I Really Don't want to do Goody Bags for their Bday Party!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kyrstyn, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls 2nd birthday party is in 3 weeks, and I really don't want to put together goody bags! It seems like such a waste of time and money! :gah: I am not doing a theme for their party, as I am trying to keep it as simple as possible. I am thinking there will probably be about 20 kids there, ranging in age from 2months-7y/o, with most of them being toddlers. I can't think of anything cool that can span that age range.

    Any ideas for alternative favors other than the cheapo toys and bag fillers that just get thrown away anyway?
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    How about bubbles? Just about all kids like bubbles. You could get nice non-spill containers for the little kids and maybe touchable bubbles for the older kids.
    Then give each child some bubbles, a balloon (perhaps a helium one) and a slice of cake to take home.
  3. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    Bubbles, crayons, sidewalk chalk, hotwheels/matchbox cars.

    How about homemade cookies or brownies or some other edible option?

    We had our first kid party this year and gave out squirt guns -- big hit with little kids to adults :). The kids also made "dirt" with gummy worms for everyone to take home.
  4. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest edible favors, too, like cookies in a fun/funny shape, etc.
    Stickers are usually a hit with everyone, too.
  5. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Burn CD's of kids' songs, and put a picture of your girls on the label! I did this for one birthday, and it was a hit.

    Or, I like Alden's suggestion from another thread -- just give out bouncy balls, and let the kids pick them out of a bucket. Everyone likes balls, and you can get some cool ones (my kids like the ones filled with glitter, and there are those super-bouncy ones now, too).
  6. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    The boys' birthday party is this Saturday and I didn't really want to do goody bags either. I was at the craft store over the weekend and found a round Wilton cookie treat pan. I'm going to make Rice Crispy Treat pops with it, I think and then wrap them up with a bow. I also thought about making alphabet cookies (that's the theme). They don't just have round treat pans, they also have stars and flowers that looked pretty cute and would be great for girls. Just a thought! Good luck! :)
  7. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Since they have an October birthday, you could buy a bunch of small pumpkins and let the kids paint/decorate them, then they could bring that home as their favor.
  8. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My sister always makes a cookie to go with the theme. Last party was Curious George and she make a big cookie shaped like a banana for each kid! They are always a big hit! I do not do goody bags.

    eta- i do a pinata so I have always figured they leave with candy.

    eta (again)- Not like they need to leave with anything though!
  9. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I HATE goody bags (I could go on and on about it :angry: :lol: ) so, I have never done them. Honestly, I don't feel the need to give favors at all. I'm providing food, cake, ice cream, and fun. That is plenty for anyone! Plus, the day is about the birthday boy/girl. But, I digress.

    If you feel the need to do favors, what about some type of craft project that can be part of the entertainment and the kids can take home? Maybe a cheap picture frame and, if you have a digital camera and a printer that will print photos, you can take a picture of each kid with the birthday girls and print them out. They sell craft frames in the craft department at Walmart and you can color on them with crayons/markers/paint and/or get a small tub of those foam stickers. They have tons of other craft projects like that in the craft department, too.
  10. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Kyrstyn, Leah is going to be 5 next month and this will be the first year I have ever done goody bags for her friends. I think they are a waste of money personally.
  11. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    I have not given goody bags on the past two birthdays and don't plan to for any to come. At the kids 2nd birthday, I did put balloons around the house and if any kids wanted one, I gave them one, but that was it.
  12. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    We just had my twins' 3rd birthday party on saturday (a bit early, I know). I didn't want to do loot bags either, so what I did was got these little cloth bags from the dollar store and a pinata filled with candy and whatever candy they collected in their bags they took home. They also got to take home a helium filled balloon. They LOVED it!
  13. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I hate those bags too. I've done the pinata almost every bday so they bring that home and your done.
  14. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    At their party this year, the pinata stuff was basically the goody bag, and I tried to make the pinata stuffing not too objectionable. I got some little toys from Oriental Trading (got some "better" toys, not so junky), fruit snacks, lollipops (that was the only candy), and stickers. They also had a craft of decorating little wooden maracas, so the kids had those to take home too. The year before, the goody bag was a small coloring book and crayons. I don't know why we have to give kids a prize for coming to a birthday party.
  15. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    What about a lollipop tied to some bubbles? Or just a hearty thank you?!

