I CANNOT believe this just happened

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sarahfineran, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. sarahfineran

    sarahfineran Member

    So I went to mall this morning because I couldn't stand another minute in my house and just had to get out. I was browsing in Banana Republic and of course both babies started fussing at the same time (they are 3 months) and everyone in there started staring at us like we were circus freaks, especially this one woman who kept sneering at me. Since all the stares make me feel super uncomfortable, I decided to go to the food court where it is louder and we would be less obvious. I was holding one and bottlefeeding the other when the same woman from the store comes up to me and says......
    "God I feel sorry for you. If I found out that I was pregnant with twins I would have ran to the nearest abortion clinic." I was so shocked I felt like crying and punching her at the same time!!! I looked at her and told her that stupidity never ceases to amaze me and she said I was rude and immature!! WTF???

    I feel so isolated. I hate staying home all the time but going out places is starting to make me feel worse. I don't have to tell ya'll about the stares and the comments but this one really took my breath away.
  2. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    I AM SO SORRY!!! That was obnoxious and rude!! I always tell people I am so blessed to have two. They really don't get it!

    Is there a local multiples group in your area? It is so nice to have other people who understand. Even my husband's family is clueless, and makes me feel isolated sometimes because none of them ever had twins.

    Hang in there! I would have had a hard time not socking that woman!

    PS - Way to go in going to the mall by yourself with the babies!
  3. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    Ugh, what a rude and hateful thing to say! I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Good for you for telling her what for! I too don't really like the stares and comments (nothing compared to what you just expereienced) but I love my babies and I'm glad that they are twins. So, that helps even out the uncomfortableness of being a spectical. Keep getting out... even if it's just for a walk. Bundle those babies up good and get out to clear your head.
  4. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    My chin would have hit the floor :woah: the nerve of some people!! If she is from one of the stores you were shopping at I would email a complaint to the company HQ.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you had something to say to her.. my jaw would have dropped & I would have been speechless. To approach a stranger just to say that is inconceiveable! :shok: I would have seen if there was any security around to report harassment! WOW!

    :hug: I know what you mean about just getting out. SOrry you had a bad outing and it wasn't really even the babies faults! :hug: Don't let one bad seed stop you from doing it again!
  6. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    GOOD FOR YOU FOR SAYING THAT! The b**ch was just jealous! people are such a-holes!
  7. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    :blink: Woah! How rude of her! I'm glad you were able to say something back...I would have been in such shock that I would have been speechless. I had to get out of the house a lot too and found the stares very annoying. I don't know if strangers are more considerate as the babies get older or if you just become numb to it, but I felt better about it as the boys got older. I have even had a few days this month where I can't remember ANYONE making a "twin" comment to me while I'm out. Hang in there!
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am sorry that someone was so rude to you. People say the stupid things.
  9. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    I think this woman does not have children and will never have and she's simply jealous seeing you with 2 babies. Someone who makes such comment does not deserve any reply. If I was in your place I would simply ignored her or tell her that I am so blessed by having two bundles of joy and I thank God everyday about that, then just smile and continue my way.

    And most importantly keep going out. We all need to take some fresh air to boost our energy to take care of our two bundles of joy. :)
  10. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's just about the rudest thing I've heard on the subject of twins.

    It's hard, but it's SO WORTH IT. Good for you for telling her off.
  11. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    Some people are just ignorant and don't know when to keep their mouths shut. Whatever happened to "if you can't say something nice..." Good for you for having a comeback ready or at least thinking of one on the spot. How dare she call you rude and immature - that lady shouldn't be dishing it if she can't take it. Don't worry about the stares - just keep doing what you need to do and people can get over it or look the other way. Babies cry but that's no reason for you to have to stay in the house. It'll get easier and you're doing a great job! Hang in there.
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Some people just do not possess a filter between their brain and their mouth. I am sorry that someone said that to you and that your outing with the little ones was a little rough. Your comeback was great! :hug:
  13. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Staring at people is rude and immature, A. B, GOOD FOR YOU! You did nothing wrong! I loved your reply.

    You go (out) girl!


  14. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    The nerve of some people :grr: So sorry that you had to hear something like that! My babies are about the same age as yours and I don't know if I am ready for the mall by myself yet so good for you! Great rebuttal!
  15. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    You're totally right! Some people are totally stupid - I often wonder how some of them have made it this far in life without getting their neck ties stuck in paper shredders and their heads caught in roll-up windows....
  16. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    I can only guess that something seriously bad happened to this woman in relation to babies and she's taking it out on you. :grouphug:
  17. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    People are so rude sometimes! I had a guy in a grocery store, stare at myself, my twins and my toddler, shake his head in disgust and say "WHY don't you have a few more kids lady!" He said it so loud, everyone started staring at me. Like I need more stares my way too.....LOL.
  18. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Wow just wow, what a witch!!! Good for you for getting out we all have to do that to feel human every once in a while. I'm getting used to the stares...we have 2 month old twins and a 17 month old so we get stared at A LOT rofl! Don't let them get you down!
  19. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    I'm totally shocked. I can't believe someone would ever say that!!!!! I would have been speechless but then would have been thinking of comebacks for days. Good for you for putting her in her place!

  20. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    :woman: WTG, woman! That was the perfect reply to an asinine comment. And like the rest of the group has already said, don't let this discourage you from going out with your twins. You NEED to get out for your own sanity - if I didn't get them out in the stroller at least a few times a week I don't know what I'd do. Thankfully they sleep while in the stroller but will often wake up and fuss as soon as I stop moving. So I haven't been to a mall yet but have braved a few coffee shops, one restaurant (mostly with success) and a few stores. Most of the time I just walk around outside. Most of the comments we get while out are positive (oh, twins - how cute!) but sometimes we get the "you must have your hands full" or "better you than me" comments which are starting to get annoying. My twins aren't even two months old so I am sure these comments will be driving me batty a few months from now!

    So keep up the great attitude and keep up a good supply of witty comebacks for the next imbecile you're going to meet (because I doubt that woman will be the last)!
  21. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    :shok: :eek: :woah: I cant believe the nerve of people! how DISCUSTING AND RUDE!! I dont know what to say, but that is terrible. Arrh it gets me angry. Twins are such a blessing, what do people think????
    I hope this doesnt stop you from going out again :hug:
  22. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry that someone was so beyond rude to you! :hug: Going out alone with twin babies is hard enough without rude people making stupid comments. I'm glad you were able to say something back to her, I'm sure I would have just been standing there with my mouth hanging open. :hug:
  23. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    that was seriously ignant! Good for you for giving right back...I think I would have resorted to name calling...
  24. Obie9

    Obie9 Well-Known Member

    For every rude person in this world, there are about 10000 that are lovely. Since our babies were born, we only came across one that was semi-rude (nothing like your witch), and she probably didn't know she was being rude.

    Your gal takes the cake, though. I would guess that she has a mental problem. If it ever happens to anyone else here (OP, you've reached your limit), remember the old Billy Joel phrase, "You can never argue with a crazy (wo)man. You ought to know by now..."
  25. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    When do people learn to mind their own business?

    You shouldn't feel intimidated about going to places, you need to get out! Don't let such woman get to you.

    There are plenty out there who are nice and will support you no matter what.
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