how much are yours crying at this point?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by happychck, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    hi, everyone!

    i've noticed my guys go through periods where there's a lot of crying. we do our best to attend to them, and usually we can figure out why (hungry, tired, my brother just slapped me, etc) but sometimes it seems like they are so sensitive. they also don't have a lot of language still so they can't say much to explain how they are feeling. i know this is part of the 'toddler drama' stage. but i used to feel like my little guys didn't cry terribly much and now i worry sometimes that they do.... sometimes dh will say under his breath (and i will think it, i have to admit) "come on, tough it out!" and then i feel terrible, because i know they don't have many other ways of expressing themselves, and everything is so new to them, etc. they are just learning how to process feelings and i want to be sensitive to that.

    but, they still do cry more than i would have expected at this point. anyone else feel this way? is this just a normal toddler thang?

    thanks, jl

    ps: our nap schedules have been going crazy lately and i don't get online much these days. it's so good to spend some time here![​IMG].
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys are the same age and yes they cry a lot. Right now Jake has been having some really bad tantrums. Just today he had a major fit during his speech therapy and then he bit me :shok: . I just started doing time outs and put him in there and it took him a good 15 minutes to calm down after I took him out.

    They are always hitting & fighting over toys and then we have teething. It seems like they are tripping over their feet a lot and I'm constantly telling them their fine.

    And of course there is the language frustration. My hope is when they can begin to communicate things will get better.

    But then I'll have to hear " Mom, Jake hit me". :lol:
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We definitely have more crying in the second year. I think the just get so frustrated by everything they want to do and can't because of physical limitations or parental limitations.
  4. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    I notice bouts of crying like you mentioned...our two were colicky and difficult babies, so it's nowhere near that amount, but depending on the day, it can be quite a lot! I also say it's their way of communicating and ride it out, but it's not easy.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Crying ebbs and flows around here, like tantrums, I do believe this is a frustration thing for mine since they can't really express themselves well yet. Especially my DS, who can burst into tears at the drop of a hat.
  6. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Mine are the same way. There are days where I feel like all they do is cry and whine all day long. Usually, one is cranky and the other isn't. Thank God! It's the days where they are both cranky that is hard. I keep telling myself it's a phase and they will eventually be able to talk and tell me what's wrong. I pray the whining goes away. I can't handle whining. Drives me crazy.
  7. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We have good days and fussy days. Some days you just can't make one or both happy. They both talk pretty well, or well enough to tell us what's wrong anyway. The problem is getting them to stop crying long enough to tell you. Mason is much better at this than Logan. Logan is so dramatic about everything that it can be exhausting when he's fussy. He still passes out on us when he gets really upset.

    What drives me batty is the tantrums over the normal stuff. Really, they have to pitch that much of a fit because their brother stole a toy or touches them. Clothes and diaper changing is another one. It's not everyday like it was. but it's still several times a week and when one gets going so does the other one. I guess that's my long winded vent to say - yes, they still cry a lot and more than I expected at this point.
  8. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Constant crying, everyday! It's gettin'
  9. mytwins2

    mytwins2 Well-Known Member

    Mine cry all the time too. Especdially Morgan...she already has tantrums and is getting into the bad habit of biting when she gets mad. She'll even bite the back of her own hand? Please let her grow out of it! Talk about crying, just heard on the news this morning that a 66 (or 62) year old man slapped a 2 year old in a store because the baby wouldn't stop crying!!!! Told the parents if they didn't know what to do to to make the toddler stop crying, he would. and he slapped the baby! can you imagine that!!??!! :grr:
  10. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    One of my guys cries quite a bit and the other is just more mellow. I have noticed that my crier is a lot worse about it when my husband is around. I started watching them more closely and realized that my husband tends to pay a lot more attention to them when they're crying and I'm more of the "tough it out" school of thought.
    I try to give positive attention when they're playing nicely so I think they don't do it so much around me but my hubby tends to think he can just do his own thing until someone cries. So they cry around him. Frustrating!!
  11. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    omg, that is disgusting! i hope the man was stopped by police or something. that is horrible!

    also, thanks everyone, for letting me know this is par for the course. misery loves company, as they say...... hope all our lo's grow out of it soon!

    :), jl
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