Do you have a play room?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by brandycaviness, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    We finally have the girls a playroom that is only a playroom. :banana: I am trying to organize it so that all their junk stays in the playroom and not all over the house. The room isn't big. 10X12 I think. I want it to have stations or areas. Is this possible? What do you use to organize, storage? I also would like a table in there for them to paint and do other crafts so that I can get it out of the corner of my dining room :girl_devil:

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I wish I had a playroom, but right now they share it with us (the den). We were just at my cousin's house last weekend and she has an awesome playroom for her two. She had her husband make built-in's along one whole wall, but you could do the same thing with bookshelves. Then she has cubies in those for specific toys. Along the other wall she had the kitchen stuff, with a small table. On the other side she had two little chairs for them to read. And then on the last side she had a train table which also had storage underneath. GL!
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    *sigh* my whole house is one big playroom
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We do have a playroom. It's fairly large (maybe 16 x 20?). I had a wonderful book shelf from Ikea that I now use to hold cheap clear plastic bins from Walmart with toys, puzzles, art supplies, train stuff, etc. That's on one wall. We also have a little table with two chairs on that wall. The girls call it their craft table. Then we have a play kitchen on another wall, an art easel near that, and a chaise lounge that serves as a spot for cuddling and reading books.

    All that said... no matter what the size of your room, you can't go wrong with a simple shelving system that holds clear bins. Or if you want to organize it into stations, two smaller shelving systems - one for "toys" and the other for "art". Home Depot, Lowes and Target all sell wooden shelving systems that come with little bins. Or if you're creative, you can build your own shelf to accomodate any type of bins. (can you tell that I swear by bins?)
  5. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Right now we have two of these storage bins.
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We don't have a playroom, but we use a cubby system with fabric storage boxes like these. Our storage system is 5 rows tall - 3 lower ones for kids, and 2 upper ones for parents. You can also get a shorter version (2 cubes high by 4 or 5 wide) at IKEA, if you have one near you. I keep art stuff in a plastic multi-drawer storage unit. We also have some suede storage cubes with lids that look like little ottomans in our living room to hide cluttery toys. I can't find them on Target's site but they were like $19 at the store. I also keep their stuffed animals piled in a giant plastic tub (sans lid). Good luck - have fun organizing the room!
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    You took the words right out of my mouth!![​IMG]
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have one of those in our playroom as well. And I have three bookshelves with 2 shelves each. We also have a little table and 2 chairs in it. I try my hardest to keep it organized and label the bins for dolls and toys etc.
  9. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    We're in the process of doing our playroom. It's about the same size yours is (ours is 12x12 I think)

    We're doing the cubby system along one whole wall (we're building ours) and on the one end I made a little computer desk. The shelves will be 15 inches wide (from the wall out) 24 inches long and 24 inches high with a 12 inch shelf. on the other end I'll stack two units to make sort of a dresser where I'll store art supplies. They're TV will sit on one of the lower shelves and the lower units will be used for toy storage with the cloth bins PP mentioned.

    Under the Window I plan to get the Step 2 50's diner kitchen for everyone to play with. In the Corner I'm going to build a little puppet/dress up area with a curtain, mirrors and hooks for the clothes. Right next to the Door I'm going to frame up a 24x24 inch area and paint it with chalkboard paint. I'll hook little art pails underneath to store Chalk, crayons, paintbrushes, etc..

    Along the 4th wall I'm going to put a Little Tykes Picnic table for them to use for Arts/Crafts and snacks...

    I want to paint a stripe with magnectic paint along this 4th wall as well so we can use that to hang artwork. If that doesn't pan out (if I can't find the paint) then I was going to use wooden dowels, attach picture wire and make an area for them to attach their artwork with clothes pins.

    Here is where I'm finding a lot of my inspiration for our room... I've also been googling a LOT of 'playroom decorating ideas' and putting bits and pieces from everyone else's ideas into my own idea.

    I'll DEFINETLY post pics when we're done, but it won't be till after x-mas as this is part of the kids' x-mas present....

    ETA: I have those same storage bins you have right now, and I'm finding them quite useless. I think the cubby system will work MUCH better, plus take up less space in the long run and give extra seating/work space on top...
  10. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    We have that storage bin you linked, a bookshelf, and a toy chest. :good: I thought I could do the "stations" and so far :nea: I've not been successful (not to burst your bubble, maybe your girls will listen :lol: ) I try and put the crayons/coloring books on the table but it usually ends up anywhere but there. :pardon: Same with everything else, the playroom looks like a tornado went through it some afternoons. :drown: BUT the toys are no longer all over my house. :good:
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