Need advice enrolling them in programs

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Brooklyne, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    I've decided to enrol my kids in a few programs starting next week. It will be two mornings a week for two hours and basically it's storytime, circle time, singing etc. I'm with them all the time. My kids are not very social at first. One will cry and the other will throw tantrums. Eventually if they see toys they will go about their business..I hope. on earth do I manage since they are not the most social babies out there. How do I cope with the stares and embarassment. I'm pretty good at wearing a poker face and laughing things off, but I'm sensitive when it comes to these two and may start crying myself!

    Anyone take both their shy twins to classes did you handle it and did they eventually warm up? TIA!!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I took my two to a similar class like you are describing and my two do take (took) a bit to warm up to things. I think we had to go a few times before we skipped the "shy" phase when getting there. :good: You are with them so just walk around with them and show them all the cool things, and have patience with them. I know I used to get frustrated why they weren't as social and wanting to play as the other kids, but each child is different and I found the more relaxed I was about the situation the quicker they got into things and had fun. You should not worry about others, if they have kids they have experienced it and if they do say or make a face, slap them. :slap: Okay, you can picture you slapping them but don't do it, I'm not bailing you out. :p Just go and enjoy and concentrate on your kids and their fun and not what others are thinking. :hug: (I know that's easier said then done)
  3. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    I take mine to a class twice a week. I really LOVE the fact that they can crawl around, play and I can set them "loose" for
    a while... when I started the class dd was not I did most of the songs with her while ds entratined himself
    with the toys around... The teacher usually takes ds (I think because he is skinnier :) to do some songs, and some
    I hold both of them and get the "I don't know how you do that" from a lot of the moms :)--- they are 22 and 25 lbs.
    I got annoyed a little bit with all the "you have your hands fulls" comment, but I just ignore it..and get a little
    jealous of the one and one attention mine don't get...but in a place like this I can spend time with each of them while
    the other one is having fun doing something else.

    They were both shy at first, but now when we go there as soon as I put them down they crawl away to play with toys and
    climb on things. I think is so good that you are doing this, you will love to get out and feel great about
    them being active with other babies. I have seen a lot of change in them (sometimes they do go hit one but there I step in)
    but I find that most moms help out to keep all babies safe and happy. I wish we had classes 5 days a week!

    The most important thing is to have fun and let the babies explore... I usually sit in place where they can be part of
    what we are doing (reading, singing, etc) but they also have toys or things to entratain them if I'm with the other.
    Have FUN!
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My two are fairly social and it might be because they get out quite a bit and socialize with other kids... I don't know for sure. I guess dont' expect anything except that you got out of the house that day. I find the more I go to a play group the more relaxed the kids are to me. Starting out I try to sit in the same spot so they can see me, and once I grabbed a coffee at a twins group and my one daughter didn't see me in the kitchen and was a mess afterwards and I had to leave. So ease them into it. Show up a bit early so you are not rushed. Make sure they are fed, or have some
    food if they need it and water.

    Maybe start one program and then start another program the next month. Try not to miss too many. We have 3 things on each week and that seems enough for us.

  5. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    EXACTLY! I take mine to a music class and a gym class every week and the more we go, the easier it gets...mind you it's NOT always easy when they're both moving in different directions but the classes are in safe, child-friendly environment (I would hope!) which eases the worry. Definitely do it and try not to will have FUN and more importantly, so will your little ones!
  6. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies! I'm really looking forward to this. A neighbour of mine will also be there with her twins, who are a few months older and VERY social, so I know I'll get comparisons, but I have to start somewhere. I hope my kids enjoy it.
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