How do you bathe them alone?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    I am wondering how you safely bathe them when alone? Our bathroom is pretty small and not really fond of the idea of taking them out of the tub and dressing them on the floor in the bathroom. But I cant leave one in the bath and dress the other. I tried putting naked baby in the crib and he peed everywhere, plus it is just too cold for that now.
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i do bathe my girls on my own - but it does usually involve a fair bit of naked baby time. normally what i do is undress them both in their room, take them to the bathroom, fill the tub, bathe them, take them both out & wrap them in their towels, then back to their room & get them into their PJs one at a time. usually whoever i dress second has about 5 - 10 minutes to run around naked - depending on how long it takes her to wriggle out of her towel. we've had a couple of "accidents", but i find it's usually pretty easy to clean up.
  3. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    I do bathtimes on my own...I take them out one at the time and I put towels on the floor on top of the bath rug and get one dressed while the other one plays (I do it quickly) I tried just putting on diapers and doing the dressing in their bedroom but they just run around a lot and it acutally takes longer. After I'm done with one I give the other a sippi of water and a couple of toys..dd just plays with the clothes on the floor and I do lock the door so the other doesn't get out :) I put two bath mats on the bath so they don't slip. They get a bath every day and are used to the routine.
  4. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I bathe them, then drain the water. I grab one twin, put his robe on and put him safely in his room (to play on the floor) and then I grab his bro (who is playing in the fully drained tub.)
  5. mariakjor

    mariakjor Well-Known Member

    I bathe them both alone on most nights. I strip them down in the bathroom while I run the water. I also put a big towel on the floor (a tip I learned here!). When the first is done, I take him out and towel him off. He's walking now. Then I take the second one out (not walking) and carry him to their room, while the first one walks along side. Dress them in turn and ready to go. We have had a few pee accidents, and even had a POO last night...luckily it was easy to clean up, and was right on the hard wood floor. YUCK. I think I need to be faster about getting the diapers on...obviously :acute:

    DS1 5
    DS2 DS3 15 months
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ditto to almost everything above... its doable by yourself.
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I bathe them by myself. I will get everything ready in the bathroom; fill the tub, put their toys in ect. I have to close the door otherwise they'll run right in. I get them undressed in their room and then they run to the bathroom. Usually one get out before the other so I will dry him off and put on his diaper. While he is opening and closing all the cabinets, I will get the other one out and do the same. I always make sure to drain the tub just in case they try to get back in.

    I used to let them run around naked but I learned the hard way one night. As I was getting Jake dressed, Josh pooped in their playroom and was squeezing it in his hands like playdough :bad: I've also had them pee on the carpet. By putting their diapers on in the bathroom I can take my time getting them dressed.
  8. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    the only time i've ever bathed them by myself i used the kitchen sink! they're too big for that and they mess w/the faucet so i have done my best to have someone come help me at least every other day when dh is outta town...... you're all giving me hope that it's not impossible, howoever. thanks!
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I don't do it, but because the bathroom isn't baby proof. I could do it if I really had to though... I would probably leave one in the tub while dressing the other one on the floor next to the tub, then take the second one out.
  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    At that age I brought just the diapers in the bathroom and put the towels over the seat of the toilet. I would take the first one out and set them on the towel to dry them off. I then put their diaper on and let them run around the bathroom while I did the same with the second. Then we all would go to their room or the play room to get dressed.

    Now (and then when not alone) I put the towels on the counter and take them there for drying and diapers. The second one just sits and plays in the bath while I do the first. If they do try to stand, at least now they listen and will sit back down.
  11. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I live in a townhouse and the bathrooms with tubs/showers are all on the 3rd level and kitchen on the 2nd level and playroom on the 1st. So...I have a pack n play set up right next to the bathroom. I let them down from their high chairs after dinner and they go up the stairs with me behind them. They get in the tub and then I start the water for them. When done, I drain the water, then put one in the pack n play and take the other down to the playroom. They run around (it's safe and gated) while I go back up to get the other one and then they both run naked while I get their diapers on them. I do pj's after diapers as both have excema and we have to do lotion before pjs'...
    It is doable, I do it alone every night.
  12. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    I bathe them by myself fairly regularly. I put a big towel or 2 on the bathroom floor and then take them in fully clothed. I start running the water and they watch it run while I get them undressed. They both play for awhile and we make sure to wash hair last. Once we are done with their hair I pull the drain on the tub and get the first baby out. I sit right next to the tub on the floor while I dry him off and put his diaper on. Then I get the second baby out and repeat while the first baby bangs on the toilet lid. Once they are both in diapers we walk to their room to put on pajamas. Our bathroom is very small so they can't escape from me and even though it isn't totally babyproofed they can't get into anything that would hurt them...literally with me sitting on the floor there is not enough space between my body and the cupboard under the sink to open it.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I STILL bathe mine in the big sink in my laundry room like I did when they were infants! I keep trying about once a month to move to the "real" bath tub, but mine are monkeys and destroy the bathroom while I'm dressing the other one. I tried the shower while I was recovering from my recent C/S and couldn't pick them up, but had a few slip and falls in there, so I'm back to the sink. I close us up in the laundry room and strip them down and pop one in the sink and swap them out and have them bathed and in jammies in 20 minutes flat. It's very quick and hassle-free.
  14. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    I do mine alone too. I have all tile floors so after they bathe I wrap one and put them in the highchair, carry the other one and pull the highchair behind me. I get the one dressed Im carrying then I get the other one out and do them. The one in the highchair usually gets a toy or cheerios to keep them occupied
  15. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I bathe them alone. Sometimes my DH helps. When I'm alone I let them both play together. Once they are done, I take one out at a time. I towel dry and diaper one and let him wander as I dry the other and diaper him too. I'm just really fast at it and I keep an eye on the one in the tub. He's usually happily playing with his toys anyhow. On the rare occasion the other wants out, I'll take him out and finish what I'm doing with the first boy. If he pees, it's a tile floor and not too hard to clean up. If he poos, it's irritating, but what can I do. That's happened one time but I was bathing them one at a time anyhow (DH watched the other meanwhile) so it was only one boy to worry about.
  16. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    This is pretty much how it worked at our house at that age. :good: Once you get the hang of it it isn't too bad.
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