Help with birthday invite wording

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We're having A&S's birthday party at Pump It Up again this year, and are inviting their entire preschool class, plus a few family friends -- a total of 33 kids. (This is why I refuse to have it at home! :laughing: ) So, we'll already be paying an extra $10 per kid (I think) for each child over PIU's maximum of 25.

    I am fine with this for the # of kids invited, but I don't want people to bring siblings unless they absolutely must (because the other parent is out of town that weekend, or whatever).

    How do I word this? Or should I just say "Please refrain from bringing siblings" or "We won't be able to include siblings" or something, and then just trust that someone will contact me if that's really a huge problem?

    Last year, a couple of people did bring siblings (one asked me ahead of time, one didn't). So maybe I should just take my chances and not say anything... Advice?
  2. Sylvarin

    Sylvarin Well-Known Member could say that party size is limited to a certain number (you could either say to 33 children or bump that up a bit if you so desire), but to please contact you to discuss any concerns by a certain date. I don't think that would be out of the question to say something up front :)
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would include it politely and mention 'limit of party guests due to the party facility' or ' We want to invite _____to our 4th Birthday party (their grown up too!)' and something along those lines. Honestly, you may end up with a lot more kids than you intended if you dont. They are right at that age (3-5) when it is a fine line between group same age party and relaxed multi-age party. Also, if in the past siblings were welcome, people wont thing twice of not bringing them.

    Is it a drop off party? If not, parents often bring siblings since many parents are primary caregivers and/or have no one else to watch the other children ( I know that I almost always have both girls since DH works long hours). Drop-off parties = there is no reason siblings would attend.

    Have fun!!!!
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I would agree with pp. If it is not a drop off event, then I can see some people having a problem and needing to bring siblings. Would it be possible to allow the parents to pay for the extra child? I don't think that would be rude to tell them that.

    If it is a drop off event then saying "Guest amount is limited due to party facility...No siblings please!". Short, simple and to the point. I think most parents will understand.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I like that, short and simple.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am assuming at 4 years old, it is not a drop off party. I think you could still say something like

    I guess I am the opposite, even if it was not a drop off party, I would never bring a sibling with me. :pardon: I don't feel it's right, even if it's at someone's house to bring someone that is not invited to the party and especially if it is out some place that they are paying for. I have had people bring siblings before and it has really upset me, especially when I did not know ahead of time.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It's not a drop off party. Sorry for not making that clear -- it never even occurred to me. (We've finally progressed to drop-off playdates, but that's only one extra kid at a time! :ibiggrin: )

    A lot of the kids in their class are only children, so the issue doesn't come up. And a few others have younger siblings, who are just babies and don't count at PIU. But there are a few parents who often show up at things with an older sibling in tow, and I don't know whether it's because of lack of options or just because it doesn't occur to them to do otherwise.

    Anyway, thanks for confirming that it's not inappropriate to say something. I don't feel comfortable having them pay for the extra child, but as long as it's only one or two who really can't avoid it, it's not a big deal.
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I think this works - "Guest amount is limited due to party facility...No siblings please!"
    I haven't really been in this situation, as our playgroup birthday parties are usually at someone's home or at a park. It's the norm for the whole family to come. But, preschool parties seem to be just the classmate (invitee), so I don't bring Caleb.
  9. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I like the suggested wording a pp mentioned. That is really good.

    I just wanted to add that I would never just assume it was okay to bring all of my kids or even one additional child, whose name was not on the invite. I look at it like, if their name isnt on the INVITE, they are not INVITED. lol JMHO.

    ETA: We recently received an invite for a Halloween party at DD1's preschool friends house. It specifically states "Families are welcome". If it didnt, she would not go, since Halloween is a family event for us.
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