What type/brand of sling do you like the best

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kristin N, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I'm just popping in from the expecting board to get an expert opinion. I am wanting to use a sling when the twins arrive (my dd didn't like the baby bjorn at all, and I want some different options) What type/brand of sling has worked best for you? I'm thinking I want the simplest (probably not a wrap), most effective sling to hold one or both babies. Any advice??
  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I think mei tai slings are the easiest (though my boys aren't too keen on being in them yet, maybe after more exposure to them). I really want to try a moby sling because I think it will be the most comfy for the boys, as far as slings go. I bought material to make one myself, but oddly enough I can't find the free time to do so, go figure ;) I have two ring slings and so far I just think they are a pain. My sis-in-law has given me two demos, and I still have a hard time getting the boys comfy in it. All of the above is why I'm really loving my new Ergo baby carrier!! It's expensive, but it is VERY comfy,and the boys rarely fuss in (and when they do fuss its not because of the carrier but because they are just being fussy and nothing makes them happy). We've got some Baby Bjorns too but they really seem to hate those things. I don't think they like their little arms dangling out the holes, and the Bjorn material is not as soft as the Ergo. Plus they hang from the crotch in the Bjorn, but have a bit of a little "seat pouch" in the Ergo. So my preference is an Ergo over a sling, but if I had to chose a sling I think I would like the moby best (after using it enough I could get the hang of it).

    Good luck in whatever you decide!
  3. Aimless

    Aimless Member

    my boys love ring slings, they are only a month old, but the ring sling cures fussy time!
  4. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    that's a good point. I think the earlier you introduce them to slings the more likely your babies will take to them. My guys were 3 months old before I put them in a sling, and womb-like memories were probably long gone which is why I don't think they care that much for being all scrunched up in slings now.
  5. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I love my hotsling but there is no way you can put two in there, anymore. When they were smaller, I could fit them both in. I do like the bjorn now that they are bigger. A friend of mine is making me a custom ring sling for my DH.
  6. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I have the moby wrap, but it is a wrap. I am only mentioning it because there is a twin hold that is great for newborns and I don't know of any slings that have that. There is a really expensive carrier that has versions for two or even three babies - maybe someone knows the name of that company. I am sure you can google. Anyway, the moby looks fairly complicated but it is one major wrap for several holds - really easy but a lot of material, and it is really really soft. Now I have wigglers and they absolutely love the bjorn. I was given a hotsling and it was okay, but only when they were very very little and slept a lot - once they were moving they hated it. Good luck.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I loved my Hotsling. But I only did one at a time.
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