Close calls

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Am I the only one who's had about 20 heart attacks with kids who seem to be miraculously ok?

    I'll try to remember all the things that happened...

    - DD falling from a chair at 2 months
    - DS falling from the (high) bed at 8 months
    - DS waking up from a nap covered in vomit, who apparently almost chocked on a piece of paper that had stuck to his fleece sleep sacks during drying
    - two kids on the window sill (3 feet high)
    - DS sitting on the desk (5 times so far)
    - DS falling from the couch (lost count)
    - DS playing with a toothpick... no idea where he got it from
    - DD playing with a quarter... no idea where she got it from
    - DS playing with a screw and DD chewing another (that they unscrewed from the dining table)
    - both kids opening the child proofed cabinet with all the laundry detergent on it, and spreading it on the floor

    And the last one, which prompted this thread, finding DD sucking on a bottle of compressed air (used for cleaning computers) with written in big letters 'harmful or fatal if swallowed' two minutes ago... it was way way high on the shelves, I have NO idea where she got it... but thankfully she's fine so I'm guessing she didn't figure out how to press the button for the spray to get out. It's now locked in a closet...

    Please tell me I'm not alone :crazy:
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    several falls here! including one from the changing table when i was standing RIGHT THERE. :blink:

    i found Riley chewing on a dime once when she was about 6 months old - that one wigged me out.

    i'm currently terrified they'll get the oven open when it's on - i don't even like to think about that. and i'm also scared that the first time i'll know they're able to open doors is when i find them happily walking down the street... :unsure:
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I remember when the boys were a few months old and I took them to visit DH at work. That morning I trimmed Josh's finger nails and cut the tip of his thumb. I put two band aids on his thumb; one going around and the other on top.

    So we're walking around talking to all his co-workers and a woman tells me that he had both band aids in his mouth and warns me he could of choked on them.

    Two weeks ago they both fell down the stairs together. They were at the top of the stairs and I was right behind them and all of a sudden they were together rolling down the stairs. The guy who installed my new sump pump had just left and I looked up and he's standing at the back door. He forgot his phone and seen the whole thing.

    Mine have fell off the changing table as well we me standing next to it.

    I'm pretty sure there are a lot more but I can't think of any at the moment.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You are not alone!
    My DS fell down the steps twice when he was just crawling.
    My DS gave me a heart attack the other day walking down the steps to the laundry room while I was sorting the laundry. I thought he was watching Elmo with DD, he totally shocked me!
    I have found my kids on top of tables, their toy box, bumped their heads, fallen outside, etc. :faint:
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    You are NOT alone! Jack has already had his first official full-on black eye - that was MONTHS ago. Anna took a header off the couch and hit her head on the coffee table, causing a giant goose egg. And those are just the things that left bad marks. Jack went head over heels off the back steps into the mulch, knocking over a landscape light. I have no idea how he didn't break himself. Just the other day, he fell off the couch and banged his head hard on the coffee table. They run across the yard and just do a face plant into the ground ALL the time.

    Whenever people ask about how the kids are doing, I describe it as "trying to find new and exciting ways to kill themselves on a daily basis"! Seriously, I'm too old for this! :wacko:
  6. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Me too on the oven!!! Jack's new thing is to stand on the handle for the drawer while holding onto the handle for door - he did that yesterday with it on. We have a lock we got for it that's pretty easy to work, but we hadn't locked it. I almost had a heart attack. :shok:
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Just thought of another one. I thought it would be "fun" to take them to the children's museum by myself. Jake was walking around not looking where he was going and walked right into this water exhibit. Within a minute he had a huge black eye. The next day I had their eval for EI and had to explain to the 4 of them what happened to his eye. The one woman tells me that they also do evals for child protective services (was she trying to tell me something??)