    I LOVE putting goody bags together! :blush: Love finding the little stuff to go in them. I love that people put aside their time on the weekend to come celebrate and buy the kids gifts and take time for all that! I like giving them a little something! (off to dodge the :tomato: now! ;) )
  16. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Kyrstyn, I don't really give out goody bags at Emilie and Trevor's party since it's just cousins and they range in ages. This past year I bought Valentine treat coupons from McD's and handed them out and one year I did a valentine M&M's thing. What about a few McD's coupons?
  17. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    The boys aren't really having a "party" just a birthday playgroup (about 5/6 kids). Target's Dollar section had spiral notebooks and gel pens so I got those. I figure they would have fun coloring no matter what age. No theme here either.
  18. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I'm one that likes goody bags, eventhough I stress over what to put in them and I'm sure the kids chuck the stuff but :pardon:

    This past weekend we went to a birthday party where the kids (guests) were all different ages so the "goody bag" was having the kid pick out a coloring book and box of crayons... and all the kids were quite thrilled. She also didn't wait until the end to give it out so that the kids could enjoy it during the party.
  19. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ooooh I love this idea... probably because I was married in Oct and used little pumpkins as table decorations. My wacky friends and family decided to carve them up and take them home. If it works for a wedding, I think it can work for a toddler b-day party!

    Other ideas- coloring books/crayons, sidewalk chalk, a fun cup with a swirly straw....
  20. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    At age 2 I don't think you need to do them. I always hated them too, but have sort of come around since I realized how much the kids like them. And it does sort of help ease the transition at the end of the party. It's not the stuff itself, it's the fact that the guests get to take something home. So some kind of craft would work just as well, if you have the resources to have them do a craft at the party.

    One friend of ours gave every kid a puzzle (not a huge one, one of those light cardboard ones). They wrapped them all, which was probably a big pain, but made it seem a lot nicer to the guests who got to unwrap them and feel like they were getting a present.

    ETA: But my point was that at age 2, first of all they only went to two "friend" birthday parties (and we didn't have one for them), and secondly, only one of those parties had goody bags. Starting at age 3, everyone seemed to have them.
  21. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    What I have been doing for every party is fill up the pinata with bubble bottles, little treats, party blowers and poppers, chocolate coins... and hand each and every child an empty goody bag before the pinata gets burst, so they fill up their own loot. It has always worked a treat, the kids love it, it's great fun[​IMG]
  22. eatcelery

    eatcelery Well-Known Member

    Go to Dollar Tree and just get one thing for each kid. At the 1 yr party we had mainly adults there with a few kids. So I got some cool 3D book thing from dollar tree that came with glasses..well that covered the kids from age 3 to age 7! I also had a few toys from there to give out as party went along so they wouldn't be bored. But dollar tree has nice coloring books and other stuff that look like you paid more than $1 for it.
  23. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    I don't know who ever thought of goody bags but they should be slapped in the face! As much as I hate them, I have come to enjoy the challenge of making a decent goody bag. Sometimes I have had a cool craft to do as a party activity, which the kids love and they get something cute to take home. Some parents I know hate giving their kids candy, so it makes them happy too. This you at my twin's party, I made iron on t-shirts with the yo gabba gabba characters on them. It was cheap and easy and the kids loved them. You can print many favorite characters onto iron on printer paper and buy boy's undershirts, all fairly inexpensive and something the kids will use until they outgrow it. As for a huge range in ages,I usually give something I pick out just for them since they aren't attending in huge numbers. I found lots of cool things in the Target dollar section for all ages as well. I always put names on the bags so I know who gets what when dealing with age ranges or boy/girl bags. The kids probably like candy the best though!

  24. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't read the other responses, but i went a birthday party in March and they did a book exchange (no presents). Each kid got a new book (including the birthday twins). The books were wrapped.

    I plan to use that for our next party.
  25. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We had our girls' party this past weekend and I bought a stack of plates from the Disney store (they had a character and some tropical flowers on them...our theme was beachy/tropical) when they were on clearance and handed them out to the kids as they were leaving. They loved them!!
  26. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    For their 1st bday I did goody bags....I thought it was a waste. So for their 2nd bday (it was a Luau theme) we gave each kid a sand bucket with shovel, a pair of sunglasses and whatever candy they got from the pinata.

