
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by laurenlantz, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    Since the weather is starting to get a little (literally just a little-I can't wait for cool weather) cooler, I thought now might be a good time to buy some shoes that the girls can wear when we leave the home. Both are primarily still getting around by crawling, but Kate is an early unsteady walker and can be led to walk if you are holding her hand. Hannah has taken a few weak steps, but shows no interest in really learning to walk. So the only reason that I am really getting shoes is for when we have cold (I know, cold in FL is a relative term) weather. Otherwise, I would put it off until they are walking better (at least for Hannah). I bought some at Target the other day, but they were $13 a piece. Multiply that by two and then add 2 pairs of dress shoes also. Ouch! And they'll grow out of them in a couple of months. Right now they are 14 months old.

    I was just wondering where you all buy your shoes from? Is quality or price more of a factor in where you get their shoes? Thanks!
  2. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    I buy mine at children consignment stores. I've gotten great deals on some really good quality, name brand shoes that way! And when they outgrow them, I can just sell them right back so it's an excellent deal!
  3. kharker711

    kharker711 Member

    Ebay is a great place to look. I got the boys each a pair of Nike shoes for $25. That was the price for both pair of shoes and shipping/handling. If you put twin shoes in the search line you might luck out like I did and find a mother of twins selling identical shoes. Just a thought!
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    At their age I think it's quality and flexibility! They need something comfy easy shoes that are light and bend easily. I agree with ebay and consignment shops but would go for Stride Rite shoes and Pediped shoes... I know there are some others but can't think of the name.
    Mine are older and now I go more for price because they can walk in basically everything. That and I really like shoes so they tend to have a lot of shoes :blush:
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I usually will buy shoes from Target or Famous Footwear (their buy one get one half off sale, plus 20% coupon, got the kiddos some cute Nike sneakers).
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    For learning to walk I'd get some good shoes with good support (Stride Rite, Pediped etc). If they mostly crawl with them or don't walk much in them I'd get something cheap (Payless). Once they walk well I'd get something in-between (Famous Footwear, Nike etc). So far for mine I mostly got Stride Rite, but mostly because although DD doesn't walk with shoes yet, her pair was always 50% off as I got them on sale. I got some at the Stride Rite outlet also where they are 40% cheaper, and were actually cheaper than most shoes at Famous Footwear...

    There's also Preschoolian that gives you a 40% discount for twins. The only thing with them is that you have to use their own measuring tool as they use other size standards.
  7. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Craigslist, local MOMs sales, consignment shops and ebay. GL it all adds up so fast!
  8. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I preferred the Robeez (or Target knock-offs) when mine were just learning to walk. If it's wet out they would be a problem but I think in the cold with socks they'd be fine. It's important they can feel the ground beneath them. The next ones I transitioned them into were Pediped. They are expensive but quality is excellent. I too buy things from a resale shop and ebay. My shoes actually have lasted my kids at least 4 months, sometimes 5. Their feet didn't grow as fast as I thought they would.
  9. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    Same here. My DS is walking now so he is regular sneakers, before that he wore the "knock off" Robeez.DD is still in Robeez, they seem to be easier when they are learning to walk. I live in Florida too, these seem to work well!
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Learning to walk - Robeez
    Starting to walk - Stride Rite (something with support)
    afterwards.. not used... shoes change via the users and would hate to have a non-fitting shoe in that regards.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I've gotten some great deals at consignment stores, and children's sales around here... especially for church shoes where they are just wearing the dressy ones 1x/week. I just got several today at a local children's sale for $5 and less.

    Another source for the Robeez and Tredz shoes is at Ross Stores. They were not found in the shoe section in ours, it was in the baby section and they were only $9 for a pair and NEW! (Tredz are a little more hard soles - still flexible, and I think from the Robeez brand).

    good luck.
  12. annagloth

    annagloth Well-Known Member

    My guys have had great success from just learning to walk to now walking/running with a brand called GEOX that I found a nordstrom. I bought them for half price at Nordstrom Rack and they are leather sneakers with a flexible sole but still good support moreso than robeez or anything like that. They love to put them on and they come in a ton of styles and colors. I paid $25 I think...also if you don't have a rack near you Nordstrom is having the semi annual sale which includes kids so you could go online and buy...not sure when it ends...just an idea :ibiggrin:
  13. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    The one and only shoes I am buying-PEDIPED-look great, comfy, lightweight, little bit pricey but that is what you pay for quality leather shoes. My guys don't walk in them, they run.
  14. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    I keep hearing the Pediped name. Where do you get those? I've never even heard of them before you all mentioned them.
  15. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Where I live they carry them in higher end children's stores, but I ordered several online, and they do have sales at the pediped site:
  16. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Also i just saw amazon has some good deals!!
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