7 months old, one has trouble eating..

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Meilan, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Meilan

    Meilan Active Member

    My boys are 7 months old, Presten is eating stage 3 foods, and loving them, but Julian not so much. He's had a lot of tummy trouble and been switched to different formula before finally finding neocate, one that his belly can handle. The thing is, every time we try feeding him stage one or two, he gags through each spoonful. We might manage to get about four bites in.. then he's so upset he refuses anymore, and even on those 4 bites he gags. Then, he throws up everything he just ate in a projectile vomit type mode. We don't know what is causing him to gag, and the doctor keeps saying to let him just have bottles... but he cannot live off of just bottles... Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can help him? thank you.
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We didn't start solids until 6 months so weren't doing Stage 3 until 9 months when we also started doing things like Puffs and Baby Mum Mums. Jake had a gag reflex as well and our doctor told us that it was still practice and not for nutrition at that point. We increased the amount of powdered formula that went into his bottle (and his brothers) to increase calories b/c I was struggling to get them to drink their bottles too (teething). You may want to talk to their ped about increasing their bottle calories if he is losing weight. We just let Jake eat what he would and didn't push it. Gradually, he got used to it. He is still my picky eater though and some days he still gets Stage 3 for a meal b/c I know he's getting something healthy. I never thought he'd eat Stage 3 and now he still does! Hope that helps!
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls were never big baby food eaters. I don't know about the vomiting though. Maybe your pedi thinks he just needs a little more time before his tummy will be able to handle solids.
  4. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    One of my girls does this also but with stage 2. When i first introduced her to stage 2 she gagged and projectile vomitted also so we just took it very slowly and blended some stage 1 with 2's - nowadays she is fine but not quite ready to get her on stage 3. We do finger foods and i have noticed she doesn't actually chew she sucks so i'm wary of putting her on stage 3'a just yet. Does she still do the same if you mush it up some more?
  5. Meilan

    Meilan Active Member

    The stage 3 is for Presten, the one that has no eating issues, I wasn't trying to feed a stage 3 to julian (the one that can't) ..presten is a hefty eater. he downs the 3's like water! Thank you for the advice.
  6. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    Sorry - that has to be frustrating! Does your baby spit up with the bottle as well or just with baby food? Our boys were really spitty (not projectile vomiting by any means) when we started food - we still feed them simple foods but thickened with dry oatmeal flakes - the density seems to help but the food is easy on the tummy, especially Owen who seems to have issues with everything. Good Luck!!
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I would just keep trying, small amounts, and maybe ask the ped about it at your next visit. I would also offer him a mesh feeder with different foods in it, so he can get used to different textures.
  8. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    It could very well just be something he needs to grow into to. My little guy had to have his food pretty runny and thin for the longest time otherwise he would gag and choke and puke. slowly I was able to get him to thicker foods. If you feel that it is a problem talk to your pedi again and push the subject. Perhaps you could have a feeding assessment done by an OT. Best of luck
  9. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    i'm sorry totally misread your post, just ignore me i am :wacko:
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like he has a texture issue. One of mine had it, but he would just gag and not puke. I would keep offering it to him but I would discuss it with your Dr. if it continues.
  11. Meilan

    Meilan Active Member

    Thanks ladies I'm going to keep offering it to him, and try the mesh thing .... i really appreciate your advice!!
  12. Meilan

    Meilan Active Member

    oh, i forgot to answer a question, no he doesn't spit up his bottles at all.
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