    One party we went to, they sent us home with a dinosaur (small, plastic one) and a balloon. The kids liked it and was so simple for the mom to put together.
  27. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    You could always have the kids do a craft to take home with them instead of the goodie bags. Kids love to paint and color, maybe some sort of craft would be a good alternative.
  28. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    Wendy's sells a book of Free Frostie Certificates
    You can 10 for $1
  29. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Great idea! I have heard about it somewhere before. I will be doing this for their 4th birthday next year. Almost all of their friends will be in preschool setting. Beside, we would have enough left over toys from their 3rd birthday/Christmas. I want to add this idea is to hire a puppet-story tell to come to the party?

    PS. My twins' birthday is Sept 30th will be 3, but they will have their bday on Oct 3rd with 20 kids approx. (most of them are turning 2) while some will turn 3. I always done goody bags because it is fun for the kids to peek in what they are getting :)

    Ideas from past goody bags--
    1st bday (Mickey and Minne Mouse); Gerber snacks/spoon & forks/travel baby wipes
    2nd bday (Raggedy Ann and Andy); bath toys - baby bath clothes (we buy them in bulk with 1 roll up w/ribbons and helium balloon attached to goody bag.

    3rd bday (Monkey See-Monkey Do); monkey craft puppet (similar to Martha Stewart) (no glue; just peel and stick) I found them at the $1 section at Target last year. I just happened to think of Monkey theme because they are turning 3 is a perfect fitting theme for them. Lucky all of the monkey themes are coming out this Fall! I even got a cute t-shirt from The Children's Store/Gymboree for their prof. picture.

    For some reason I always do theme related to their bday pictures. I asked all of our friends to loan us for 1 day about 5-8 plush monkey in different sizes as a prop.

    For their 4th bday "no gifts, book exchange' and their goody bags will be pencils with special eraser to hold their hands correctly and those $1 preschoolers book.
  30. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Have you checked out any of the party blogs? They have some fantastic ideas, some of them really easy. I just came across an idea to make t-shirts for the kids and let them decorate them. I think we're going to do that for the boys' party. Unless t-shirts are $5 a piece because there are going to be 20 kids here and yeah... :eek: I also really love the pumpkin idea! Very cute!
  31. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    We have been to more and more parties lately that didn't give goodie bags! And I'm so glad!! Birthday's are about helping a friend celebrate a milestone. To me that includes cake and spending time with your friend. Period!! But, that's a lot. And I've had no problem explaining that to my kids, or with them understanding that. If you don't want to give or deal with goodie bags, don't!

    And I hope it's a fun party :)
  32. SuzyHolland

    SuzyHolland Well-Known Member

    Berber turned 5 in june. And gave her first party for friends. 5 girls and 1 boy from her class

    I don't like the goody bags.
    So I had a great idea...we (dh and I)made pics when the kids decoradded and ate there cupcake
    DH went to get them printed and the kids decorraded a picture-frame (IKEA and with plastic not glass)

    WELL that was fun butt the kids kept saying...oh we will get a goody-bag when we leave
    AND :( I made goodybags :blush:
  33. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    And I would have said, "sorry, no goody bags, you get to take home your picture and frame". I don't like goody bags either. We tend to do a craft for them to take home instead. My favorite, I think, was Megan's 5th bday. I put out a bunch of rubber stamps and paints and let them take turns stamping white t shirts. They were so cute! I had other activities for them to do when it wasn't their turn to stamp (I had a friend helping me and there were only 9 kids total). I really think that was my favorite kid party we've had! So, yeah, don't do goody bags if you don't want to! We can start a revolution!
  34. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all the great alternative ideas!! I am definitely going to keep those in mind, not only for this party but for the years to come! It's nice to know that I am not alone in my hatred for these goody bags!! ;)
  35. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    I didn't read all of the responses, but as a parent, I HATE goody bags. The toys always jsut end up strewn through the house and tossed in the trash within a short time anyway...I don't think you even need to do goody bags at all (and I would bet the parents would thank you for it), but if you really feel the need to give some kind of favor I would suggest a cookie or something...maybe with their name on it in icing? And, I would hand them out at the very end as they walk out the door...
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