Infant vs Children's Motrin

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinnerbee, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    If you can belive it, we're just dealing with our first real illness at almost 15 months. They had runny noses once when they were younger, but other than that, we've been so lucky that they've stayed really healthy.

    Yesterday DS woke up from his nap with a fever of 102.6, and it rose to 103.8 by bedtime. We gave him Motrin, but it didn't seem to lower it much. I called the doctor just to see what to do and they told me I wasn't giving him enough...he's almost 25 lbs, so I had to double the dose of Infant Motrin or else switch to Children's. I'm doubling it for now because that's wat I have, but I'm thinking that maybe I should get him children's when this runs out. DD is a good 4 lbs smaller so she'll still be on Infant for a bit, but I just wondered when you made the switch.
  2. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Hooray for making it so long without illness! We made the switch a long time ago because the Children's version is so much cheaper than the infant one. I'd guess my two were about 14 pounds when we made the switch. They are only 21 pounds now, so we just switched to one teaspoon (rather than the 3/4 t. they were getting).

    ETA: I always buy the generic version because of cost too.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We made the switch around 15 months as well. I think they had ear infections and I asked their pedi about using children's instead of infant tylenol. The box says for 24lbs/2 years and my one guy was over 24lbs so I used children's for him and infants for the other.

    Now they both get children's and it's much cheaper. I get either the Walmart or Target brand and it's only $2.54 per bottle.
  4. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    First real illness huh? perhaps its all that nursing :)

    I think we also made the switch around 15 months.

    Childrens is cheaper however they have to take more of it than the super concentrated little dropper of infant motrin.
    My kids however love to drink it out of the little cup that comes with the medicine so it wasnt an issue for us.

    Hope they feel better soon!
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I made the switch as soon as they weighed enough, and as soon as I thought they could handle chewables, I switched to those. I hated messing with that sticky liquid and I find getting the proper dosage so much easier with the chewables. Always go by weight when figuring out the dosage, instead of age, otherwise you are likely underdosing them (at least that was the case with my kids who've always been bigger for their age than the weights per age on the medicine bottles!). I hope they feel better soon & congrats on making it this long with no real illnesses!
  6. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I don't remember when i made the switch with my oldest son but the only real difference is the infants motrin is a higher concentration so they don't get as much. If your kids don't have a problem taking their medications then switching would be fine. If they do have trouble swallowing liquid meds then you may want to stay with the infants because you don't have to give them as much. Great job on this being your first illness!! Best of luck
  7. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Yes. We do that too. I always use the chart on the Dr. Sears website. I asked our doctor first and he said it was fine.
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I never thought about this....geeze I guess I don't want my boys to grow up. LOL!!

    Although mine have a ways to go before 25 lbs--that's a big boy.
  9. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Thanks! When we finish this bottle, I'm going to get the children's, at least for DS. This fever is crazy so at this rate we'll be ready for it by tomorrow :( Poor baby. I hate this - every time the medicine wears off it's back up to 103. Pedi says he doesn't worry unless it gets to 105 so we're trying to hang in there til it passes.

    Really? Yours always look so big in the pics you post! Maybe it's b/c DS just started realy walking well this past month where yours have probably been running circles around you for a long time now! They burn the calories faster ;)

    :wub: :blush: That's a nice way to think about. Yay for nursing!
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