Need Recommendations for Hospital Grade Pump

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cat mommy, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I am looking for an electric, hospital grade pump for pumping both breasts at once for twins in the NICU. I do not wish to use a hospital rental. Ease of use is important to me. Thank you.
  2. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    I rented a medela symphony for about 12 mos when my twins were born. it cost about $75 a month. which is much cheaper than buying one. any LC can get you a unit to rent.
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  3. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    I can strongly recommend the Medela Free Style. It's great with hands-free and has lasted (so far) through quite a lot of use.
  4. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Rebekah: Will this pump allow you to pump into plastic bags, not just bottles? I'm thinking it might be easier to transport milk to the NICU in disposable bags rather than bottles. And after other posters' experiences with taking in large bottles*, I'm not eager to use any large bottles.

    *I am referring to extra thawed milk being discarded or given to other babies.
  5. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    In the beginning, if you deliver early, you will be pumping and just giving syringes full. Then they will give you containers to give the milk in, so I recommend the Medela too. The nicu had those kind there that we were free to use while in the nicu and I thought they were awesome! Don't know if that helps?
  6. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    My NICU gave me bags and bags of tiny 2 oz bottles that I used to bring milk in. I could see how larger bottles might be a problem.
  7. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I also recommend the medela free style. I loved the convience of it and the hands free. I lived an hour away from the NICU so I was able to pump as I drove or did house work etc. Also I liked the face that I could pump discretly at the bed side of my babes while holding their hands as my LC said this was good to do in order to help your milk come in. I had the bag kit for it but it is easier if you just pump into the containers it comes in and then transfer them to bags or different containers then you have less likely hood of spilling. I tried the bags once attached to the pump and when I moved around they came loose and spilt all over. You can pump either one or both breasts with this pump and I bought a microwave sterilizer and sterilizer bags to clean everything which worked really well. Best of luck
  8. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I pumped almost exclusively from 4.5 months until a little past my boys' 1st bday. I highly recommend the Medela Symphony. We paid $65/month and it was well worth it. :) Good luck!! :hug:
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I know you don't want to rent but to buy hospital grade is much more expensive than to rent - even for a whole year. I rented Medela Symphony for 1 month and loved it! Then I went to Medela Pump in Style you just buy in the store (except I got mine off Craigslist and order new tubes) and I notice no difference at all. They both have double pump. So if you want to buy I would recommend buying that - around $300 brand new vs. $1200 minimum (probably a lot more) for a hospital grade - sometimes you see them used for sale on eBay. The Medela Freestyle however comes with the motor detached from the bag so if you need the very lightest for about $400 this would be it (unless something has changed since January). My Pump in Style motor is attached to the bag and is about 9 lbs or so. I would also recommend getting a pack of Medela steam bags and sanitizer clothes to store in your bag if you need them, as well as the battery pack so you don't need a power outlet. Sorry for the long message - these are just things that have become very useful if I am in a place other than my home. Good luck to you!
  10. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I used the Madela Pump in style too and it was great. I also double pumped. I didn't notice any difference than the one I used in the hospital.
  11. opalbarb

    opalbarb Well-Known Member

    I exclusively pump and use the Medela Pump in Style - it is freakin' awesome. I get about 50 oz per day, every day, no issues ever with the pump. You can get one used off of craigs list or whatever and just buy new tubes and accessories. Even brand new it's only $300.
  12. jf911

    jf911 Member

    I'm using (currently as I type) a Medela Lactina rental- My boys are turning 1 in 2 weeks. Spent 4 and 5 weeks in the NICU so I exclusively pumped for about 4 weeks. I think its easy to use. I have a hands free bra from that I actually bought for my middle son 6 years ago. Medela "stuff" is easy to find- as in phalanges and replacement parts, micrwaver sterilizer bags, etc. AT first I would recommend the 2 oz plastic bottles from the NICU rather than bags.. they are a good size, clean and no real risk of spillage as you pump right into them. They gave me bags and bags of them in the NICU- I resused some once we were home until they were drinking a lot more (and I was pumping alot more)- then I moved on to using the lansinoh bags which are nice. The Medela fits a typical mouth bottle so if you want extra bottles you can buy them relatively cheap- evenflow bottles fit it fine. I used PIS with my oldes son and it worked fine, but I did read alot when these guys were first born about recommending a hospital grade pump to establish your supply rather than PIS... particularly when BF multiples. Thats why I went with the rental.
  13. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I have been using the Medela Symphony for the past month and it's a great hospital grade pump. I prefer it to the Ameda Elite which was the pump I used while in the hospital.
  14. Pitbullzz

    Pitbullzz Well-Known Member

    We like the Freestyle as well, just remember...we were given the 2oz(almost 30mL) bottles as well, but they started off only using less than 1mL per feeding. So depending on what they start feeding at, only put a little amount in each bottle
  15. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I ended up getting the Freestyle--the Pump in Style seemed a little awkward to use since it was attached to the bag. Being on bedrest, I could not really look at the pumps so your recommendations were helpful in making the purchase.
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