Too tired to post!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debfitz, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    I have, or should I say had, great sleepers/nappers. Here we go again with the rough nights. What's going on? They have been getting up several, and I mean several!, times a night just crying or whining. We are not hungry or wet, and they stop crying pretty soon after I pick them up, which I only do once to assure dry diaper and no hunger. So, I think they may just want to play or have some separation anxiety. I let them CIO, but it goes off and on forever..then the night is over and I'm left sleepless once again! They are in separate rooms with room darkeners and white noise. I just had surgery a few days ago and it's like they know and feel the need to keep me up all night! Is this just a normal phase for their age? I know this sort of thing has been posted a million times...sorry. I'm really hoping that by simply posting this, it will go away. You all know how that happens sometimes. Anyway, any advice or suggestions would be MUCH appreciated for an exhausted mom who is still trying to recover. Thanks!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I hope you are right and that posting this makes them sleep tonight. :hug:

    Have you tried giving them motrin before going to bed? Maybe it's them teething? We went through periods of wake ups and it usually lasted a couple of weeks. I hope it's sooner for you.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Liz, I hope by posting tonight they sleep all the way through for you :hug: My first thought was teething also, perhaps the 1st year molars (if they don't already have them). I would try Motrin as well :hug:
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    No advice, just sympathy. We went through a similar thing with Jack where he was getting up multiple times per night, SCREAMING. Took hours to get him back down. And this went on for 3 months. :blink: I seriously almost quit my job because I could not function.

    I swear, the only thing that worked is giving him a nightly "pep talk". Everyone says I'm nuts (okay, they might be right about that ;) ), but I tell him things like "Night time is for sleeping, Jack. Close your eyes, dream good dreams, and sleep all night. Mama is here, Dada is here, Nate is here, you're never alone. If you wake, you can hear your brother right over there, and we're all here for you". I started this a few weeks ago; the night I started doing this is the first night he STTN in 3 months, and he's STTN every night since then. Well, he will wake occasionally and give out 1 or 2 cries, but goes right back to sleep. I know he can't really understand me, but for whatever reason it worked! :pardon:

    I tell you, I will never take sleep for granted again. I'm sending "STTN" vibes your way, and hoping you get some sleep so you can recover!
  5. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! Oh, yes I have tried the motrin. I do think that was and maybe still be the problem some nights. I will also try the pep talk. I did a much shorter version last night. Maybe tonight, I will give them the longer pep talk. Thanks for the sttn vibes. Gosh I hope this doesn't go on for months! [​IMG] That will surely make me crazy!
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    They are BOTH waking up?? Or is it just one? Is one waking the other one up? It seems strange that they're both coincidentally all of the sudden doing this. it's not weird tho if they can hear each other from across the house and the other is woken up.

    Sorry you're going thru this but sometimes this happens and it passes. it's hORRIBLE while you're in it and esp with you just having surgery but it totally will pass and hopefully SOON :)

  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I remember this happening with Jake around that age. He would wake, I would run in their room and pick him up and he would fall back asleep. Then one night he did it for over 4 hours starting at midnight. I finally had to let him cio and had to do it again for the next day or so. But after that, he no longer would wake and if he did, he was able to put himself back to sleep.

    Around the age of one, they begin to understand the connection between crying and you coming in the room.

    You may have to have a few nights of cio, but it will be well worth it in the end.

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
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