7 weeks and no symptoms and many questions

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twins2010, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. twins2010

    twins2010 Member

    I am 7 wk 1 day with twins. 5 wk 6 day u/s found one baby with heartbeat and one sac with no heartbeat. Went back at 6 wk 6 days and had 2 heartbeats!!! My husband and I are thrilled. However I am VERY nervous. Baby A had a heartbeat of 130 and Baby B only 115. The u/s technician said they should be close to 170 but that 130 and 115 were fine. I am 35 years old and previously had a blighted ovum. I do not have a single symptom that others are feeling. My breasts are larger with veins but not tender or sore at all. I have no morning sickness, no heartburn and I am not tired at all. Everything I've read has indicated a twin pregnancy should have even more pronounced symptoms though if I would not have seen them myself I would not even know I was pregnant with one. Has anyone else been at this early point of pregnancy with twins and not experienced symptoms?
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Congratulations & :welcome: to TS. You will find the support and advice from these women amazing. I found out I was having twins at around 8 weeks. I did not have morning sickness at all. I did gag once while brushing my teeth, but I do that now :blush: My only symptom was the fatigue, but that didn't start until 12 weeks or so.

    GL & congrats again.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS and Congratulations on your Twin Pregnancy!! :yahoo: I never had ANY pregnancy symptoms at all! I even called my Dr to make sure everything was OK, and they assured me it was and I should consider myself lucky! I hope the same is true for you! Best of Luck to you!!
  4. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your twin pregnancy!!! I also had very few symptoms, no more than I had with dd. I was a little nauseaus but never "sick." My rumbly tummy didn't set in until around 8 weeks and only lasted a couple weeks. I think I remember reading that the heartbeats start off slower and then reglulate themselves early in the 2nd trimester, also my doctor said that 150 is a better average. So try not to worry about the heartbeats...if you can. Congrats & :welcome:
  5. donnawilcock

    donnawilcock Member

    Congratulations!! :silly: I had no symptoms until 8 weeks and then it was like someone flipped a switch!! I had everything, sickness, fatigue, sore boobs...you name it!!!
    If you get no symptoms, consider yourself lucky and enjoy the ride!!
  6. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins and welcome to twinstuff!! I had ZERO pregnancy symptoms. I also had a blighted ovum prior to my pg with my boys so I was a nervous wreck. I would have felt much better if I felt worse! Try not to worry, there are plenty of women who have had symptom free twin pregnancies with 2 babies as a result!! :)
  7. MamaCeleste

    MamaCeleste Member

    Congrats on your twins!!

    I, too, had a blighted ovum before I got pregnant with my boys. I didn't have have many symptoms either. In fact, my morning sickness was worse with my daughter. I probably wouldn't have known I was pregnant with twins if I didn't have that early u/s (the OB I went to didn't do u/s until the 20th week)
  8. spencersgirl

    spencersgirl Active Member

    At my first U/S at 6 weeks 2 days Baby A's heartrate was 113 and Baby B's was 95. By 7 weeks 2 days A's was 144 and B's was 131. I was told by my Dr that anything over 120 was fine at 7 weeks. Also my Dr always asked the tech to take 3 different measurements of the heartrates that early since the babies are so small it's hard to get an accurate number. They used the middle number each time. I'm sure that everything will be ok But I also know that it's hard not to worry.
  9. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I was told that my baby girl with a heartrate of 117 at 6 almost 7 weeks was slow...she's now 10 months old.

    I had no symptoms with the boys. NONE. I had one bout of morning sickness at 12 weeks, and nothing else to indicate I was pregnant except for a growing belly.

    With my singleton, I was sick as a dog...so go figure.

    Congratulations on your twins!!!!!!
  10. Meg_Meg

    Meg_Meg Well-Known Member

    The first couple weeks of my pregnancy I was tired but not much else. Ate fine, still worked out. Found out there were two babies at 10 weeks, instant constant nausea, tired became exhausted, extreme bloat and gassy. Work out started causing contractions at about 14 weeks (did not realize at first) stopped working out at 16 weeks. Still feel nauseated every now and then. Now dealing with constant back ache and difficulty sleeping.... *sigh* BUT I've got on my :panties: lol hope you don't need yours too soon ;)
  11. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twin pregnancy!! :clapping: :clapping:

    My symptoms started at 5 weeks and they stayed strong for many weeks to come. I found out at my 10 week ultrasound, but I had a feeling I was pregnant with twins before that.
    My morning sickness symptoms returned toward the end of my pregnancy.

