
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melissak, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    So lately, when the boys wake up from naps, I go in their room and they are COMPLETELY NAKED!!!! They have managed to unzip and take off their sleep saks, all of their clothing as well as their diapers!!! EEKKK!
    Not only am I concerned about them peeing all over their cribs, which they have done and is a total pain since it goes all over including onto the carpet...but worse..poop (which hasn't happened yet..) but that is the LAST thing I need to deal with!!!
    I'm also worried about them being cold. SOOOO, how do I solve this problem with them getting naked or am I out of luck with this one once they figure out how to do it?
  2. mmyers

    mmyers Well-Known Member

    im in the same boat with you. i have twins-1 girl and 1 boy. my daughter also strips naked every single night! i have even put her pjs on backwards so i thought she wouldnt be able to unzip them but she manages to. she also takes the diaper off and luckly no poop hhere. so if you find out please let me know too. mine are also 2 yrsold
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i've been having this problem for a month!
    BUY DUCT TAPE! i started putting on duct tape, and the girls may be able to strip down, but the diapers at least stay on!
    at nap time i also put on shirts that are a little too small, so they are harder for them to take off. ALSO, i put dresses on them over their clothes. they can't take the dress off (unzip it or slip it off over their shoulders, etc), so they can't take the shirts off! that, of course won't work for you since you have boys lol
    can they work buttons yet? mine haven't figured out buttons, so at bedtime, one of my girls wears a zippered footie jammie with a buttom up pj top over it. (you have to get creative)
    good luck!
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I also have little nudists, and we have been battling this for a while! Thankfully they are finally starting to understand they can't take their clothes off unless we them it's OK, but that has been a long time coming. They even ask us if they can be "Nakey Girls"! :rolleyes:

    I second the duct tape, and also putting on onsies backwards helped as well. Good Luck!!
  5. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    Duct tape worked here too for the diapers.
    I also used a baby proof safety pin (diaper pin) at the top of their jammies. They never once were able to get ANYTHING off again, and finally gave up.
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Yep, I was going to say....PJ's on backwards and DUCT TAPE!! :ibiggrin:
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    You have no idea how glad I am that my two are not the only ones that would rather be naked!

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