    I had the same fear with the oven. I was at my mil's and they opened hers and tried to climb inside (it was not on). The next day I went to the store and bought a lock for mine.
  8. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i seriously hope not! :aggressive: sheesh! obviously we are all doing the very best we can & nobody wants their child to be hurt but it happens, to even the most conscientious parents.
  9. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I don't know where to start!
    My oldest son has been my worst. That kid gets into absolutley everything here are just a few of the real close calls we have had
    -to many falls to count but the worst was when his uncle gave him a ride in a grader (without my knowledge) and he fell out the door and landed on his head on the gravel. Thank god he was fine
    -1st call to poison control-he got into toilette bowl cleaner at a relatives house(turned out fine)
    -2nd call to poison control-he drank gasoline out of a pop bottle that was in a friends vehicle-thank god he was also fine but had terrible breath for a few days
    -3rd call to poison control-he found some extra strength cold tablets and we don't know how many he ate-thankfully he was fine
    -4th call to poison control was last night because there was half of a tube of polysporin gone and we know he ate some of it because his breath stank of it. Thankfully again he was fine
    * I don't know why but he always puts everything in his mouth and it is so frustrating you can't take your eye off of him for a minute.
    -he has lodged numerous things up his nose and in his ears but I have been able to get all of them out

    As for my twins
    -so far the only negative thing that has happened to them was that one of them got into a mouse trap a few days ago while their dad was watching him and he ate all the peanut butter off. Thankfully the trap was brand new and he didn't have a reaction to the peanut butter.

    Our house is basically empty of everything now and there are locks on everything including the fridge and stove because you never know what the boys will get into next.
  10. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    The worst one we had was my ds falling from our new bed which is very high. He ran right off it while I was standing there and landing on his face. They way he landed I thought he had broke his neck. I am soo thankful God made toddlers so resilient! We had other falls off of couches and cement stairs as well but the one of the bed is implanted in my head and still makes my heart skip a beat when I think of it.
  11. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hahahah newbies.

    This week alone:

    Alice has fallen down the stairs in the hallway. Fell on the headboard of her bed while jumping on it. Came out of the kitchen with my sharp knife in one hand *all my other knives are crap) and my kitchen shears in the other. And some other assorted falls.

    Royce has fallen over the side of the hand rail at the playground, off about 5 feet into mulch. Jumped on Alice's stomach. Was trying to jump off of my kitchen table, but I caught him. And of course, the other miscellaneous falls.

    Thankfully they both bruise like me :rolleyes: so they look like cage fighters.
  12. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    We were at a restaurant the other day with another couple and their little ones. After the meal, DH and I were sitting on the booth seats and there was a divider between one table and the other. DS was on DH's lap while DD was standing on the booth and I was supporting her. I turned one second to have a bite of dessert and DD slipped and fell between the partition of the two booths. She was completely fine, and I felt awful! DS had a SCREW in his mouth yesterday! I have no idea from where but he walked into the living room with puffed out cheeks, stared at me, and walked back to the nursery. I ran after him and got it out.
  13. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Jacob swallowed a quarter at age 2.

    Aaron stood in an open 10th story window while I was changing clothes. I only knew what was going on because he announced, Mommy, don't worry. I won't fall. I still have nightmares about that.

    Aaron jumped in the deep end of the pool at age 3. He was walking besides me and decides to take off and jump in. I still have nightmares about that too.
  14. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    So many falls and two grown ups tripping over something while holding my DD, that was scary.

    My DS stood on a powerwheels car and fell face first onto the cement

    My DD went head first on the corner of a plastic tub

    my DS running with a fork in his mouth

    Caught my DS nearly putting that fork in an outlet, took it away right on time

    Burning hands trying to touch a BBQ when no one was around, luckily dad was

    *on a personal note, Fran27 - Are you the one that posted a video of your twins when they were I don't know...6 months? Your DD was trying to pull herself up using brothers shirt and pulling him down with her in the process? If so, I just want to say I saved that video for when I need a laugh. that was such a funny clip!!
  15. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    No I don't think it was me! Sounds so funny though!

    Thanks for making me feel normal, lol.
  16. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, let's see...