    :babyflips: Best wishes for a happy, healthy twin pregnancy and beyond!! :babyflips: ​
  12. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    I was like you, first u/s at 6 wks, two sacs, one heartbeat (couldn't even see the baby in the other one). A week later, two heartbeats :)

    I had absolutely NO SYMPTOMS of having twins, let alone a singleton. Don't you worry - that will all change later on LOL!

    The HB's sound ok to me, I think it is hard to get an accurate reading that early. Please keep us posted and congrats!
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations on your pregnancy :clapping: I did not feel like my pregnancy symptoms were out of the ordinary in those early weeks. I started off feeling tired and a bit queasy. I did not find out I was having twins until 9 weeks.
  14. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I had no morning sickness at all. We didn't know it was twins till 24 weeks
  15. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    HI there this is my 1st post here. SOunds like we are close together. I found out I was pregnant with twins a few weeks ago. I am almost 9wks now. My 1st u/s A was 6wk4day and hb was 115 & B was 6wk1day w/hb 105. My next u/s A was 7wk2day hb was 143 & B had caught up being 7wk1day hb 135. I go back for another u/s next week. Good luck to you. Did you have any clues to twins? I didn't at all! I don't have the 1st risk factor of getting preg with twins. We were shocked to say the least!!!
  16. twins2010

    twins2010 Member

    Congratulations to you too! I do not go back to the doctor until 10 weeks (10/21) for another ultrasound. I still have no signs of being pregnant and am very worried. My dr put me on progesterone suppositories just as a precaution but doesn't want to see me again until 10 weeks. I had NO clue I'd be having twins but thrilled to find out! Please keep me updated on how your pregnancy is going and congratulations again!
  17. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member


    I did not have morning sickness with my twins - and felt no real symptoms in the beginning. I kept waiting because I thought 2 babies, double sickness! Then at about 8 weeks I got very sick and a few days into it, my ds#2 started getting sick, then ds#1 - we had a virus! which was a good thing because I would not have wanted to continue feeling like that - I have no idea how you ladies with severe morning sickness survive! My breasts did not change until close to the end.
  18. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member


    I did not have morning sickness with my twins - and felt no real symptoms in the beginning. I kept waiting because I thought 2 babies, double sickness! Then at about 8 weeks I got very sick and a few days into it, my ds#2 started getting sick, then ds#1 - we had a virus! which was a good thing because I would not have wanted to continue feeling like that - I have no idea how you ladies with severe morning sickness survive! My breasts did not change until close to the end.
  19. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to Twinstuff! I am also one who had no symptoms at all of being pregnant. I never had a minute of morning sickness. I didn't have any symptoms with my singleton pregnancy eitherl
  20. twins2010

    twins2010 Member

    Thank you all for your kind words and sharing your stories. My husband thinks I'm crazy but I can't stop worrying that something is wrong as I don't "feel" pregnant with one baby let alone two! I'm counting down the days to my ultrasound next week and hopefully I can relax (at least for awhile) after that.
  21. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    COngratulations!! Was there a reason you went back for a 2nd ultrasound? Having two so close together, seems odd. (just a curiousity question)

    I had NO symptoms with either one of my pregnancies. I had ideal pregnancies all the way round. I hope you do too!

    I kept an extra pregnancy test around for those times when I didn't 'feel' pregnant! :winking: Good luck & hope you see you around here! (huge site, take some time to look around!)
  22. twins2010

    twins2010 Member

    Thank you! I had a second ultrasound at the request of the radiologist. She saw one heartbeat but 2 sacs and wanted to see if the other sac would vanish or develop and I think we were all surprised to see another heartbeat a week later! I will keep you all posted with the results of my ultrasound next week.
  23. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    I was on the proges supp with my 1st son. I was on the pills with the 2nd child. My 1st clue to twins was that my proges level was actually really high for me this time. It was morre of a hunch, but I was right. This is the 1st time i have not had to take proges. We go back for u/s about the same time. I go on the 22nd. Good luck!!!

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