Feeling like this phase is really funky

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I'm frustrated, largely because my kids have been stuck indoors for the majority of the last 5 months or so due to the hot temps. I don't like them being out in the sun for any real length of time, even with sunscreen, when it's over 100 degrees. They are cranky and misbehave most of the time that they are alone with me. I want to do fun activities but I don't even know what to do... they seem to completely resist any type of structured activity (coloring, painting, play-doh, bubbles, dancing, etc.).

    I also feel like we're reaching a point where I can barely take them anywhere in public (something I used to do daily), unless it's in their stroller with their iPod Touches to occupy them (a brand new thing... before that, I couldn't even take them in the stroller without constant hysteria). I feel completely incapable of taking them somewhere to run and play or explore by myself because they don't listen (one in particular) and want freedom so badly that they do dangerous things like pull their hands out of mine and run off. So, we stay home most of the time. However, I really feel that they need that - a change of scenery and more physical exertion. It's not so healthy for them, and it's very frustrating for all of us. Add to that that we have a babysitter in the mornings for 2-3 hours so I can study, and I have to leave for class at 4:30pm (DP would never take them anywhere on her own)... and the opportunities to do things are really limited.

    We had been enrolled in a Toddler Gymnastics class through the city but the city cancelled it since we were the only participants enrolled. I'm looking online for other classes but it seems like all of the active classes are for ages 3-5. I wish I could just find a big gymnasium somewhere to "unleash" them and let them get some of their energy out in a safe environment.

    Anyone else feel like this? Any suggestions for some kind of class that would be good for 2-year-olds? (I know that's been asked before... sorry!) Thanks for letting me vent- today has just been a crazy day. I think I'm going to order some harnesses online now - maybe that will help??
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Do you have My Gym or Little Gym around by you? Or Gymboree? Its pricey, but it might be worth it for your sanity. :hug: I feel for you. More than one day in this house with me and my girls go wild and nutty (and so do I).
  3. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    What about a Children's Museum? Is there one nearby? Most have a specific toddler area that is closed off so kids can't escape.
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    If all else fails there is McDonald's. I used to take my girls there when we visited the city, and it wasn't until they were 4 that they realized the place serves food (and gives out toys) before then they thought it was a coffee shop with an indoor playground!

    You can also try to adust your schedule so you can take them out early in the morning and late in the day, before it gets too hot. At that age my girls woke up early and took at 2+ hour nap around 2pm.
  5. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    I sometimes take mine to the library, or a bookstore, we have Chapters here in canada that have a kids area set up with thomas stuff and ride on's.

    If you can't get them out, can you build them a play fort out of chairs and blankets....and for the heat, what about playing with water balloons? kept my two insanely happy all summer!

    I feel for you, it's tough taking 2 year old twins out by yourself, I rarely do it actually, usually have my mom with me. Harnesses are a good idea, maybe those back pack ones.
  6. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Have you considered a PMO program instead of a sitter (or maybe for part of that time)? I have been really happy with our decision so far to put them in a PMO program. They are going T/Th from 9-12. They are out of the house, in a safe environment, around other kids, taking instruction, running and playing and doing crafts and music all in a safe contained area that I don't have to clean up! They have fun and then they are SO happy to come back to familiar old home and have lunch and collapse into a peaceful slumber for 2-3 hours.

    We live in a hot climate as well (buggy and muggy here too) and I am so ready for things to cool down so we can get back to regular walks and playing in the sandbox and our regular outdoor fun.
  7. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    It is a funky phase! I totally agree with you. We don't do a whole lot out in public with them right now. We especially do not take them out to eat. We have not been out to eat in months. We get everything to go for the time being. The only time I go out alone with them is when we do stuff with our moms group. However, I am the organizer...so I have the liberty of picking the places. It always involves places that keep them contained and allow them to run around. They seem to do fairly well when other kids are around. Are you all involved in a moms group or playgroup?
  8. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Something I wish I had found earlier for Timothy (oh, how I wish) was that a local gymnastics studio has a mom's day out program on Friday afternoon from 12:30-3. The open up the foam pits for the kids to jump in, play in. Teach a little tumbling and let them go. I didn't find it till we were gearing for kindergarten so we never did it. But it is on my short list for an idea for a bday party now.