    • Cameron found pots in a hotel kitchen drawer (we were in the middle of moving from one house to another and had to stay in a hotel for almost a month). He grabbed on of the pot lids and it flung to his eye. He got a nasty cut on the corner of his eye lid. Thank goodness it didn't go even a centimeter to the right or he could have lost an eye!
    • Kiefer recently was running around his pen. DH was sitting next to the wall. Kiefer decided to run to DH and he tripped on his legs and went head first in to a wall. He got a goose-egg on his head and a dent in my wall. He's ok.
    • When he was about 1 years old, I was changing Kiefer and turned to get his change of clothes. I was still up against the table but somehow he managed to flip around so he was just about to fall off. Luckily I turned around just in time. How he went around me I have no clue.
    • Another time in the hotel room, DH was just letting me back in to the room. He closed the door and Kiefer started crying. Apparently he didn't see that Kiefer had made his way over to the door hinge and stuck his thumb in the crack. The door closed on him and he lost a nail. Thank goodness he didn't break anything! ...and the nail is growing back nicely.
    • Cameron fell down a couple of stairs when he was just learning to climb them. He fell on his head on the bottom floor. Nothing serious, but he was not too pleased about it for a while.
    • Kiefer fell in the tub under water when he was walking around. The water was about an inch high, but he still went head first. He became afraid of the bath, so I had to take him in to the shower with me for a month or so before he grew out of that fear. He now loves the bath! Still not so fond of getting his hair washed and teeth brushed, but he loves to play in the water now.
  17. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I was so excited to get one of those little climber/slides for them. They finally got the hang of climbing up the stairs and then sitting down before going down (instead of going head first) after days of me repeating "now sit on your bottom" - and then DS climbs up the stairs and tries to sit on his bottom a little too close to the edge...and topples right off backwards down the stair part. Thankfully it was only about 2 or 3 feet high and we were playing with it on the grass, but watching him roll backwards right off of it scared me to death! And worst of all, he was listening to my slide "safety" advice when he did it. He would have been better off just going down the darm slide head first!
  18. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I'm might be the least worrisome Mom on the planet, and my DH always complains about that. Because falls don't scare me and even chewing on cords doesn't scare me.

    The two things that stand out to me are...1)when Mark was a newborn and he aspirated on his spit up. He didn't breath for a few seconds 2)Apparently, a battery on one of their toys leaked and seeped out. We caught Mark chewing and licking battery acid. I called poison control, and he was fine.

    A few nasty head bumps have scared me, and Eli had a respiratory infection that scared me.

    I'm abnormally calm about falls, but honestly my kids are the most active kids I've ever encountered, so I think I'm anesthetized to some of it.
  19. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Now those things would terrify me. I'm very worried about water issues, and an open window would be a big scare too.
  20. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Abby fell down the steps (alllll 13 of them - wooden with no carpet) in our old house...TWICE! The 2nd time I caught her mid roll as she was airborne!

    Ian ran across my MIL's living room, tripped and landed forehead first into the wooden arm of her Ethan Allen wing chair - that was a goose egg for the ages...

    called Poison Control 2 weeks ago because they ate an entire canister of Tums - they're a choking hazard apparently but harmless - the Poison Control lady cracked up when I told her what they ate...

    they sit on each other, ride each other and beat the tar out of each other daily!

    oh and the absolute funniest...Abby has (on more than one occasion) tried to rip Ian's winky off!
  21. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    lots of bumps & bruises and falls... and our DD climbed onto a toy this week, using it as a balance beam to walk over to the edge of the baby gate... and climb out onto a pile of boxes of toys... I found her on top of the boxes outside the play area... she proceeded to do that 3 times... so now that toy has been evicted!

    but worse, I have a few hand-me down toys and one is a hard plastic catapillar learning toy... its head had fallen broken a bit, and I'd superglued it back on, but I looked and saw that it was broken again, so I put it up on the counter top, not looking at the rest of the toy. later I found the rectangular battery cover that had broken off, I didn't know what toy it was from - just that it was green. then I figured out it was from this one, so I investigated... only 1 of the 3 batteries was in it... UGH! babies were in bed for a nap. I searched and found 1 battery on the counter top and finally had to call the nanny who'd left already... I was worried that they'd eaten a battery. She told me that my DS had handed her a battery... and she found another and put it on the table. At least we found all 3 batteries... but oh my, scary!! So, that toy is history...

