
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I almost feel like a freak for saying this, with so many other twin moms who say that they are so busy, but I'm just bored!

    Kids have therapies several mornings a week, and I go out to do groceries or some other errands, but there aren't any fenced playgrounds close, I have no luck with playdates, library times isn't at times that work for us, and I'm trying to stay clear of the Mall so I'm not tempted to spend money. There isn't any restaurant or fast food place with indoor playgrounds anywhere close either. So, I'm home a lot (and will be more soon).

    All the stuff I used to do pre-kids and do while they nap is stuff I can't do when they are up... I can't read because they just want to steal my book, I can't play video games as I'd have to pause every two minutes, I can't watch shows unless I rent dvds and put subtitles on or I can't understand a thing (English isn't my primary language so I really need to be able to hear to understand what's going on). Cleaning is out too as I really can't leave the room more than 2 minutes. Browsing forums and other Internet sites is just getting so old, and I swear that if I just sit with the kids for more than 30 minutes I can feel my brain turn to mush.

    What do you do to keep busy when the kids are up and actually playing happily?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Well, if they are playing happily, my time is spent on the computer. :pardon: I'm not at the point of boredom yet. :lol: If you need to clean, you can take the kids from room to room with you. This is around the age that I started doing the cleaning while they were awake and after a while they started really enjoying "helping" me. They'd each get their own towel and clean. Sometimes they'd make messes ( okay, almost always!) but I did get things done. Do you read? Can you maybe just sit outside the room they are in and read? Word puzzles?
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When mine are playing happily, my time is spent on the computer, studying, or chatting with a friend. Do you friends or family that you can chat with on the phone or online? I also have mine help me clean (except vacuuming, the vacuum FREAKS my kids out) and they like to help. Also when the kids are happily occupied, I will call a friend and chat.
    Do you have an I-Pod or anything where you could listen to audio books?
  4. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    You say you have no luck with you do any classes with them, like a gym class or a music class? It's a great way to meet other moms. Or try and find a local moms group in your area. For me, I have to have an outting (a class, a playdate with a friend) everyday or I'd go nuts at home. This keeps me from getting bored.
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I've tried meet ups, the local mom club... no luck. I've looked at classes but it's either too expensive or times don't work out either (everything is at 10am or 10.30am and my kids need to nap at 11.30, plus their therapies are mostly in the morning). I can't go in another room because they just keep getting into the computer, and there is only one area that is baby proof (we have too much stuff and not enough room to put it)... Audio books wouldn't work, I wouldn't be able to hear a thing and I really can't focus well on stories I hear...

    I mean, I spend a lot of time online, it just gets really old, lol.
  6. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    I just want to tell you that you sound just like me! I am also bored to death!
  7. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    Same here! Sometimes I have to go out twice..LOL! I would be totally bored sitting in the house all day. Can you go out for a walk or let them outside to play? We go for walks which they love and I bring my Ipod so I can listen to music or audio downloads. I recently have started taking them outside to play, I bring a few push toys, car, a ball etc. and let them play. I let them help clean or do laundry with me.

  8. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Last year we moved to a small town where I have no friends or family and we make due with one vehicle [a honda civic COUPE at that] and DH takes that to work. It's Crazy windy here most of the time and there are no parks or stores within walking distance. [Also there isn't even a mall in this town.. closest thing is a Fred Meyers].

    With that said, I make sure there are 'stations' in the house [areas with different toys they can play with], there's a corner with lots of books and [probably not the best idea, but] I like to keep the t.v. on either an educational cartoon/program or playing classical music in the background. They learn to play with each other [sometimes not so nice, but it's something they need to learn anyway - playing nicely with others]. When they're playing nice that's when I go online [TS, FB, email, etc..] or study. I don't ever let them play alone for more than 20-30 mins. I do spend about a total of 2 hrs a day playing with them, teaching them new things and keep their curious minds satisfied.

    Good luck! Hopefully you can find something that works out for you so you're not so bored. Maybe do 'book/story time' with them? Or teach them songs [ABC's, Head shoulders knees and toes, Itsy bitsy spider, etc..] even though they may not be able to sing them yet, they'll get a kick out of the entertainment [​IMG]
  9. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I can relate. Have another child. hehe I did now I have no time for even the computer !! Are there any cheaper music classe you can attend ? I found I needed something that was contained. My girls got better with the reading thing, it just happened one day so don't give up on that. You could read to them while they are in highchairs, or in their beds, or when you have one child awake and the other sleeping. I think when they finally quit biting books and fighting over them it became more fun. Is there a community centre you could ask about events for kids ? It is worth it to investigate. Go for a walk and then a picnic ? If there is a large open area you have a better chance of catching them.....

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