How often did you have u/s while pregnant?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Haydie, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    Just curious more than anything. I know sometimes twins can be conidered high risk and involve more u/s. I am not complaining I enjoy seeing the babies. :)I am 9wks and have had two so far. I go back again next week.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My peri gave me an u/s at every visit. :good: He would do growth u/s at each visit, I loved it!! My OB would do an u/s to hear the heartbeats.
  3. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    SO you had quite a few. :) Must have felt good to keep seeing them. I just posted another topic to. Since you had so many u/s how many weeks when you discovered their gender? That is if you didn't go for the surprise factor. Twins were my surprise factor, so I will be needing to know. lol
  4. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    I have had u/s at every peri appointment which was every 5-6 weeks starting at 17 weeks and now it will be four weeks from our last appt. Not sure if they keep doing them closer and closer together near the end. I also see my OB who usually does an u/s to check growth/position every 2 weeks unless I've just had a peri ultrasound during that same week :) 31 weeks now I've had a total of 7 or 8 ultrasounds.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    After I was released from my reproductive endocrinologist (where I got them weekly) I was getting an u/s once a month. :good:
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We didn't find out it was twins till 24 weeks and then we had u/s at 26 weeks and then twice a week from then on out due to Jess's health problems
  7. tygerlilly

    tygerlilly Active Member

    I am 16 weeks right now and I have had 6 so far, and one scheduled for today. One was an ER visit, and then one was done to get heart rates (they have a hard time finding baby B on dopplar).
  8. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    We had 2 while I was still with the RE in the very begining. Once I was released to my regular OB we had one at every visit except one. So probably 25 in his office alone, one at the ER and then various visits to the imaging center for growth checks in between appts and a final one just before they were born in L&D. Overall I bet it was somewhere between 30 and 40, at some point it seemed like we were getting them all the time and I lost count.

    My pregnancy was fairly easy and I still had this many....I was glad though since I got to see the babies all the time.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found out I was having twins at 9 weeks and after that, we got an u/s monthly. Towards the end we were getting them with every NST visit because baby A's kicks were not strong enough.
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I had one at 9 weeks to date the pregnancy, the level II at 20 weeks (this was when we learned gender), and then 28, 32, and 36 weeks. She was going to do one at 38 weeks but because my blood pressure wasn't cooperating, she scheduled an induction instead.

    Oh, and my twins were spontaneous, di/di, and remarkably unremarkable (no issues). I'm sure all of that factors in as well as how many ultrasounds your insurance will allow.
  11. Bloom86

    Bloom86 Well-Known Member

    I had my first one (level II) at 19 weeks, where they determined they were boys. Then again 6 weeks later and after that I believe I go in every month now. I've had 2 hospital stays (starting at 31 weeks, I developed pre-e, after a nice quiet pregnancy) and I saw them on the monitors then. I also had one scheduled for 35 weeks but my doctors aren't too sure I will make it that far. So I have one on the 23rd. Which I believe will be my 4th "real" one but I've had a few snuck in there while at the doctor and hospital. So you'll get to see them quite often. Wait until you get to the end and look at your very first ones-Its so amazing to see the growth of them :laughing:
  12. prairiegirl33

    prairiegirl33 Member

    I've lost count, but its definitly been more than 20 ultrasounds so far. I deliver mono/di twins next week at 37 weeks. We knew they were twins at 9 weeks.

    20+ is probably high, but we had lots of mostly minor complications along the way, not all related to carrying twins. There was a suspected ectopic pregnancy at the start, scans to confirm monochoronocity, suspected down syndrome (false positive!), cleft lips and palates, an unfortunate stint of twin to twin transfusion syndrome in mid-pregnancy, and a pre-term labour scare at 26 weeks.

    We found out the sex at 15.5 weeks, during a scan performed by an early anatomy specialist type doctor. This doctor was positive about their sex (girls) during that scan, but I think 15.5 weeks may be a bit early for some babies.
  13. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    At every visit OB and peri!! I loved it!!!

  14. chadanddan

    chadanddan Active Member

    I have them at every visit.

    Which is Every 3 weeks starting at 6 weeks preggers. Then every two weeks from 24 weeks, then every week from 32 weeks on.

    Love it! All those U/S and still was not able to get any 3D pics :(
  15. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    First of, Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!
    I had a US at every appointement and enjoyed it tremendously as, like you, i love love love seeing the babies on screen!!
  16. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    Congrats to you!!

