Bibs that stay on... with pocket...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Seriously, is there any bib with a pocket that kids can't pull off? I've tried Bumkins (the ones with the sleeves too), dura bibs... they all get pulled off.

    Is there any other solution than feeding them naked or watching them like a hawk and putting the thing back on every single time?
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  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I had the feeding them naked thought too :) I've had good luck with the Kiddopotamus bibs that have the tray. They can be pulled off, but they take much more effort than the elcro ones we used to use.
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We have a new favorite bib at our house - the JJ Cole ones. They are machine washable, but don't get at all yucky like the Bumkins because they have a great plastic coating. They are also snaps rather than Velcro, which makes them stay on better at our house. We also have some completely rubber ones that have like a hook and eye type closure (I don't know what it's called. You put the tab in the hole and then slide it.) Those stay on great too.

    ETA: We've also had luck teaching them to leave them on. If they take them off, mealtime is over unless they let us put them back on. They don't like losing their food, so it's working.
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I bet those are the Kiddopotamus ones; sounds just like what we have. I've decided I'm not getting anymore cloth bibs because the rubber or plastic ones are so much easier to clean.
  5. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I am SO glad you posted this question!!! We are having the SAME problem and I am tired of trying to remove stains from their clothes and feeling bad that they wear a lot of stained up yucky looking outfits (that may be BRAND NEW BTW... ugh). I did feed them in their diapers last night for all of these same reasons you posted.... but I can't do that every time!! The girls and I have a shopping trip planned on Thursday to make some new bib purchases. Where did you guys get the ones you truly love? Trying to decide if I'm okay with a trip to Target since it's closest to home or do I need to venture out to BabiesRus or somewhere else??? Walmart? You know how it is.... can maybe get in two stops before the little ones go nuts so I have to be prepared! :D
  6. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Our Target has awful bib selection. Awful. I'd go to BRU.
  7. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Yep. Those are the ones. The only thing I don't like about them is that they are relatively small surface-area wise. They are also very stiff. But, I will always love them because Anna was wearing one when she vomited one day. No other bib would have contained that mess. :bad:
  8. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    I totally agree that the Kiddopotamus are the way to go. I won't use anything else. We can rinse them off during the day and then they go in the dishwasher at night. They are the ONLY bibs my guys can't pull off (of themselves or each other).
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Ok those are the ones I was thinking of, but is it really not possible to pull it off? I've read a few reviews of people whose kids manage to pull it off and knowing mine, I'm worried.

    Oh and don't count on Babies'r Us and Target, they both have an awful selection.
  10. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Not that this helps you, but I got these big art smock plastic bibs from a garage sale for 25 cents a piece. They are awesome! They go over the front and back, have a pocket, are great washable (plastic) material, and tie in the back. They've taken every other bib off and have ruined countless outfits. For some reason they leave these on, and I don't know if they could even take them off if they tried. I'm not even sure what brand these smock bibs are. They have an Elmer's glue logo on them.

    What if you just put a big safety pin through the back of your current bibs?
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I've pretty much given up on bibs. I've tried several, including ones that shouldn't pull off, and they still pull them off. Then they get pissed off and try to pull off their shirts. I think if I found a truly "baby proof" bib, they would strangle themselves trying to get them off.

    Now that Jack and Nate have stopped their "Mr. Spitty and The Extruder" routine it's gotten a lot neater, but we still end up with food on their clothes. I just mop them off with baby wipes and keep it moving. If it's too bad I'll change their clothes. My guys are very skinny, so ending mealtime when they pull their bibs off is not an option; I'm trying to cram every calorie I can in there!!

    The other night I did wonder if they made plastic toddler clothes....
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I keep forgetting to get safety pins... just worried they'll somehow rip it off then swallow it or something.
  13. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I'll try BRU but sounds like I might have to order online because we live in a rural community and there aren't many stores to choose from.... and once again I miss the city like crazy... but we are here so that I can stay home with the girls for a while... focus marcy, focus!
  14. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    ahh the search for the magic bib... my ds hates any type and if he doesn't pull it off he starts screaming and crying...
    so I just take of his shirt..
    Sometimes I put two at a time... so it last longer until he discovers there is another one underneath
    fortunately dd leaves her on. :)

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I love this bib bib It ties at the neck and has short sleeves, so it can't be pulled off. It also has a pocket. They're expensive at $14.99, but I only own four and have used them for months now and they are holding up great with frequent washings.

    Heads-up to anyone using a bib with sleeves and a high chair with harness: My DD choked on a banana piece last week and I learned that you can't unsnap the high chair harness without taking the bib off first as the sleeves are over the harness straps. To solve this, we put the high chair harness under the girls' arms and around the tummy. That way, if one was to choke again, we could unsnap the high chair harness and pull them quickly out without having to take the bib off.
  16. kats

    kats Member

    If you are lucky enough to be near an IKEA or know anyone who is - buy their bibs. They come in a set of two - one blue and one green. They are AMAZING. All my friends now use them and we all love them. They have sleeves and pocket. Really easy on and off. Quick to clean/dry. I cannot say enough good things about them - plus they are cheap!! We never have any food on clothes issues. I did not know about them with my first and boy do they make all the difference in the world now with these two.
  17. kats

    kats Member

    Nevermind I re-read your post - it is a pulling them off issue. SORRY - they could get these off!
  18. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I bought two Kiddopotamus bibs over the weekend and am IN LOVE!!! They haven't been pulled off once and after a few meals of them trying... they've given up!! They catch TONS of food and the girls love that all their missing nibbles are right there in the pocket so they can have another shot at them! They are just short enough to not interfere with the tray on their booster seat and since they are flexible the have normal range of motion while wearing them (vs the hard pelican bibs, etc). They do not keep every speck of food off of their clothes but overall the mess is much much easier to deal with!! Hurray!! Thank you!!!
  19. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Ok I guess I have to try those now... thanks lol.
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