Early PG Spotting UPDATE

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by MyMayBabies, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    We had our ultrasound this morning and saw two beautiful beating hearts!

    The Dr. saw a bleed in the uterus by Baby B that is causing my spotting. He said this puts us at an increased risk of miscarriage, and that I'll probably continue to spot. Has anyone else gone through this? Of course I'm worried that we are going to lose them now. I wish Doctors didn't have to tell us the worst case senerio, lol.

    expecting twins May 2010
  2. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    I am so glad that you saw both of your babies beating hearts! That must have been a huge relief for you :)

    Did the doctor give you any advice on if there is anything you can or should do or not do that might help? Could the bleed resolve itself? Like I said previously our doctor guessed that my bleeding was from the slight placenta previa that showed on my first u/s at 15 weeks, but there was no way to know for sure and we hadn't looked for any other kind of bleeding before then so who knows... Fingers crossed for you that it clears up and that both babies will be just fine. Keep us updated!
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    That is great news that you were able to see the babies heartbeats today :hug: such a special moment ~

    Dr's are pretty darn good at giving worst case scenario aren't they?
    It is good they are aware of what is going on so that you can be monitored propery :good:
    I hope that the bleeding resolves itself & that you have a happy & healthy pregnancy ~ Please keep us posted on how things are going.
  4. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! It was so exciting to see two heartbeats. One measured at 107bpm and the other 111bpm (we are 6w0d)

    I started crying when we saw the first one with a heartbeat! I was so sure they would tell us that my uterus was empty with all of the spotting....

    Doc didn't give me any restrictions, but I'm trying to take it easy anyway. I don't go back for two weeks, but we will get another ultrasound then. Hopefully they will both still be there growing strong (so much to worry about when there are two, I don't want to lose either one!)
  5. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    I had quite a bit of spotting my first trimester with my twins. I hear it's quite normal to spot. I went through IVF, did you go through fertility treatments? Good luck, I'm sure everything will be fine!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad you got to see both babies heartbeats, that is good. :good: I'm sorry you had to hear the worst case scenario. :hug:
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    YES! I had the same thing happen and was told the same thing! It was so scary! My baby A had a bleed behind her placenta. They told me that there was really nothing I could do to make it stop. They told me that it would either get better or get worse and I would loose her or them. They told me not to stand more than 2 hrs at a time and not to lift ANYTHING. I put myself on bedrest for a few days and never had another spotting problem. My baby A just peed all over me (potty training is not pretty around here LOL!) - she and her sister baby B are 2.5 and very happy, healthy and 100% fine born at 38 weeks 4 days!

    I just spoke to my OB about the bleed and she told me that they are actually very common.

    CONGRATULATIONS on your twins!
  8. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    These are Clomid twins :)

    Dh and I have 4 children, 3 of them by birth, one by adoption. They are 17, 15, 7 & 4. We have been married 17 years and are in our 30's (married & started our family when I was 19 & he 21)

    We suffered from secondary IF for 9 years before our 4yo was born. We lost a son just this past June in the 2nd trimester due to an umbilical cord accident. I'm think I am guarded about getting too excited because of his loss. He and our youngest (our 4yo) were both conceived using Clomid. We figured we would end up with another little baby boy. Suprise! Twins!
  9. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    That is great news! :yahoo:
  10. jewels707

    jewels707 Well-Known Member

    Did he say it was a subchorionic bleed? I had this at 7 weeks and went into the ER thinking I was having a miscarriage, and like you two beating hearts. They can range in severity, but I believe usually resolve themselves. I did a lot of research at the time but can't remember too much now. For me (and I have read this elsewhere) if I drank a lot of water the spotting would stop. Spotting in pregnancy due to subchorionic bleeds is far more common than most people think and even more so with twins. I am sure your little pumpkins will be just fine, and congratulations!
  11. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    I had quite a bit of spotting during the first trimester and at one point heavy bleeding I was sure I was loosing my babies or one of them. The doc put me on strict bed rest for few weeks and that seemed to help, my boys are 3 weeks old now :). Make sure to rest as much as you can and drink plenty of water. Hang in there I know how stresful it must be for you. Sending huge hugs your way.
  12. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    I actually had a ton of bleeding for a long time on and off right after i first found out i was pregnant, but before i found out it was twins. I thought for sure i was losing the pregnancy, but low and behold i found out that not only was i not losing the pregnancy but that it was twins. They say it happens and for whatever reason i'm really unsure. As long as there is no pain or clotting you should be fine. Good luck.
  13. tygerlilly

    tygerlilly Active Member

    Hi there,

    I had the same thing a little further along than you... around baby B also lol. I spotted on a Thursday night (at 11 weeks) and ran to the ER. They saw nothing wrong, and sent me home to rest for two days. I spotted again Friday night and Monday night. I followed up with my OB on that Tuesday where they diagnosed a sub chorionic bleed. It was very small, and he placed me on bedrest for a week, when I returned a week later the bleed was still there, but almost gone so I went on another week of bedrest. The bleed on tuesday was now deemed a clot and is considered resolved. There is a chance of losing the baby/babies depending on where the bleeding is... if it is close to the placenta it can cause the placenta to detach. That is where the doctors concern probably is. I would lay low for a while until you follow up... glad t osee both babies are good though!
  14. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Wonderful news!

    I actually know MANY people that have had spotting or full on bleeding to end up with a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies.

    Good luck!!
  15. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Great news. :hug: :hug:
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