    We did ART to become pregnant, so we had our first u/s at 6 weeks, and then as follows with the reproductive endocrinologist:

    8 weeks
    10 weeks
    11 weeks
    12 weeks
    14 weeks
    16 weeks

    We moved on to a maternal fetal medicine team of peri's and have had them every four weeks, with exception for certain cicrumstances:

    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    25 weeks (just a short in office)
    26 weeks (short in office)
    and I'm scheduled for the next at 28 weeks...

    If you see a peri, get ready for frequent u/s. We have a two-vessel umbilical cord in one of the boys, so we're watching them very closely for growth...
  17. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    I had my 3rd u/s today and I am over 9wks depending on the twin. lol We found out at 6wks.
    I can't remember but is this right mono = twins di = sep sacs??
  18. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    I did fertility meds to conceive the boys, but this was a total surprise. I didn't think I could get preg on my own. I thought I had the flu! Twins floored us! I am just seeing an OB. :)When did you find out the genders?
  19. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, I loved getting so many, a total change from my singleton pregnancy. :) I answered you there as well, but we found out for sure at 17w2d, but were told at 13w they *thought* B was a boy (didn't put much stock in it then though) and it turned out they were right. We definitely were not going for the surprise factor, not with 2. :lol: Like you, I needed to know.
  20. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My Dr was awesome and told me I could come in whenever I wanted to ease my mind, and she would always do any u/s. I typically had appt's every 2 weeks (and she did an u/s every time) unless I was concerned about something then I would go inbetween then.
  21. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I think I had 5 by 12 weeks, then went one month without another. After that I had at lest one every week, some weeks two. I had a level 2 ultrasound every other week. My cervix was very short, so they kept a very close eye on that and while they were already doing an ultrasound for my cervix, they went ahead and had a peek at the babies too. I have a drawer full of ultrasound images!!
  22. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Since week 18 every two weeks, and some extra ones when I went in for check ups when I didn't feel one of them moving so much and other stuff in total from Week 6 - we've had 23 our next is on Monday. I read an article about many ultra sounds often result in left-handedness, it will be interesting to see if it is true in our case.
  23. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I had a total of 12 u/s and if my boys would have went to term we would have had more. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Best of luck
  24. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    My boys were mono/di- mono- meaning one, di- meaning 2, mono/di means monochorionic- my boys shared one placenta and di meaning diamniotic- they each had their own amniotic sac. Because of they were mono/di I had a lot of u/s to monitor for TTTS. I'm not sure of the exact count but in between bi-weekly visits to the peri's and my ob's (who did a quick u/s at every visit to check heart beats), I probably had over 20... Get yourself a photo album!! :)
  25. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    I have a friend suffering from TTTS nad I worry about her and the babies so much. I can't imagine what she is dealing with.
    Thanks for explaining. I know I saw on onfe of these posts a complete breakdown of what is what, but couldn't find it when I looked for it again.
  26. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    That might have some truth....
    If I could make a guess right now, both of my boys will be left handed based on how they do things at 15 months. Both of them color left handed, eat left hnded and throw a ball left handed. But DH is left handed too so we'll never know for sure :)
  27. prairiegirl33

    prairiegirl33 Member

    The PP was right, mono/di means one placenta (or chorionic membrane, whatever the heck that is), and two seperate amniotic sacs. Most twin pregnancies are di/di (seperate everything), and these tend to go a bit more smoothly than mono/di pregnancies, mostly because of the risk of twin to twin transfusion syndrome in mono/di pregnancies.

    And congrats on your pregnancy! Its going to be an amazing time, with or without tons of ultrasounds.
  28. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    We did not find out we were having twins until our first ultrasound at 22 weeks...BIG surprise!! :D After that we had a scan at every appointment to check on growth and such. I loved seeing my babies so much, one of the many benefits of having twins! Congrats!
  29. Daffodils

    Daffodils Well-Known Member

    My first was at 8 week, when we found out it was twins. I had another one at 12, one at 17 (we found out baby a was a was obvious!), and then the Level 2 at 20 (found out baby b was also a boy!). Then another at 21 weeks due to a slightly shortened cervix (own to 31 from 36mm), and another at 22. Then another Level 2 between 24 and 25 weeks, where they found my cervix had shortened to only 11mm and was funneled. I was admitted to the hospital for bedrest and then sent home to complete bedrest there after a week. I've had an u/s weekly since that last Level 2, but only because i'm now super mega high risk.
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