    oh, and how the battery cover broke off... I think it had that ribbon under the batteries and was hanging out of the toy... they must have pulled the ribbon and broken the cover, the screw was still screwed in.

    hopefully we all stay safe.
  22. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I was at a mother's group and was talking to a woman when she gave that look of shock. (It is NEVER MY kids) She saw my daughter running around the room with a BBQ fork in her hand and she fell down. Luckily No injury.

    Fell at a water park (wearing too big Crocks shoes) and broke her top front tooth. The bottom tooth was already chipped.

  23. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    DS did the same thing, our slide is only 1.5 foot tall if that though.

    And yesterday I found him sitting on his high chair tray (he got there climbing on a rocking toy somehow). I've now put all the toys they can climb on in storage.

    They've both put their head underwater a few times...

    But oh my gosh some of your stories are scary.
  24. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'll only list the stuff I can think of that they did BEFORE age 2...

    - Trent fell off of the woodstove headfirst onto tile and got a mild concussion
    - Both climbed out of cribs and PNPs and over gates in the 14-15 month age window (when they had NO common sense)
    - Both climbed up on very tall furniture before they could safely get down
    - The two of them got onto the dining room table, grabbed ahold of the chandelier, and started swinging (hooray for a quality installation and strong chain!)
    - Trent climbed a shelf unit to reach a drinking bird toy then BIT through the glass bulb getting shards of glass and some awful red dye in his mouth
    - Painted a couch and themselves with mommy's toothpaste (flouride is toxic if eaten)
    - Climbed out of the livingroom window onto the deck (if they'd missed the deck edge, the fall would have been 6')
    - Climbed the stairs to the second floor on the outside of the railing (14' down to a wood floor!)
    - Went into the heat/air return together and munched a box of mouse poison pellets that I didn't know the previous owners had left

    Shockingly, we haven't been to the ER yet! :clapping: (knocking on wood...)

    ETA: I knew I was in trouble when I took the boys to their 6-month WBV and one had a black eye from his exploring efforts
  25. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    OMG :faint:

    We've had a lot of bumps and falls too since my girls are little monkeys (they get that from their daddy), but I've gotten pretty calm about them. A couple really freaked me out though. Like when Ana tripped and fell, hitting her head on DH knee cap and then passed out because she was crying so hard. Surprisingly that fall didn't even leave a mark.

    Both have had bloody noses and mouths from falling (especially from 10-15 months), so I got used to seeing blood very quickly. Both fell backward from the little slide steps, but were fine. They've both fallen backwards off the big kid swings on their playset.

    Surprisingly they haven't been screws or tools in their mouths, despite the fact that these things are in my house because we are remodeling. They know they are daddy's tool and are not to touch. Now I've probably jinxed myself :eek:
  26. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    I thought my boys were bad until I read a few of these stories, but I guess we have a lot to look forward to. Most of our mishaps are falls off the couch onto the hardwood or wiping out on the tile in our dining room. They love to climb, but can't really get back down by themselves yet.

    -The worst (blood wise anyways) was James sitting backwards on one of his riding toys and then falling off face first onto the tile and putting his teeth through his bottom lip and having a bloody nose at the same time. DH was alone with them at the time and called me at work freaking out about the blood.

    -Jack fell on our deck onto a nail that was popped up a bit and ended up getting a huge gash on his leg from it. No stitches needed thank goodness.

    -At daycare they (and their 18 month old friend) managed to push the play kitchen over to the bookshelf and had 2 out of 3 of them on top of it in the 2 minutes the DCP and I were discussing their medicine for the day. We were both right there and din't realize what they were doing until they were trying to pull up the last baby.

    The stove stories are the ones that freak me out, that's why I keep them out of the kitchen. I'm afraid they would try to get in it like they do they dryer.
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