Silent reflux question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MarchI, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    What were your babies symptoms? I am beginning to wonder if Henry has it. He never fusses and truly is a happy baby but if he stopped eating, he wouldn't mind. He won't take a nipple faster than slow flow and some days even that one he cries when I try to feed him (on an every 4 hour schedule). He is not growing as fast as his brother (yes, i know they are different kids)but he is still growing.
  2. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    Does he turn his head alot during eating and does he arch his back? That was my two symptoms but mine wanted to constantly eat bc it was soothing to their throat. I could sometimes hear it come up and see them do a nasty taste look and swallow it back down. Your symptoms dont seem to me as silent relux but ya never know. Alot of times they want to eat more to do that soothing
  3. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    my boys have severe reflux and are on prevacid solutabs in the am and zantac at night and we still have issues, but we just started the zantac in the pm so we have to give it time to kick in.

    does he sleep with his head arched way back? does he cry in the middle of the feed? does he gag or seem to choke on the nipple or project or forcefully spit up any of his food? also does he seem to make chewing faces and actions with his mouth? that could be a sign of regurgitation and reflux. this can happen hours after a meal.

    how often are you feeding him and how much are you giving him? it could be that he's just not as hungry as his brother and has a smaller stomach.

    if you are concerned talk to your pedi about it!

    good luck!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    That's how my Emma was. She hardly spit up at all, but was refusing bottles until she got on the right meds. I would call the ped.
  5. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls were reflux babies. They both slowly started growing out of it and the spitting up (Isabelle, baby A, still spits-up from time-to-time, but it's getting better everyday). Their symptoms for reflux were coughing, gagging, spitting up with burps, regurgitating, hiccups and refusing the bottle (at times, if they were hungry enough they would eat). At first they were on Zantac, but it didn't seem to help at all and then they were put on Prevacid...this was a lifesaver!

    Maybe keep trying the faster flow nipple. What your explaining sounds a lot what happened to the girls when they were on a slower flow and it was time to change (around 3 months is when the next stage nipple starts). The first few times they ate from the faster flow seemed to be a bit too fast, but they got used to it very quickly. If the flow is too slow they will refuse to eat because they get tired from sucking/eating.

    Definitely call the ped if you think it's reflux. :)
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    For silent reflux, our symptoms were the same as my reflux baby except he didnt spit up as much. There was a lot of grunting, refusing to feed, and crying on the bottle. Once we got on the Prevacid, life got so much better.
  7. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    My baby girl had this:

    I would give her her bottle after she screamed for it. Then after a few sips she would start turning away and screaming. Once I would pick her up an calm her down, she would start looking for the nipple again and after a few sips she would again start to move her head and bring her legs up, while screaming. Sometimes I could even her her swallow as if something came up, or after a burp and a big cry would follow right after.

    After a week of this, one day she just refused to eat completely and I had to take her to the doctor. He put us on Zantac twice a day 30 min before food and not she eats her bottle like crazy.

    Also, she would spit up cottage cheese / curd like stuff which looked and smelled sour.

    Hopefully this helps and good luck!
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  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    That's exactly how my son behaved too. He had lots of "wet burps", would often times sound hoarse, and had LOTS of hiccups as well. Prevacid solutabs and thickened formula have helped tremendously.
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Although we were diagnosed with silet reflux, meds didn't help, but going dairy free was the key for my LO. She would arch, not take breast or bottle when she was having a tough time...glad those days are over Going dairy free was trying but I did it for 12 weeks. I still don't drink cow's milk yet, but have added all other dairy back. Good luck.
  10. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Rylee was just generally fussy, but I could see her swallowing/chewing a lot, especially while sleeping. She burped a lot and always made a sour face like it tasted horrible. She didn't spit up a lot but when she did, it was thick, chunky and sour smelling, like a pp said it looked like cottage cheese.

    The zantac didn't help us either, but the prevacid worked great! :hug:

    I just want to say that my babies weren't ready for the fast flow nipple at 3 months, they were after 4 months when they could take it without choking badly on it, so he may just not be ready for the fast flow one.

    As for not growing, that's probably not from the reflux, my reflux baby is my chubby baby, and my other baby is the skinny joe! :D
  11. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    We are trying Zantac for the next month to see how he does (they have their 4 month visit in december so the pedi will reassess then).
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