Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommymauro, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Hi all :wavey: ... i miss my this place :friends: ... so i thought i would ask you all a question... and look around a bit (like the old days)

    WWYD: the Halloween carnival at older DS school stars at naptime <_< and ends right when Seth wakes up :rolleyes: (3 hrs later)… do I try to nap them sooner :acute: (don’t think this would fly) or take cranky, no napped 18m old :unsure: … hmmmm. I refuse to wake sleeping babies… I just cant do it… (Except in those early days.. but that was for survival not fun). DH made the schools haunted house so he wont be able to hold a dude when they both melt down... i have a babysitter that could come :unknw: ... Curious What would you do?


    :help: Elizabeth :help:
  2. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, if you can bring a sitter I would go. I would get them up earlier than usual that am and have an active morning and then cross my fingers and toes they nap early. Hopefully you can make it for at least the last 45 minutes or so of the carnival. My twins have been pretty forgiving the few times I have tinkered with the sleep schedule.

    Good luck.
  3. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    That is a fantastic idea… they usually wake around 6:30 and play… but I don’t go in till 7:00… maybe that day I will… and just have my Nanny drive her own car and if it get REALLY ugly, have her drive them home (This is older DS last year of elementary school… I don’t want to miss it… he’s already WAY too cool for us as is :bubble: )

  4. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I would just go. I adhere to the routine strictly most of the time, but we've had success (starting from about 17 months or so) with the odd day where the naps get wonky. We went to DH's company picnic and then to the pool, and they just took a short nap in the car on the way home around 3. No fussing at all. We went shopping, and they didn't drop off in the stroller until around 3. Not fussy at all, and just slept a half hour in the car, and still not fussy. We've even had a couple days in the last month where they boycotted the nap altogether, and they really were fine. One, we took them to the pumpkin patch in the afternoon after they hadn't napped, and the other we were at my parents, had strange visitors, etc. DD had a meltdown with bathtime one of those nights, and they were a little hyper the other afternoon, but you wouldn't have known they skipped a nap.

    So, lots of rambling, but the bottom line is I think they will be fine if they take a short nap, late nap, no nap one day if they are strong, solid sleepers the rest of the time. You may find that they want to go to bed a little early or sleep in or take a longer nap the next day. But one day every now and then doesn't have the dire consequences I thought it would.
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I would have a babysitter watch your LO nap while you go to the Halloween Carnival with your DS. If that is possible. I too am very protective of my boys' naptime and nothing is going to interfere with it. Having two cranky boys on my hands is something I will avoid as much as I possibly can. One cranky baby is already more than enough. I hope you find a way that works best for you!
  6. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP. I would have your nanny keep them at home and let them nap if you're that concerned about their naptime. We have issues like this all the time because of my DD's soccer schedule. We just rearrange naps as needed or get a babysitter at times too.
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Have they ever gone without a nap? If so, how were they? Every now and then (maybe once every 2 months), my boys have to skip a nap and they do ok. Actually they won't have a nap on halloween because we will be visiting family. We also turn back the clocks that night so I'm hoping to wear them out so they will sleep later on Sunday and not wake at 6:30.

    If you are concerned, I would just keep their normal naptime and have the nanny put them down.
  8. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    If it helps you......

    I just took my LO's to a pumpkin festival yesterday. We left after around 11 and hoped they would nap on the way. DD did, DS did not. They took a "OK" nap for the morning. Im usually anap nazi, but for things like this I have gotten better. Well they did GREAT!! And ya know what, with all the activities and other kids they were so entertained they didnt get grouchy.

    However, last night was not so great. DD woke up a few times crying,both pooped in the night (fried food).Today they are a little tired but just fine.

    I say go and bring your nanny just in case!

  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmmm...mine have skipped naps and did surprisingly well. I think that there might be enough going on at the Halloween Festival that will keep them entertained. I would definitely bring the babysitter along in case of meltdowns and well needed extra set of hands and probably put the kiddos to bed at least 30 min earlier then usual if possible. Good luck!
  10. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I am typically a very strict schedule person, but I try not to let it rule my life. I know naps are very important and cranky babies are no fun, but sometimes you just have to work around it. I would certainly try an earlier nap, or the nanny before not attending. Worse case, I'd take a cranky baby. The couple of times I've tried to do something right in the middle of nap time, they have been surprisingly behaved because they are entertained with something new and having something going on. Good luck, hope you don't have to miss it!
  11. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    My first thought was to leave them at home with the nanny too. If you can't do that for some reason or you really want them to attend then I'd just take your nanny along and go for it. Like pp's said the excitement of being somewhere new may keep them from getting grumpy, and if not then at least you and the nanny can hold one each.

    Good luck, I hope you all have fun!
  12. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Well I think I will try to take them… I haven’t tried the going out during nap time since they went down to one nap… and they always did fine the 3-4 times I did it (distractions and all)… but w/ only one nap… I think I will plan on early bed or send them home if needed… DH wants me to leave them home w/ the Nanny… but I want them there… I was the youngest of three and it was always easier to leave me behind (can you tell I have issues :cry: ) I know they won’t remember and DH thinks I just want to photo op (So What! :blbl: is what I say that )

    Thanks ladies :hug: … you always put confidence in my decisions…

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