To Juice or not to Juice?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by EOMommy, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    Hi All!!

    I have yet to really give my almost-15 month olds juice. I didn't think there was much point in it especially before we moved to people food, because they were both eating their fruits and veggies just fine. They both love their milk and water. I'm afraid if I start giving them 4-6oz juice a day, they may not like their water as much anymore!?!?

    The reason I'm asking is because my son really doesn't like veggies so I know he isnt getting his servings in. Fruit, maybe. I try to offer fruit twice a day but sometimes they eat it but I wouldn't say it's an entire SERVING. One of them is picky, period, and the other one has good days and bad days...

    Since I can't really say yes they are getting X amount of servings of fruits and veggies per day, do I go ahead and give them juice? I was trying to avoid juice just because I'm afraid they are going to beg for it. I have a niece and nephew that lived on juice, morning noon and night, and have such rotted baby teeth that luckily are now starting to fall out. My other niece was not offered juice and is now 6 and has perfect teeth, and is very healthy...

    I know they won't die without it, nor will life end if they start it.

    Any advice?
  2. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member

    good question.

    my twins just turned 18 mo. and almost never have juice. i avoid it for the same reason...i want them to continue enjoying water and milk and not craving sweets too much. when i do give them juice, i offer Fruitables (fruit w/ veggie juice) and i dilute it in their water sippies.

  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I basically only give juice (mixed with water) when one of the twins is constipated. One thing to keep in mind is that a toddler serving is said to be a tablespoon for their age (I give my twins how much they are willing to eat) So you might be surprised to see that they are getting their fruits and veggies in. I would keep offering it and try to find ways to sneak veggies in their meals (i.e. if they love mac and cheese, add some veggies to it and see if they will eat it that way).
  4. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    A tablespoon!?!? that seems like almost nothing, WOW! I did not know that :) Thanks! I wish that were my serving size too!

    I will have to try better with the veggies, disguising them in the good foods. I just wish I was a good cook.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I would look into a vitamin supplement before adding the juice into their diet. :good:
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    since the pp mentioned veggies in mac & cheese... you should be able to do that w/no problem... I've done a whole butternut squash in a pound or so of pasta recipe of mac & cheese, or this great pink sauce my husband makes. You just bake/cook the squash and then puree it and put it in... Jessica Seinfeld has a cookbook out there something like "Deceptively Delicious"... about "hiding veggies" in foods... I'd rather they like to just eat the veggies, but if they aren't, its worth a shot to learn how to get the veggies in.

    I think the juices have so much sugar, even if its natural, that I'm trying to avoid them...
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i have to agree - avoid the juice monster! not worth it. i'm also a firm believer that as long as you're offering a good variety of healthy foods over the course of a week, babies/toddlers will get what they need (even if it doesn't seem like it to us).

    my favorite veggie-hiding recipe is in our spaghetti sauce - i put grated zucchini, shredded carrots, minced onion, diced tomatoes & celery, etc in the sauce. they love that on just about anything & it's packed full of veggie goodness. i keep meaning to try adding pureed squash as well but just haven't ever had one on hand at the right time. it's also a good way to use up a lot of veggies that are on their last legs at one time.
  8. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    No juice for me either. My twins have never had it; my three year old has only had it at birthday parties etc., not at home.
    I really don't see the point.
  9. rabresch72

    rabresch72 Well-Known Member

    I'm not a "juicer," but do have a picky eater - no veggies...she spits them out like I'm feeding her a porcupine! My pedi said not to worry about it too much. He said that a baby's nutritional requirements are the same as an adult's over three days. So, if we need 5 servings of fruits/veggies over one day, they need the same over three. That made me feel much better. I'm still offering it, but I'm not stressing as much if she doesn't take it.
  10. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Mine do get some juice - some at daycare and then some diluted at home. It has not affected their willingness to drink water or milk at all, and the really only ask for water or milk. I have this thing about not making any foods "off limits." But, there is really no reason for them to need juice, aside from maybe constipation issues. We just go with a general "everything in moderation" rule in our house.
  11. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    I don't really offer the boys juice at home, mostly because we don't normally keep it in the house for DH or I. They get juice at daycare and Jack gets prune juice for his constipation issues. If they are drinking something at home other than milk or water it is usually iced tea since I brew it myself and DH and I drink lots of it. I think I would probably offer more juice if I kept it around, but I am not going out of my way to buy it just for them. They eat the same foods we eat, they can drink what we drink too.

    I wouldn't worry about adding juice to their diets if they aren't used to it.

