switched to soy formula

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lawilliams77, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Okay, both my guys started having problems with vomiting and diarrhea last week. I switched to soy on a temporary basis so their gut could rest (milk protiens can make an irritated gut more irritated and prolong diarrhea), and their symptoms cleared up immediately. It made me stop and think that they may have started to develop an intolerance to the milk based formula. The other thing I noticed was that they've had a mild rash on their trunks for the last couple months, which also cleared up after starting soy.
    A)Have any of you had babies that seemed to tolerate regular formula for a period of time and then have to switch them later?
    B)Have any of you noticed that the soy formula seems to leave a residue in the bottles? Will prewashing the bottles before the dishwasher help?

  2. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    i don't have any experience with soy formula but my DD did develop a milk protien allergy and had a rash like you describe on her trunk, as well as mucous in her stools. both of these symptoms cleared up almost immediatly when i switched her to alimentium. she had been on regular formula for 4 months before i switched her and didn't really develop any of her symptoms for 3 months.
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  3. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine had mucousy stools and spit up like mad until we switched to soy...as for residue I'm not sure because we used drop ins so they would get tossed each time...I did find that Isomil (the Similac version) mixed up easier and better than Pro-Sobee (the Enfamil version)...

    I didn't use any of the generic brands because once their feeding issues were solved with the soy I didn't want to screw with anything else!
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  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used soy with my oldest son, but he had an intolerance for the regular formula right from the start. I don't remember dealing with any residue in the bottles, but I've always handwashed bottles so maybe that's why. Owen outgrew his intolerance to milk by the time he was 2 & I was able to switch him over to regular milk.
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  5. MelinaS79

    MelinaS79 Well-Known Member

    We switched DS to soy for a similar reason but what I have noticed besides a residue on the inside of the bottles (we use the playtex ventaire bottles) is that the soy formula constipates him horribly. An ounce of apple/prune juice everyday in a sippy diluted with 1/2 oz of water keeps his plumbing clear though. ;) Good luck!!
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  6. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    I've read that soy can be more constipating. So far we aren't dealing with that just yet, knock on wood. We are using the isomil. We really need to save money, but now I'm scared to switch to the storebrand soy since it seems like we are doing so well on the isomil. It does mix up good. Speaking of poop. Luke is sitting on my lap right now having his daily movement and wew does it stink. That is something I've noticed.. the poo really stinks with soy.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Leslie, I wouldn't worry too much about switching to a store brand. We used Walmart brand soy with no problems. My two spit up like crazy, and had diarrhea on the milk-based formulas. It was pretty much from the beginning though. It sounds like they are doing well on the soy, so I would keep them on it!
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    soy poop and soy burps (and spit up) stunk soooo bad I agree!
  9. MelinaS79

    MelinaS79 Well-Known Member

    OMGOSH It is SOOOO stinky! We started out with the Similac then switched to Good Start soy ... its more cost effective (not by much) but I've heard that the store-brand formulas are just fine. :) I would give it a shot.. if we weren't on WIC (and won't be in a couple of months..) we would be using the store brand formula. :)

    And you're lucky if your LOs aren't having any plumbing issues.. lol! B's started right away :(
  10. Meilan

    Meilan Active Member

    Sounds like a milk allergy to me... I think they can develop on their own,... one of my twins had the same thing with spit up and diarhea on the milk based, so we moved to soy, and he was fine for about a month until it started again... He's on neocate now, and doing fine, it's even helped clear up his eczema a considerable amount. As for the residue on the bottles, I think prewashing would help. Not sure as I use the baggy bottles so i just toss out the bags :) hth
  11. HoneyBear23

    HoneyBear23 Well-Known Member

    We put my LO's on Soy (Enfamil ProSobee) around maybe two months old. DD was acting like she was having tummy issues (and some mucus in her stool) so we switched them. So far so good. No problems since. I haven't noticed the residue as we also use the drop-ins. We put 1 oz of pear juice in their morning bottle to help with any constipation. But now that they are eatting table food, constipation hasn't been an issue.

    I think if it's going well with the soy, to stick with it.
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