I go alot of places by myself with the twins. My DH is out of town working alot so its usually just me, ocassionally my mom comes. I just started taking them to the park, DS is walking and DD is still "trying" (LOL). I look around and all these other moms are just sitting chatting with others and I feel like Im constantly moving....this one is climbing this way the other one is going this way. My DS wants to climb and go down the slide....by himself....HES ONE!! I end up picking both up (LOL) and walking with them to another part of the park. I went to a music class by myself yesterday (LOL), I figured I would give it a try. Here I come with two!! One part of the class the teacher says, "ok kids, get in the lap of the person who brought you.".....YEAH RIGHT!! Lilly is crawling up her leg to get the puppet and Brock is walking around doing his squealing (hes excited he can walk noise). They both wanted to do different things. I laugh as Im telling this because I kept watching the clock thinking how much time before this is over. I felt like I was chasing them around the entire time. The teacher assured me that they were great and please bring them back. Its not that they were bad, they were being their age. I just wonder.....Is it because their twins or would it be the same if it were two kids? Im always wondering this. I always feel different them other moms. I do alot wiht them by myself, but there are some things I wouldnt even try!!
It's twins. It's because we have 2 (or 3) kids at the same developmental age. If I took 1 boy and my singleton daughter, it would be 10 times easier because she's 2 yrs old than the boys and can follow instructions (of course not mine, but her daycare or swimming teachers). :ibiggrin:
I also do a lot with my girls by myself, and it can definitely be overwhelming from time to time. I can tell you that it does get easier the older they get. I do feel a sense of empowerment when I take them out alone, even if its pure chaos. I don't have experience with kids of two different ages, so I can't really say if its harder or not.
It's funny that you mention this. Within the last couple of months, I've started taking mine to baby time at the library. Of course, I'm the only mom there with twins. So all of the other kids actually have a lap to sit in and mine have to share. They are usually all over the room, which is okay with the lady who does story time. I also usually go with a friend and they try and help me out. I've just surrendered to the fact that I'm not super woman and I shouldn't have to not go to things just because I have two babies and am not in complete control of them. I think most moms actually look at me and take pity.
I totally hear you about not being able to sit down when you're out with them. I think part of it is my kids personalities - they're very active - but I also think that its probably easier with one at a time, particularly if they aren't TOO close together. I have a 3 year old nephew and its definitely easier to keep him near you, even though hes very active as well, just because with a little more maturity, he has slightly more impulse control. The other part that I think may play an even bigger role is the fact that when you only have one child (and I do mean just one, not one at a time) you can put your whole focus on that child.
LOL!! This is exactly how I feel! As Im carrying both in the park ,and when the teacher was saying "they were great!" The other moms were looking at me saying, "yeah, it doesnt bother us" (SURE)
See, that's why I don't even dare going out by myself to places where they can roam. Just the waiting room at the doctor is awful because they run all over and I have to carry both to the stroller to stop it, and then they melt down, getting me looks from everyone in the office. I'd love to take them places but it's just not fun for any of us. I can't keep up with them, and they end up frustrated because they're two and I just can't let them run in two directions... It stinks! I swear every town should have a fenced outdoor/indoor playground! It's definitely a twin thing though. With two kids of a different age, you're bound to have one that will at least listen a minimum.
We go to an organized playgroup and during circle time, mine are the only ones that do not sit still. Obviously there is only one lap to sit in, but they are both walking around or getting right up in the face of the "teacher" and making it a hands-on experience. I, too, long for the time when I can take them to the park and while I sit on the bench and read, but that could just be their age (just turned 2). I thought that one of the joys of having twins was that they entertain each other, but we still need to be right there most of the time.
When I take them to play groups/parks I almost never sit down. I'm always standing, ready to bolt after one or the other. I live close to the beach and we have a playgound there, which is in the middle of a HUGE field, which is nice, cause then they can roam some and check out their environment, and still see me. They usually make it about 100ft from me before they return.
LOL! I am reading these posts and it's like someone is writing a story of my daily life! I too often wonder why parents of singletons complain because things seem so much easier with one. The one thing I wish I could do with my LOs is go to the pool, but that's not going to happen. I admit I am a coward when it comes to taking the kids out by myself. I just know them well enough to know it's fun for a little while, but once they get bored and restless, it's meltdown time and I am wiped out afterwards! We do have the joy of them playing together and entertaining each other, which is the advantage of having 2 versus one. I know things will get easier once they can be a little bit more disciplined. We are all truly blessed to be given such a unique experience, I'm amazed how many parents are jealous of me! Imagine that!
I'm in a weekly playgroup with singleton moms and it's DEFINITELY having twins, and not you!I also think it's the age they are at. I was at an open park yesterday and chasing my little walkers around the WHOLE time! I'm over opened parks, only closed parks for me from now on when I'm alone with them! We do a music class and mine wander all over the room but that's part of the class philosophy too...that kids learn in different ways, some sit and some move and listen. I also take them to a gym class and again, it's a race against time keeping up with them. Not relaxing ever, but it is fun and keeps us busy!
It's a really hard time for that between 12 and 18 months I think. It's getting better now, and mine are 21 months. If it's a pretty simply playground, they can go up the steps and down the slide while I stand on the ground watching them. And they are better about following directions. Jack is really good about holding hands and stopping when I tell him to stop. Anna still thinks it's fun to try to run away, so it helps that one of them listens! When they are 2 or 3, you'll be able to do this stuff I think. And probably we'll have a whole host of new problems!
Oh how I miss those days of going to the park and having a conversation with another mom! Withmy oldest, I could do that because he was one child and he only went in one direction at a time. With twins it's a whole new ballgame! I am also envious of the parents that can take their twins to a park by themselves. My twins have autism and literally will not hear me when I call for them to stop or come back or any other direction.And to top it off, they repel each other! They ALWAYS go in opposite directions and each need assistance. For safety, I cannot take them to parks or play places or playgroups in public by myself! People always give me dirty looks at the park when I show up with 2 kids and a babysitter/nanny- but oh well! If they were in my situation, they would not be so quick to judge. We all feel the same way at times. You are doing a great job on your own, getting out and giving them the opportunities to be social and have those fun experiences. Don't feel embarrassed that your kids seem to be the crazy ones. It's not true and being rowdy and exploring the world makes them smarter and they have more fun! Kelly