    So, you might try googling or calling places for mom's day out programs. Talk to your local children's librarians. In my experience, they usually have a pretty good clue about what's going on. For the heat, I would set mine up in a shady spot with a couple of buckets of water and a variety of plastic toys. It was great. Our zoo starts monthly classes at 12 months old. They always had a toy area tucked in the corner if a kid couldn't sit. And they changed activities every 5 minutes or so to keep them busy. Call the YMCA and see what they have.

    Hope you find something.

  9. caba

    caba Banned

    I hear ya Erin! Mine are about the same age, and it's really tough. I would never take them out in public by myself right now unless I had someone else with more, or if they were going to stay in the stroller the entire time. I definitely have 2 that will absolutely run in differnet directions just to see me pull my hair out.

    I don't really have any advice, since mine are in daycare all day ... and on the weekends, DH and I take them places together, since we both refuse to do it alone right now. Like Leighann suggested, we signed up for a Little Gym class, and it's blast. It was pricey, but the kids love it, and get to run and tumble and jump in a safe environment and just get rid of a lot of that energy.

    So yes, funky age. They are total little pains in the butt ...
  10. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I feel for you, Erin. Since Atlanta has been under water for a week now, we haven't been outside to play -- and the kids are climbing the walls.

    I don't have any novel ideas -- we have a really nice soft play area at our local mall, but every time I've taken them there, they've gotten sick. The place is just germ-ridden. Yuck.

    Totally understand the phase, though, because we're in the same boat! I have a very hard time taking K&K out by myself, because they will NOT sit in the stroller, and they will NOT walk nicely with me -- like Erica said, they'll definitely run in opposite directions just to make me crazy.

    The only way we can eat out right now is if we take the portable DVD player, and if we go some place with a buffet or quick-order. So, we eat at Panera, Chipotle, Fuddruckers (which is just terrible food), and our club on Wednesday nights which has a family buffet.

    Preschool is helping a lot -- I don't know if they really like it, but they don't cry, and they seem eager to go, so that works for me.

    Hope you find something!
  11. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Erin, I am RIGHT there with you!!!!!!!! Today I seriously started wondered if I need to be on some sort of anti-anxiety meds or something because I just felt like such a worthless mother. It's hard to get out with them, there aren't many gymnastics classes or the such geared well enough for their age level to not have two adults, and like you said, one of mine doesn't care one bit about any crafts or other structured type activities I try with them. I feel like they watch way too much tv, but it's the only thing that keeps them somewhat peaceful. Thankfully it was Saturday, so I just went back to bed after feeding them lunch and let DH deal with them. But I can't do that during the week, and he's about to deploy for 6 months! I feel so helpless! I'd like to sign them up for MDO, but J's "asthma" isn't really under control and with the crazy flu issues going around, I'm too scared to let them do that right now.

    Oy.... so sorry to vent myself, but you're certainly not the only one and I sadly have no answers. :( I will extend a huge hug of sympathy though!!! Hopefully all of us will survive and our kids will still end up happy and well adjusted!
  12. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to suggest mygym, we just joined and we loved it. We did Gymboree as well. They both have 'free gym' time as well when you are a member, so at least it's a safe place for the boys to run around.

    They are at a tough age for structure, it does get better.

    Does the local library offer story time? I know they may not sit still,but it may be worth a try.
  13. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Maybe a mothers morning out program - I had my 2 in one last year on Tues and Thurs from 9-12 it was $180 per month for both girls (not each) and it gave me a few hours and gave them a change and kids their age to play with.

    My 2 are like hyper little poodles that immediately go in opposite directions and I don't think they even think about where they are going they just GO when I 'unleash" them. I prefer to stay home with them too!
    This is a funky age! I think the moon and stars are misaligned right now because I swear nothing around here is safe EXCEPT the toys they are supposed to play with! Lately even the dog hides when they are on the prowl!
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