our first kindermusik class tomorrow...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by foppa2102, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    yep, tomorrow is the first class of 'village' kindermusik for my girls. i cant wait! i even bought them a couple of pair of fall shoes so they wont have to go barefoot... hahaha. we haven't worn shoes much so far. anyone have suggestions for socialization? it's a 6 month to 18 month age group, so i know there will be some little ones, but should i just let them run loose and play before the actual class starts?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    If it's allowed, definitely let them run around and have fun!! It will let them get more comfortable there when they explore things. :good: As for socialization, my two (at that age) really didn't care to socialize. :lol: It was all about the playing!! Have fun!! :Clap:
  3. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    We have that here and was wondering whether to take the boys - you must let us know how it goes!
  4. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    Most babies that can walk don't sit still much unless the parachute or something exciting comes out :) But its highly encouraged to run around and let them explore. And about the shoes, we're supposed to take ours off before we go in :p
  5. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    you're right, mommies and babies all took off their shoes. it was fun! it was a small group, maybe 8 mom/baby pairs, we all sat in a circle and tried to do musical things and activities with our babies. most of the babies were about 15 months old, same as mine, with the exception of a 9 month old. they all liked to run around and not participate 100%, but there were times when they were attentive. i thought it was fun, yet exhausting for me and my mother! lol, every other song/activity, they have you stand up and hold the babies for the next song. then you sit down for the next. then you stand up for the next... lol. i was sweating by the end, lol, i guess they wanna give mom a little workout in there too! the instructor was great and super sweet! i thought everything went as expected, with kids being kids and running around and stuff. but at the end, 2 of the moms said they weren't gonna bring their kids back because a) the 9 month old seemed too young per his mom, and b) it was too structured for her 15 month old kid. hey, i say just go with the flow and it can't hurt! i'm excited about our homework. we have a book of beautiful birds and their different colors and sounds, and we must read the book to them every day, acting out the sounds with silly voices and stuff. we also got posters of the birds for them to look at too. yippee! lol.
  6. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a ton of fun! I am in the process of taking my kids to playtime events on my own and finding it difficult because my 15 month olds are very clingy. I am considering a kindermusik class as well. Do you think it is manageable to take 15 month old twins to a class like this by myself? The teacher I spoke to sounded very nice and said she would take one of my babies...but I don't know if it will work since they only want mom.
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: I'm glad you all enjoyed and got a workout! :lol:
  8. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    i think you'd probably be able to manage fine, especially if the teacher said she'd take one of your babies. my mom was having trouble with sadie screaming and not cooperating, and the teacher came over and calmed her down immediately. she's a former 1st grade teacher and she is just awesome with kids, she really has the knack and i'd definitely feel confident that she could handle one of my girls during the class. plus, as our teacher said, if the kids just wanna run around and explore instead of doing all of the structured activities, that's fine too. they're checking out their environment.
  9. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I've been taking my duo to music class alone since they were seven-months old. We started with Kindermusick and now do a class called Music Together,which is multi-age, 0-3 years...my babes love watching the older kids! Mine get so absorbed by the music, the shakers/instruments, the singing, and I find it VERY doable. For the times we dance, I trade off (I'll dance with one, the other will crawl walk in the center of everyone, and some days they don't want to be held and dance, they'd rather just explore. I find the teachers are as helpful as they can be, and if you ask, they should help! Of course there are difficult days where they both melt, but I LOVE music and they do too!
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