Didn't get C-section date today dr wasn't in :(

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by nadana77, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm upset:(
    On our way to the dr's appt today I got a call saying the dr wouldn't be in this morning because he had been on call last night.
    I had been looking to this appt now for two weeks but, it was resched for Wed morning so, we'll know then.

    I having issues on what to pack in the hospital bag for the baby. I never got the chance to do it with the twins so I am clueless.
    There is no nursery in the hospital where I am delivering (it's a small hospital) and only thing the nurse told us to bring at the preadmission appt was receiving blankets and extra wipes. I'm debating on how many gowns/footed onesies to take.
    Any help would be GREAT!!!

    Take Care & I hope everyone is feeling great :)
  2. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Wow...no nursery...well, lets see...things you might need for baby. Perhaps some of that vitamin d ointment that they use on newborns bottoms, burp rags in he is a spitter, definitely the extra wipes and the onesies, maybe some of the mittens to keep him from scratching himself, something to clean his belly button with?? Idk...I'm just throwing out things that you might need...if I think of anymore, I'll let you know. Good luck!!! I wish I was 36 weeks, lol!
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I just started packing our bag today :)
    I did have the pleasure of packing the twins bags too so here is what I do:

    recieving blankets
    baby's car seat (all ready to go with buntings etc if its winter)

    Ive only ever taken 1 outfit (the going home outfit) but if you wanted to take more, I would take 2-4 depending on vaginal/c-section delivery and your length of stay.
    The hospital also usually has diapers/wipes/formula/breastpumps etc. Really you just need whatever you need to take the baby from hospital to home :)

    Im right behind you (timewise) and Im super excited!!!! Our babies will be here soon! cant wait to see what the toddlers think :)
  4. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about this too, our hospital doesn't really have a nursery either. Sorry your appointment got changed, I hate it when that happens. It's coming really soon though, super excited to see your little cutie! :)
  5. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Everyone :)
    So excitied for tomorrow to come!!!
    Starting to back bags tonight for all of us and I really appericated all your ideas.
    Will let you all know what the dr says tomorrow.
    Take Care!!
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I'm really shocked over the no nursery thing... I'm surprised that hospitals without nurseries are allowed to have an obstetric wing at all. They must have some kind of supplies at the hospital... diapers?? onesies?? hats?? formula?? What do they do with a baby if the mother has complications after the birth? Transfer them?? I'm stunned by the notion.

    In any case I guess I'd be packing all the stuff I normally use for a baby, but don't need until I get home. Diapers, unscented wipes, vaseline, onesies, sleepers, a few warm hats, blankets, formula if you arne't bfing or if you think there might be a posibility of needing it and bottles if so, spit-up cloths. I wouldn't worry too much about the rubbing alcohol for the cord since most evidence is that it'll fall off just as well with or without using the rubbing alcohol...too much of a pain to pack. Sheesh I'd be ticked. I love getting at least those 'free' diapers to use while in the hospital! LOL.
  7. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    They supply diapers,formua,a small pack of wipes,hats,blankets. They just don't have a nursery where you can give them the baby for rest like say during the night or something for a few hours.
    Yes, if there is complicatons the do airflight the baby 2 hours away to the nearest NICU in our area.
    I am just keeping faith that and praying all will go as planned this will be a normal delivery.
  8. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I delivered DD at a hospital with no nursery (it was a military hospital). They still provided the little half shirt outfits most hospitals do so you might want to call the OB department directly and ask what they think you need to bring. The nurses could take a baby to the nurse's station if they needed to watch them for the mom. They came in one night and got DD after she had been crying for about 10 minutes and I was sleeping straight through it (not one of my shining moments as a new mom). If they knew or had suspicion that there would be a complication, they had you deliver up the interstate about 15 minutes at the hospital with the NICU. If an unexpected complication came up, they would life flight the baby to that NICU and try and get the mom released as soon as they medically could.
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