until they were almost 2. We didn't try very hard, since I was trying to be good and follow the "no TV under 2" recommendations, but there were definitely times when it would have been nice for something to hold their attention for 10 minutes! Finally, when they were about 22 months, they became attached to one particular Sesame Street video (the only one they would watch for the next 6 months at least) -- just in time for them to get the stomach flu and spent a lot of time watching it.

    As far as cooking goes, do you have a superyard or good system of gates? You might do better just to pen them up somewhere but let them move around at will. (At your kids' age, they may still cry, but at least they'll have some options!)
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine have a tv in their playroom... It doesn't get cable so they only watch dvd's. And they only really "watch" it when they are sitting eating snack, which lasts for all of maybe 10 minutes. The rest of the time they are running around. However they do listen to it and watch it when music comes on... which is often since they normally watch music driven shows like YGG or Jacks Big Music Show.
    I agree with the superyard idea!
  4. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    The only thing mine will watch are Baby Einstein videos. I put them on & everything else stops!! It's great, especially when I need a break!
  5. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    Mine only watch Sesame Street in the mornings while we're getting ready, and that's only for about 10 minutes or so. They don't sit for anything else, nor do I turn on the tv while they are in the family room. I usually end up cooking during naps (on the weekends), or while DH distracts them when we get home from work.
  6. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    I allow them to watch one episode of a Baby Einstein DVD, which is usually about 20-30 minutes long. On days where I really need to get something done or they are not feeling well, I cave and let them watch it twice. There are really only 2 Baby Einsteins that will keep their attention. One is Baby Neptune and the other is God Made Animals, which is not really a Baby Einstein, but similar. Ours will actually stand next to the TV or sit in close proximity and pay attention. Any other cartoon type show or even Veggie Tales, they have no interest. Some days they watch no TV, but usually I have some cooking or cleaning of some sort to do and I don't feel that 30 minutes a day is going to harm them in any way. Have you tried putting them in their Pack N' Play to see if that might help? Just an idea.
  7. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    i let them watch 15-20 minutes of sesame street in the morning when i need to shower. they watch on the tv in our bedroom and i put DS in the pnp and DD in the exersaucer. i tried putting both of them i the pnp but it turned into a wrestling match in there and i had to get out of the shower like 10 times to break it up! of course, they thought that was hilarious, me, not so much...
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys don't really watch TV at all. When Jack had his surgery, we borrowed a few Baby Einsteins and that helped him sit quietly for a bit (he was supposed to play quietly for 3-4 weeks; yeah, right...) but it wouldn't hold his interest for more than a few minutes at a time. Then he'd pretty much ignore it.

    When we're trying to cook and the boys are being clingy (which is EVERY night!), I usually give them a Christmas catalog to tear up. That will give me 15-20 minutes of peace and quiet (well, just the sound of tearing pages ;) ) and I get good use out of the stack of catalogs that I'd otherwise throw away.
  9. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    great idea!! i actually got 15 catalogs in the mail monday!! insanity! but how do you keep them from eating the pages???
  10. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Rarely, I let them watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or My Friends Tigger and Pooh. But that's it. They watch it maybe once in a month even. They used to love the songs in MMC, so I let them listen to those songs. They aren't as interested in the show at this time. They love Mickey's entrance as well. I'll be pretty much keeping them off the TV until after 2 years old or until they seem to need the distraction. I also think only educational shows are good for now.
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    You mean you're not supposed to let them eat the catalogs?! :shok: :tease:

    Haha, J/K! Luckily Nate is my only "taster" (Jack's facefull of dirt at the park last weekend notwithstanding), so I just keep my eye on him every few minutes. My guys get very needy in the evenings and want to be held constantly. Even giving them catalogs, they want to stay in the kitchen with us so keeping tabs on them is easy. We just have to clean up catalog bits after dinner, but I think it's a fair tradeoff. :pardon:
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our TV is in the living room and that's where they "watch" it. Their attention span is good for 20 minutes at a time...TV seems to be background noise for them when it's on. For some reason, when Elmo's World comes on both of them come up to me and go "Draw?" They like to color when Elmo's on.
  13. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Mine watch Yo Gabba Gabba in our living room when I need a break. They only seem interested in music and dancing. They watch maybe 10-15 minutes and then start wandering around and occasionally look up.
    Somtimes I use it as a distraction when they are both having a meltdown. After they settle down, I can turn it off again.
  14. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Mine LOVE tv! We have one in our living room and we usually have it on in the morning and early evening. Favorite shows include Sesame Street, Yo Gabba Gabba, Jack's Big Music Show, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. When we are on longer driving excursions or if they are melting in the car, I'll put on the Elmo dvd in the player. They'll usually watch, play, and tune into certain things, they aren't glued to it by any means:)
  15. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we don't really have a place for them to watch the tv anyway... but I didn't want them watching it anyway. I've heard too much tv can lead to ADD and we don't need any of that! We have a great gated area that our two love to play in if I need to put them somewhere safe. I really recommend that.
  16. twinfinite

    twinfinite Well-Known Member

    I believe it's pretty common that younger kids have no interest in the TV at first.

    My 15 month old boys don't watch TV at all. This is not because I don't want them to (I'm still unsure as to how much tv consumption they SHOULD have someday) but because THEY do not find any interest in any programming.

    I'm still trying to get them to watch the Baby Signing Time DVDs, but to no avail.
  17. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    I doubt it... I have ADD and my parents did not let me watch TV when I was little. I don't think TV is good for babies.... but I don't think it causes ADD.

    Regarding TV... our babies love the Baby Einstein 'sign' video. Unfortunately I think their daycare has the TV on constantly when they are there... so they probably watch a lot of stuff we wouldn't approve of

    At home they started paying attention to the TV (which we swore we wouldn't have on, but used to help keep us awake when they were bitty.... now they like the background noise) so westoppedwatching the "adult" shows we watched, so now there is a lot of science shows, mythbusters, history, etc. on.... they don't seem too interested in any one thing, except if they are not hyper and or tired they will watch what is on.

    The only thing that 'captivates' them is the baby einstein video.
  18. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    I tape Sesame Street everyday and when i need a distraction so i can fix them their meals or my meals i will put it on, they crawl around the rooms or cruise the furniture, they pay attention to it about 50/50 most of the time...But it's a good distraction, that is the only TV i let them watch for now and even then they do not watch it everyday.
  19. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Same here. We only have a TV in our lounge & that´s where they watch the Baby Einstein. I do put cartoons on for them in the mornings but they dont really watch them anymore although they do stop to watch & dance when the theme tunes come on! As I live in Spain, TV is a big part of everyday Spanish life so they are used to it. When Im alone with them I have it switched off but at the weekends when DH is home it´s on constantly. I try to control what he watches as I worry that a lot is inappropriate for our LOs but they don´t pay much attention to be honest.
  20. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    My girls don't really watch tv. It's on all the time, but not kids shows. On the weekends we watch football and during the week I have it on during the day A LOT. (I know, bad mommy) But, they really don't pay much attention to it unless a commercial comes on with music. They have never just sat there and only watched tv.
  21. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    My boys watch tv. Probably b/c I always have it on. I am the type of person that has it on from the time I am up till I go to bed. If I put on Nick Jr or Sprout they will watch. I let them watch some when waking up, then change it to something I like, they won't pay attention and go play. When I am making lunch I turn it to something for them, then back to something for me. And before bedtime I turn it back on for them. They love Yo Gabba Gabba, The Wiggles, really anything with music as they love to dance. We have lots of good OnDemand kids stuff. I have been teaching them sign language for sometime now and some of their favorite shows are sign language ones, and they have picked up a number of signs from them. They try to sing the songs from shows, the try to count along and so on. They play constantly and I don't think have ever really watch a show all the way through. But they really enjoy it.

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