How late can twins turn?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by forbiddendonut, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. forbiddendonut

    forbiddendonut Well-Known Member

    At my ultrasound today both of my babies were head down!!! I'm wondering if twins get "stuck" in their final positions earlier than singletons? Anyone know?
  2. kyplanmom

    kyplanmom Well-Known Member

    At around 34 weeks I went on bedrest and one was head up and one was head down. By 37 and 1/2 weeks they were both head down.
  3. damonsmummy

    damonsmummy Well-Known Member

    As far as I know they can keep flipping right up until you have them!
  4. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    My peri told me at around 35 weeks, you will have a better idea of how they may be but I have heard also that up until the time of birth, they can flip. My baby B has been flipping the whole time. At my 33 week appt, he was breech, then at my 34th week appt, he was head down.
  5. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    Both A & B were vertex from 12 or so weeks until 34 (I think) weeks, when B turned breech - he stayed breech for two weeks, then flipped back to vertex. His birth weight was 6 lbs. 11 oz., so he wasn't a tiny little thing flipping around in there either ...
  6. Surrodoula

    Surrodoula Well-Known Member

    Hopefully they stay that way! Baby A has been vertex since 22 weeks, and Baby B was breech. Last week she starting moving over her sister into a transverse position, and now it feels like she is mostly vertex. I have an appointment tomorrow and am interested in what my OB thinks the positions are.
  7. mholmes07

    mholmes07 Well-Known Member

    I replied yesterday stating how baby B keeps flipping. Went to dr today and he flipping again since last weeks appt!! I will be 36 weeks tomorrow & hes the bigger twin. So I guess if they really want to, they will find a way. If I make it to my next weeks appt, Im hoping he flips again so I can go vaginal. I guess hes getting restless in there.
  8. room4moooore

    room4moooore Well-Known Member

    My breech baby flipped a day or two before I was induced at 38 ob did not think it would happen (we had a friendly bet going about position and epi's)but he did...I won the bet, by the!
  9. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Were you able to have a vaginal birth after baby A flipped? I am just curious since mine were both head down and 30 weeks, and now are 32 they were breech and transverse- I'm hoping they get it together soon, I would love to be able to experience a vaginal birth again.
  10. room4moooore

    room4moooore Well-Known Member

    Yes, I went on to have a vaginal birth. My dr wanted me to get an epi, just in case I needed an er c/s. I really did not want one, I'd never had one and my last 2 births were drug free and I really wanted to have another drug free birth. Finally we agreed that if the baby stayed breech I would get an epi, but if baby turned I would go without. We even shook on it, then he laughed at me and said there was NO WAY the baby would turn at this point. They did a u/s right before they induced to check on babies position and....the baby had turned, it was my turn to laugh! I've since had a 2nd set of twins and they were also born vaginal.
  11. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    My A twin was head down at 33 weeks, My B twin was not. They both were head down at 34 And I delievered naturally at 34w5d Good Luck :)


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