Advice needed on big girl bed issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kingeomer, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think you all remember me posting about needing a shoulder to cry on with my DD getting out the crib. We did the big girl bed transition this weekend and she is doing pretty well with it. No issues at nap time or bed time.
    DH and I have been checking on her with our monitor and notice that she must get out of bed and falls asleep on the floor. This does not seem to bother her.
    Last night I did go in there, very quietly and place her back in her bed. Checked on her again before bedtime and she was still in the bed. This morning, she was on the floor on the other side of her room
    My question is: Do you just let them be if they are sleeping on the floor and they seem pretty happy there? Or should we go in before we go to bed and if she's on the floor put her back in her bed?

    Thanks for your advice!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Personally, I would keep putting her in bed. Eventually, she'll stay there. Maybe tell her before bed that she needs to stay in bed? Good luck!
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  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you'll get a whole host of answers :) It has to be whatever you are comfortable with.

    To me if the child is happy and they are safe there is no harm in sleeping on the floor. Eventually they will stop.
    It might be that she gets up out of her bed and then cant get back in? Or maybe she cant see? Or maybe she just feels more secure on the floor because she hasnt yet learned the boundaries of the bed. What I do think is important is that each night she starts out in the bed. She's being put where you would like her to sleep regardless if thats where she actually ends up.

    Like with us we put my DD in HER OWN BED everynight. But nights she goes and gets in bed with her brother. At first we moved her back to her bed, but then we decided as long as she knows initially where her her bed is and where we expect her to sleep eventually she will figure it out. FOr now she just feels more comfortable with him.

    If things are going well at your house too I wouldnt ruin a good thing :)
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  4. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    Are your twins in the same room? If so, I would probably put her back in bed. If not, I would probably leave her on the floor. Actually, that's what I did with my singleton. If she was on the floor, she would stay there. We have carpeted rooms so the floor wasn't too cold or hard. I would just cover her up.
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  5. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I would probably put her back in bed before you go to bed, just becuse I think it's more comfortable and warmer. I wouldn't worry too much about her getting back out though, like pp said she will get the idea eventually.
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  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :thanks: ladies!
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    So I know you were skeptical about the whole "toddler bed transition" at this age --- tell us, hows it going? :)
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    After a week, it's going pretty good. She is now staying her bed a lot more and puts herself to sleep. She has a little cold right now, so we have her mattress elevated. But I really have to say the transition did not go as bad as I feared. My DS has his own room, so I hope when it's time for him to transition it's just as easy! Thanks for checking on us!
  9. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Nancy, I would let her stay on the floor. I know when I was little I slept on the floor most of the time b/c it was just more comfortable to me. I would say if she has fallen out and gotten hurt, and if she is sleeping fine, just leave her. :)

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  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks Dianna! It's funny because she looked so peaceful there on the floor :laughing: If I slept on the floor now, my back would never let me hear the end of it. Oh to be young!
  11. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I keep putting mine back in bed. It used to happen a lot after we first transitioned, and typically right at 10pm (weird!) but not so much anymore. I think Kaylyn is a sleep walker, I have found her in every corner of her room. Glad the transition is going otherwise well for you guys!! :yahoo:
  12. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think this is just a matter of preference and either way is okay. But personally, I feel the need to go in the girls room, place them each in her own bed, and cover her up/re-tuck before I go to sleep. DH thinks I'm silly and if it were up to him we would not do this.
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