    Some of the ways we add "good" foods into our boys diets are offering veggies with both lunch and dinner, I mix veggies into spagetti sauce and into any casserole type dishes I make and I have discovered the power of the "dip." If I let them dip veggies in ketchup, bbq or guac they are happy to eat them. Fruit we don't have any issues with. They love fruit!
  12. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    We usually only give juice when their constipated. Once they're off formula [we've got another two days left - yay!] we're going to start them on daily vitamins [flinstone gummies]. That way on days where they won't eat what I give them, I won't feel so guilty about them getting what their body needs ^_^ Also look into V8 Splash or something if you're thinkin about giving them juice. It tastes yummy and they get their veggies in [​IMG]
  13. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    No juice here. It's not good for their teeth and honestly they don't get much nutrients out of them anyway. Mine never ate veggies until a couple weeks ago, so we had a lot of veggie burgers, or it was hidden in mac'n cheese etc.
  14. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    DH and I decided no juice for ours too!
  15. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    No to juice here. Not that mine never have it, just that we don't make a habit of it. There is absolutely no need.
  16. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    no juice here! we offer fruit at least 3 times a day, so they get plenty of fruit and sugar! As far as veggies go, I found that I had to try to feed them the same veggie many times before they would actually eat it. Brussel sprouts took 3 or 4 times before they would keep it in their mouth longer than a split second. I just keep offering, and usually they will end up liking it eventually.
  17. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for chiming in! I have some new ideas to try :)
    I am glad I'm not the only one that is not planning on giving them juice for now. I didn't think they needed it but you know how people look at you like your an alien when you say they only get water and milk!

    Thanks again!
  18. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm seriously in the minority here! Mine do get juice, the veggie/fruit juice with no sugar added. After talking to the infant development worker, P/T, and Dr, they told me that there is,nutrionally, no difference between fruits and veggies. And since we have a hard time getting the veggies into the kids, they get the veggie/fruit juice. Not in bottles of course, in sippies, and with snacks, but Yes we give juice. My older son had it, and he is 13 and has beautiful strong teeth, never had a cavity, and drinks milk/juice/water fine. I wouldn't give my kids Tang, or Sunny D cause of the sugar, but healthy fruit and veggie juice, in moderation, why not?
  19. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    No difference between fruit and veggies? Then why bother even forcing the kids to eat disgusting veggies!
    What kind of juice do you give them may I ask? I might have to check it out.
  20. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I dont' give juice. they have fruit -- melon, grapes, apple sauce, etc. I use frozen veggies and then microwave them (30 sec then 30 sec.) I put that on their trays first then take a bit of time making the rest of their meals. I dont' sweat it if they don't eat them. It is only a few tablespoons wasted. I've heard that toddlers need to see somethings 10 times before they will eat something. So I give them a good visual each meal. Mine will take grated carrots. I think toddlers like the same things over and over again. Or stuff off our plates. Mine love roasted veggies if they come from my plate.

    I liked the deceptively delicious --- loved loved loved the mac & cheese with cauliflower but my dh and I ate the whole thing the girls didn't get a bite !!!!! I make dips and then put it in a cup with french fries sticking out. Or veggie spreads. Or i try some of the veggie section of the grocery store for veggie burgers, hotdogs, etc.
  21. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I'm not giving juice. I'm thinking of waiting until they are two or three.

    On the veggie issue, I honestly wonder when people say their kids will not eat any veggies. I just don't believe the kids have tried every single veggie out there. This Wikipedia list has hundreds of veges on it. I know some of them are exotic, but I just don't believe that people try even 1/4 of these veggies, and like a PP said, it often takes multiple tries to get them to eat new foods. I know one of my guys rejects most foods the first time, and I also understand the frustration of buying them something only to have them spit it at you or throw it on the floor.

    I'm not trying to be critical of anyone here. I think what happens it that we (and I include myself in that) get into culinary ruts. My Dh is absolutely terrible about this. He gets up with the boys almost everyday for breakfast and gives them bananas, sausage, and tater tots. Sometimes he alters the tater tots with these (nasty) french toast sticks. He was telling me the other day he can't think of anything else, and we need to try something new. LOL! I got up with them today and gave them adult oatmeal--now why he could think of that who knows? And furthermore, the American diet is pretty boring, when it comes to veges anyways. Just go to the canned vegetable aisle, and 90% of what's there is green beans, corn, peas, carrots, and spinach. I know if I go down the list of veges I've only given my boys avacados (in guacamole), green beans (which one of them throws), carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, swiss chard, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, black beans, pinto beans, and black eyed peas. Oh, and lettuce from my salad, which they also spit out.

    There are so many other things on that list that I need to try--beets, artichokes, lentils, and so on.
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