Birthday Parties & siblings

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by korie99, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    I know there was a topic about this posted recently, so I apologize, but I wanted to get some opinions on this. We are having the kids' 5th birthday party at an indoor play space. The cost is $18 per child (GULP!) and initially I thought we'd not be able to invite their entire preschool class (19 kids) simply b/c we can't afford it. However, I did some rethinking and really feel like I don't want to exclude any of the kids. Also we're doing it on a Friday morning (we don't have school on Fridays) and I'm figuring the kids with working parents probably won't be able to make it. My problem is that we REALLY cannot afford to pay for siblings. They are welcome to come, there is no set limit on the number of kids we can have and I know lots of the moms don't have any other choice but to bring them, but if they did I'd have to ask the parents to pay for them. Is that wrong?? If not, how should I word the invitations to indicate that they're welcome, but need to be paid for?? I just don't know the right way to go about this and wanted to get some opinions before I send out the invites.

    Thanks in advance for any advice!!
  2. caba

    caba Banned

    Is this a normal thing that happens? People bring uninvited siblings to a birthday party? My sister is 2.5 years older than me, and I don't ever remember going to birthday parties with her!

    That being said, I do not at all think it's out of line to say that siblings have to be paid for by the parents. Unfortunately, I don't know how that would be worded on the invite! Do people usually call and ask if they can bring a sibling? Maybe at that time you could tell them that due to budgetary constraints, you can't pay for the additional kids, but they are totally welcome.

    I can't imgagine anyone would get upset that you aren't willing to pay for all their kids to come to a party that just one of them was invited to!
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I think it is perfectly fine to not pay for siblings, I wouldn't. Can you make up some can of "admit one" type ticket to be placed inside the invitation or tell the business that only those with an invitation will be the ones you will pay for and they have to show their invitation at the door? Usually those type of places will have tickets already for you..I know the skating alley that we had our son's party at did...that you give out to those invited so you only pay for the kids that you are supposed to.
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  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of a ticket in the invite. Then maybe a little blurb that says something like "siblings are welcome but must be paid for separately". :pardon:
  5. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    PP had great ideas. I like the idea of the ticket stub. If you address the invite to the child only, do you think the parents will get the hint??
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Rachel, I love the idea of the ticket! :good:

    I think most parents are aware of the cost associated with the place. If you know any of the parents, I would mention that you don't know how to handle it and see if they have ideas and then word might spread.

    I did a play place for our last party and it was a set cost for X # of kids and each additional was X$ more. I made sure to keep it to exactly the number and if parents were allowed to drop off then they wouldn't HAVE to bring the siblings. So I guess it depends on whether it's a drop off or not?

    Sorry, I'm brainstorming out loud - I did, afterall, watch Imagination Movers this morning! :winking:
  7. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I think stating in the invite that siblings will have to be paid for by the parents is just fine. Unfortunately, some people need a bigger hint than just addressing the envolope to the child invited.

    "Due to the party facilities we must limit the guest amount....Siblings are welcomed but will be at the expense of the accompanying parent."
    ~Not sure if that even makes any sense, but something along those lines.
  8. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Addressing the invite just to the invited sibling is not enough of a hint, in my experience. Uninvited sibs have been brought to bday parties we have had, even at an outside place, without the parents asking. I like the idea of the ticket.
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